Sometimes watching is enough to be turned on – 01

This Story is part of Watch me Series

And of course, I already knew what my answer was going to be before I even arrived back home again. Anxious to return the following day, now more so, than ever.


I was a little surprised to find the trimmer leaning against the garage again, waiting for me. Along with a small note which she’d taped to the handle. Saying simply, “Come inside when you’re done here.”

At least trimming was the easier part, and it took me less than an hour to finish up. I put the trimmer back into the shed again, and then as she asked, stepped up to the back door porch way, knocking of course before letting myself in. Doing that wasn’t new, pretty much a standard routine whenever I’d been invited inside before, usually to get a drink or to use the restroom.

And usually too, she met me coming just then into the kitchen area, but not today. I called out. “Mrs. Ann?” And then amended that, taking a chance, and then saying “Helen?” Instead. I’m pretty sure she heard me the first time, though only when I’d used the name Helen did I hear the sound of her voice calling me from somewhere ahead. Her home was just one level, though spacious enough, with at least two or more bedrooms down a rather long hallway leading off the main living room. I heard her voice calling out to me from there.

“Down the hall Jason, turn right at the end of the hallway.” I passed by the bathroom I had actually been in before, so I was deeper now into her home than I had ever been before. And though I am sure the hallway wasn’t nearly as long as I sort of see it and imagine it now, I know it felt like it. Though I am sure it was only seconds before actually reaching it, turning…and then once again stopping dead in my tracks when I did.

Her bedroom door was wide open. And the way her bed sat inside the room, she was facing me. Facing me while laying on it, once again fully naked. This time she didn’t need to beckon me to come forward, I just sort of automatically did so, thought stopping short just inside the door as I entered the room. She already had one hand working her pussy, and as she (I think) had guessed, the other already playing with and manipulating her tit.

“You can sit down this time, if you want to Jason,” she indicated, now pointing towards one of two matching chairs she had in her bedroom. I took the closest one to me of course, though in truth, the other would have provided a better angle perhaps had I taken it instead.

“So, tell me Jason…truthfully. What did you do when you arrived home yesterday after leaving here?”

Was she actually asking me if I’d jerked off? Which of course I had done, though not until much later after everyone had gone to bed.

“Well, I first picked up and cleaned my room…” I began, receiving a look from her upon saying that.

“You know what I mean Jason.” And of course I did. “Did you…play with yourself?” She pressed, her fingers suddenly worming around a bit more than they had been, along with the fingers now pinching and pulling on one of those amazingly hard nipples of hers.

“Yes. Yes I did,” I managed to confirm, swallowing a bit, and once more feeling the erection inside my pants growing again. There was no way of stopping it, but apparently, she hadn’t meant for me to.

“And what did you think about while you were touching yourself?” She asked again, her tone of voice suddenly a bit softer, a bit husky perhaps as her level of arousal climbed.

“About you,” I offered, though again receiving another ‘look’ from her. And as I did, seeing both of her hands stopping, moving away as she actually sat up.

“I figured that much,” she said with a totally different tone of voice. “Maybe I need to be a little clearer here,” she told me. “If you want to see more of what you saw yesterday, then you need to be as candid with me vocally, as I’m with you visually. So when I ask you what you were thinking about, I’m talking specifics here. I want you to tell me what you were imagining while you were jacking off. There…that is a little clearer for you?”

I don’t know if I merely nodded my head, or actually said yes, but she lay back in the bed once again, this time bending her legs at the knee, spreading herself even more obscenely than I’d seen the day before.

“I was thinking about your tits, and what I’d like to be doing to them,” I began.

“Go on,” she moaned. “Tell me more…specifically.”

“How I wish I could suck them, and pull on them with my fingers the way you were doing.”

“You mean like this?” She asked, now using both hands to pull on her nipples simultaneously. “So you liked that huh? You like watching the way I play with my nipples then.”

“Yes…yes I do,” I confirmed, once again swallowing, feeling the almost painful press of my erection inside my pants.

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