Something special beyond my home – 4

“Something special beyond my home” Part-4 Continues…..

“Oh jim! Your dick feels so damn good inside me!” she said. Hearing her say that when unlike her sister, she was more vocal in the moaning/groaning department rather than actually speaking the words. But perhaps having heard Thomas saying so much as of late, her own shy inhibitions were finally giving way. “God, I love how this feels inside me, your hard fucking cock, stroking…no, fucking! My pussy! My cunt!” she cried out deliriously, actually laughing in glee now as she began rising up and down upon me with ever quickening speed.

Lucy and Thomas still caressing her, playing with her breasts, sometimes reaching around to tickle stroke, or caress her clit as well as my cock as I lay there beneath her, enjoying the sensation of my prick sliding in and out of that sweet heavenly passage.

Olive’s cunt was getting wetter and wetter and wetter. I’d actually begun to feel the spray of pussy spittle’s landing against my chest and thighs, the slap of flesh against flesh adding to the erotic sensuality of our coupling. The visual…Thomas and Lucy leaning over to suck on her bouncing breasts or simply holding them fondling her incredibly hard nipples.

“Cum on him honey!” Thomas urged. “Cum on that nice hard fucking cock!”

“Oh God!”

“That’s it mom…mommy, ride that dick, ride, fuck, hump Uncle jim’s nice hard cock!”

“Fuck!” I moaned pleasurably hearing these three lovely, naked, and horny women as they spoke, olive’s pussy sucking my prick so deep inside her hot snatch that I was hovering on the edge myself once again, only seconds away now from shooting another hard-felt load of cum into that fiery hot cunt of hers.

The only warning I got from Olive was the actual gush of her orgasm itself. Losing her voice, perhaps even her thoughts, her face suddenly screwed up in one of the most pleasurable grimaces I’d ever seen. The moment I saw her do that, I then felt this incredible surge of liquid bliss suddenly bathing my cock, pouring out of her now like someone had turned on the water faucet.

“Shit! I’m gonna…”

Olive leapt from my cock faster than I or anyone else thought possible just as I cried out the last word just before my own explosive climax.


She had to have been still cumming herself even as her mouth suddenly surrounded my prick. I could feel the continued gush of her pussy, the cascade of spurts still bathing my balls just as my prick began to jettison a torrent of spunk inside her hungrily sucking mouth. I could even feel fingers now playing in the deluge behind, whether they were my wife’s or Lucy’s, I had no idea,

but even that sensation seemed to add to the incredible ecstasy the two of us were then feeling. I felt hands still working olive’s pussy from behind, fingers fondling my slick balls, olive still sucking my prick through the pulsating squirts had finally begun to diminish, though not yet in pleasurable intensity as she drained every last drop out of the head of my prick.

“Damn!” I moaned, now feeling a bit sensitive, giggling like a girl as an olive finally released me from her mouth, sitting up, rolling off me and collapsing by my side.

“That was fucking…hot!” Lucy stated emphatically. “Wow mom…you soaked everything! That was awesome!”


A short while later, Thomas and I stumbled back up the stairs to our bedroom, collapsing and falling immediately to sleep afterwards. We had left Lucy and Olive holding onto one another there in the den where they’d decided to remain and likewise fall asleep.

I know I didn’t dream, too exhausted and too content to have done so, but I woke in the morning wondering if I was as I felt the sensation of a warm mouth lovingly sucking my prick. As awareness took hold, I opened my eyes looking down at my wife as she lazily ran her tongue up and down the length of my surprisingly hard shaft.

“Uh…um, good morning,” I said grinning looking at her through still sleepy eyes. “Someone’s certainly in a good mood this morning,” I then added.

She smiled, looking up at me between my legs, looking more beautiful than I think I’d ever seen her, disheveled hair and all. “In a good mood…and in a horny mood too,” she winked, still licking.

“Obviously!” I sighed pleasurably smiling back.

“Well, don’t get too comfy or into this,” she suddenly told me. “But I wanted to make sure I had your total undivided attention. We still need to talk!”

I sat up resting myself on my elbows. “This sounds serious, although since you’re still licking my dick, I can’t think it’s going to be too bad,” I said though now wondering and curious what it was she felt we needed to talk about.

“It is serious, well sort of anyway…but I wanted to tell you something, hear what you had to say before things go any further around here,” she told me. I’d actually been expecting that, though to be perfectly honest, I’d thought this would have been a discussion we should have had long before now.

“Shoot!” I said sitting up even more as Thomas retreated, letting go of my dick and now sitting up straight herself facing me.

“Obviously you know how much I care about my sister…as well as my niece. And I know that you care about both of them just as much as I do.” It was a rhetorical statement, and one that she only needed to see me nod my head in agreement with, which I did. “They’re family…and as long as they’re living here with us, perhaps even more so,” she explained though I was still not quite following along here. Yes…they certainly were family, though as I sat there, the family activities we’d suddenly found ourselves enjoying together might not be the sort normally accepted either.

“Go on…”

“I know we talked about this, and came to mutual agreement on it, that my sister and my niece are welcome to live with us as long as they need to. But…”

“But?” Thomas glowered at me and then continued.

“But…I don’t want either one of them, or us for that matter, to feel uncomfortable while they are. I want them to feel like this is their home, every bit as much as ours.”

I still wasn’t sure where my wife was going with this, though I could only assume what it was she was getting at. “Honey, I can assure you…I promise I will behave myself around your sister and your niece, I won’t even try to do…”

“You’re not listening,” she said, shutting me up. I could only sit there, totally confused as I looked at her. She smiled at that and continued on. “What I don’t want is for things to stop being the way they were for us either just because they’re living here. They’re not guests, they’re family…our family, and for a while a part of us, a part of everything we are, everything we do. And that means that I want you to treat my sister, my niece, the exact same way you treat me. I think Olive needs to see that, to feel that…and so does Lucy!”

“So in other words, if I’m feeling in a playful or frisky mood, and feel like reaching out and grabbing one of their boobs or something, that it’s ok to go ahead and do it?”

Something special beyond my home – 4 will continue on the next page

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