Should you want to see mine – 9

“Should you want to see mine” Part-9 Continues….

When we’d heard the knock on the door, we both realized that we couldn’t very well hide what it was we’d been doing. It was too late for that. Nervous, hell…scared shitless even, I’d looked atXavier, that moment passing between us when we’d made the decision to accept whatever consequences came our way because of it.

After that brief moment of surprised shock, which we’d both fully expected, it was the sudden smile that came to mom’s face, which we hadn’t. For a moment I knowXavier and I were more confused than anything else, lying there beneath the covers totally naked, holding hands.

“Well, I guess I shouldn’t be all that surprised,” mom said, closing the door behind her as she leaned against it looking down at us. “To be honest, I’ve been expecting it, and surprised it hadn’t happened before now. I’ve seen it coming, even though I don’t think the two of you did, so I honestly figured it was only a matter of time.” Mom then stepped over towards the bed sitting down at the end looking at us for a moment. “I am going to ask you to do something for me though,” she said , waiting expectantly.

“What?”Xavier managed to ask though I heard a bit of a tremble in her voice as she said it. She was still nervous and more than a bit caught off guard by mom’s revelation.

“Although I expected it, and as I said, not too terribly surprised, I know your father will be. So what I’m going to ask you to do, as hard and as difficult as it might be, especially now, is to NOT tell him, not yet anyway. If you can, I’d rather he not learn about this until after the two of you have moved out.

Perhaps then we can slowly warm him up to the idea. Not only that, it will give the two of you a chance to think it through yourselves. You might find that in time that this won’t work, though you might also find that it will. I think until the two of you know for sure, one way or the other, that it’s best to not yet concern or worry your father over it. For the moment at least, I’d ask that you keep this a secret just between the three of us.”

Mom stood and headed back towards the door after getting our assurance that we’d do that, keeping our newfound relationship a secret for the time being at least.

“We’re going to go for a drive around the lake sometime after breakfast,” she informed us. Her smile told us there was a hidden agenda to that as well. “There’s a special place we used to go,” she hinted. “Thought we’d go up there and spend some time together in the afternoon. While we are, that should at least give the two of you time to enjoy yourselves as well. Just make sure that any evidence,” she emphasized suggestively, “is cleaned up and taken care of by the time we return. Other than that, just be careful, and don’t do anything stupid or foolish either.”

We both knew what she meant by that too. “We won’t,” I assured her. Mom smiled once again and put her hand on the door knob.

“Your father will be up soon, breakfast is almost ready, so if you wouldn’t mind…” she said leaving off, and then stepped back out into the hallway, closing the door firmly behind her once again when she left.

The one very strange thing about all this was, I was hard as a fucking rock! I am sure it was a mixture of the intensity of mom’s walking in and finding the two of us in bed together, naked as she sat talking to us, basically giving us her blessing at least to continue to explore our relationship. Something I now knew I had every intention of doing. Holding my sister’s hand, I now pulled it over towards me, placing it on my hard stiff prick.

“Robbie!” she squealed, yanking her hand away, not in disgust certainly, but knowing full well how aroused I was at the moment, though with mom’s reasonable warning to us, she wasn’t about to go against her wishes either. “You’ll just have to wait until after they go for their own little drive,” she said coquettishly, “But after they do…you can do whatever you want with me!” She promised suggestively.

Kris hurriedly dressed after that, and then slipped out of my bedroom back into hers to change clothes and head out to help mom with the breakfast. I lay there, my hand once again wrapped about my own cock, more fondling and playing with it than having the intent to make myself cum. There was plenty of time for that later, and I smiled knowing that we were going to share a very erotic, very sensual day together. I soon rolled out of bed, dressed,

and headed out into the kitchen. I found that I was famished, walked out, gave mom a kiss on the back of her neck which caused her to giggle almost like a teenager herself, though she shooed me away from her shortly after that, reminding me to behave myself. The three of us were still sharing secretive looks and glances when dad made his way down for breakfast, though mom once again gave us both a couple of warning looks in addition to those.

I felt like a kid about to go out on his first date with the promise of delights in store afterwards. The moment mom and dad had driven off, I grabbed up a large fluffy blanket after having first taken off all my clothes.

“What are you doing?”Xavier asked curiously, seeing me suddenly naked and holding nothing more than a blanket in my arms.

“We’re going for a short little walk…naked,” I grinned at her. “So come onXavier, take off your clothes, mom and dad might have just left, but I really don’t want to waste a lot of precious time either!”

