Sister’s successful and unusual modelling – part 1

“It’s a huge honor to meet you. Really. But what’s a fashion company like yours doing filming a blowjob on the beach?”

“We’re not a porn company,” he said defensively. “We don’t distribute porn, and we never do well. They’re newlyweds. And they’ve hired our best photographer for a romantic shoot. That’s all.”

“I’ve done some modeling work before. Do you think we can meet your photographer and look at your set-up? I’d love to see how you operate.”

“And why should I allow that?”

Ruby thought for a moment. “I think we can help each other. You see, I know a lot about modern techniques in regards to computer enhancements and so forth. I can help make those blowjob pictures even more gorgeous. And I can teach it to your crew. I’ve gotten high marks in the art academy.”

“What do you want in return? An internship in San Francisco?”

“That sounds good. I mean if you think I’m a good fit.”

Gustafson thought hard and gave a sharp stare. “Okay, that sounds like a fair deal. We’ll see what you can do. If you’ve got skills, then maybe we can collaborate. I’m always looking for new talent.”

A broad smile appeared on Ruby’s face.


The siblings were allowed to enterMax’s villa. As it turned out, he was on a work-vacation. He enjoyed the beach view. And he also assisted some clients who wanted romantic pictures taken. In a way, helping couples was a chance forMax to enhance his game and try new things. He was always looking for new ways to stay innovative.

Ruby and Bryson got to meet the young newlywed couple after they went back inside the villa. It was awkward for the siblings, given what they saw. But the couple didn’t seem embarrassed at all. They were proud of the explicit pictures they had taken.

Later, Ruby put a few touches on the photographs using the computer. She made the images look more appealing by enhancing certain colors and using nice shading. Everyone in the room seemed impressed by Ruby’s skills.

“Well done,”Max said. “You did a nice job.”

“Thank you,” she smiled.

The newlyweds and photographer also complimented Ruby on the beautiful enhancements.

After a while, the newlywed couple left, and so did the photographer. It was a beautiful day and no one wanted to be stuck editing photographs any longer.

“I’ve got good news, and not-so-good news,”Max said.

Ruby nodded. “Let’s hear it.”

“I’ve been texting with the manager of our San Francisco division, and we’ve just finished a new round of hiring. We’ve already got enough art people, probably from the same art academy that you currently attend.”

“Oh,” she replied with a sad voice.

“The good news is, I like you. You’ve got talent, and you’ve got moxie. You’re a pretty cool chick.”


“So how about a modeling gig?” he offered. “I think you look good. You’ve got a natural spark which many people find appealing. That is, of course, if you’re interested.”

“You bet!” she said with a sudden burst of energy. “I’ve done some modeling work for a part time job. So I know the drill.”

“Do you have a portfolio?”

“I do, but I didn’t bring it. I have some pictures on my phone. Professional stuff that was shot in a studio. Hang on a sec.”

Ruby reached for her phone and searched through it. Then she showed a few pictures of herself toMax, who examined it very carefully.

“Very nice. Cute face, nice body, and you’ve got a sassy attitude. Why don’t you come back tomorrow when the photographer is here? We’ll take some nice pictures of you and see where things go from there.”

“Sounds great.”

They all shook hands, and the siblings left.


“Can you believe that?” Ruby beamed while walking on the beach towards the family villa. “I mean, wow, I might actually have a chance to work for Buckle Fashion.”

“I can’t believe I actually saw all that stuff.”

She squinted at her brother. “You’re a virgin, aren’t you?”

“No,” he scoffed. “Of course not.”

“Don’t bullshit me, Bryson. You were like a zombie looking at those adult photos. A sex crazed college student sex-obsessed zombie. It was like there was nothing else on your mind. Admit it, you’re a virgin.”

He huffed, “So what if I am?”

“There’s nothing wrong with that. I think it’s great that you’re saving yourself for marriage.”

“It’s not that.”

“So you’re looking, but you’ve had no luck,” she replied.


“You’re a handsome guy Bryson. And your personality ain’t bad. You’ll find someone soon enough.”

“Thanks, I guess.”

Day 2

After breakfast, the parents began to socialize with the other adults in the nearby villas. That gave Ruby the perfect excuse to leave and do her own thing. But of course, she had to take her brother with her. There was no way around that.

She had tied her hair in a nice ponytail, and she wore her best bikini, with a large white T-shirt over it.

The siblings walked alongside the shore again, towardsMax’s private villa.

“How come we can’t admit that I’m your brother?” Bryson asked. “It’s pretty unusual pretending to be your boyfriend.”

“I know, but I had to make a split-second decision. If he knew that you’re my brother, he might not have let us join. After all, they were taking sex pictures. Who would let a pair of siblings look at sex pics together? That’s just weird. So it’s better if he thinks that we’re dating instead.”

“That makes sense,” Bryson nodded.

“Plus Buckel Fashion Works are known for their sensual and sometimes erotic images.Max might have been too creeped out to let a brother & sister look at any of his photos.”

“I can’t say I’d blame him. But like I said, it’s unusual pretending to be your boyfriend.”

Ruby stopped walking and looked at her brother seriously. There was a no-nonsense expression on her face.

“Listen, I really want to work for that company,” she said. “It’s my dream to work for them. I love their work. So please, don’t screw this up for me.”

“I’ll be on my best behavior.”

“Good. And be forewarned, their pictures are edgy and artsy. Don’t be surprised by what you see.”

“We’ve already seen a lady suck her husband’s dick yesterday,” he replied.

“I know. But this is different. I want to become a model for them. Hopefully, that’ll lead to a designing job in the future. Remember, I’m desperate to work for them, okay? Don’t forget it.”

“Got it.”


The siblings met withMax along with the Italian photographer (who didn’t speak a word of English) outside the villa. They had a brief conversation sitting around a table drinking lemonade. Ruby was asked about her goals and passions.

She explained that she had always been attracted to the world of fashion. She further explained that she was attracted to the artistry and freedom of that industry. She talked about all the different courses she had taken at the art academy, and which ones she excelled in.

“You sound like the type of person we’re looking for,”Max said. “Now let’s begin the shoot. I’m sure your boyfriend will enjoy watching.”

“I’m sure he will.”

Ruby gave her brother a playful wink.

“Also, keep in mind that I don’t always make the final decision when it comes to hiring. I’ll send these pictures to San Francisco, and they’ll decide.”

“That sounds good,” Ruby smiled.

Also read: After hours with strange erotic dining – part 1

“Great. I’m sure they’ll love you. If not, they’ll find something else for you to do if there’s a future opening.”

“I really look forward to helping this company in any way possible.”

Gustafson nodded. “That’s the attitude I like. Now let’s get started.”


They all went to the beach together, right by the ocean waves.

Ruby had removed her T-shirt and modeled in her bikini. She struck different poses for the Italian photographer while Bryson andMax just watched.

She was a natural at posing and modeling. There was a vibrancy about her. Her love-for-life attitude made her even more attractive than she already was.

Then, the Italian photographer spoke.

Sister’s successful and unusual modelling contract – part 1 will continue in the next page.

Series NavigationSister’s successful and unusual modelling – part 2 >>

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