Although hesitant at first,Xavier ran back into her room and came out a moment later just as naked as I was. “This feels really…really…naughty,” she giggled once again taking my hand as we headed outside into the warm sunshine together.

“Yes, it does, and that’s the whole point,” I said, grinning at her. We didn’t walk far, the cabin well within sight as we made our way down towards the lake, stopping just short of it in a small little swell where wild grass grew thick, and the soft sandy beach wasn’t so far away that we couldn’t run down to it, and from there into the lake for a swim if we chose to do so.

I spread our blanket down on the grass, and then invitedXavier to lie down beside me. The moment she did, I rolled over on top of her, where we simply kissed for a very long time, though my cock once again gave away my arousal. Even with it as stiff and hard as it was, I was in no rush to satisfy its want, nor wasXavier either. We took delight in the simple playfulness of the moment and of our time together, as a short time later we stood, once again hand in hand and ran down to the lake.

Though the water was reasonably warm from the hot sun, it still took us both a few moments to get used to it. Wading out until we were both waist deep, I stood looking down atXavier’s amazing breasts. I saw a flood of goose bumps running up and down her arms, across her chest, in particular where her twin, now very hard and very erect stiff nipples stood out so invitingly. Reaching out, I traced one of those precious little points with my finger tip,

seeing the pleasure inXavier’s eyes as I did so, keeping it light, playful but oh so very, very sensual at the same time. She moaned delightedly, moaning again as I brought up my second hand adding another finger to the simple dance on and about her hard puckered areolas. As aroused as she was, and having gotten used to the water now, her goose bumps slowly began to fade, though her nipples remained about as hard and firm as I’d ever seen them.

I was surprised whenXavier unexpectedly pulled away, reached down, and then splashed me thoroughly with water, scooping it from the lake and throwing it at me. Squealing, she turned almost immediately trying to run away.

I chased her, quickly catching her before she could however, now grabbing her from behind, my lips coming down to half bite her neck, hands once again reaching around her to capture her twin full orbs imprisoning them, scissoring her nipples between my fingers as I held her there, pressing into her from behind.

I could feel the press of my rock hard dick against her bare ass, just as she could of course, causing her to slowly rotate herself back against it. Letting go of one of her breasts, I reached down, quickly finding her slit, which even in the water was slick, allowing my finger a quick teasing penetration of her sex before lifting it to then tease her hard little knot.

Kris turned back around facing me, her hand rapidly locating my stiff prick, stroking it. My hand, once again down between her legs, again worming inside her, feeling her slickness, her heat as I slowly finger-fucked her there in the water as we stood peering into one another’s eyes.

“Come on, I want to eat you,” I said, looking into her depths. Without another word, she reached for my hand, leading me out of the water and back up to the beach, and then on to the blanket we had warming, waiting for us beneath the bright sunshine.

“Robbie, I want you to do whatever you want to do to me, as often as you want, however you want it. I want to experience anything, and everything with you,” she told me. “And not just here either, but after…after when we get back, after we return to our friends and to our lives.”

I knew there was much we still needed to discuss and talk about, and we would. I think we both knew this was still all too new to make any long lasting decisions about, or commitments regarding. But it was a start, something we’d both now come to accept as something we wanted to explore, even if in the end, it proved to be too insurmountable an obstacle for either one of us to overcome. At the moment however, none of that mattered. Only her sweet succulent lips as she lay down, so wantonly, almost obscenely spreading herself as I stood there looking down at her.

“I love feeling like this when I’m with you,” she told me. “I don’t know how to explain it or describe it Robbie. Maybe it’s wrong, maybe it isn’t, but whatever it is, I love this naughty, even dirty feeling I have. I feel wicked, hot…horny, insatiable, all of those things, and I like it. I like laying here spreading myself open, having you looking at me, seeing me as I pull my lips a part, letting you see inside me, knowing you will soon be thrusting your hard fucking cock so deep inside my pussy.”

“Not before I have tasted you,” I interjected, now kneeling down between her wide-spread legs, still looking at her glistening wet cunt, the moisture certainly not from the lake as I ran my tongue up her succulent tasting split, the sweetness of her nectar clinging to the tip of my tongue as I flicked it against that tiny hard little nubbin, causing her to cry out involuntarily with pleasure.

There is simply no way to adequately describe how I felt. I was drunk on her cunt. I wanted to turn cannibalistic and devour her from the inside out. I nipped her lips, not quite causing her pain, but enough to cause her to squirm, thrashing beneath me wildly, wantonly, and passionately. Hearing her groans of pure pleasure,

Should you want to see mine – 9 will continue on the next page

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