Sales team and confidential deal – part 2

This Story is part of Sales team with confidential deals Series

She looked confused until I said, “You can get your robe out of the office. This is your bedroom.”

She stared at me and her eyes became teary. Two hours later we left the bedroom and made breakfast. We never left the apartment that Sunday, and barely left the bed—we couldn’t get enough of each other.

I will never forget the next three months of my life; it was a rollercoaster of selling, sex, and relationship growth.

I only sold it now and she handled all the installation and support. I had forgotten how much I loved to sell—to make that initial approach and convince my customer that what I had was a good product that worked for others and could work for him.

Jan loved her job and the customers loved Jan. A couple of times when Jan was overwhelmed I called the customer and suggested that I would come over. Inevitably they would say, “We’ll wait for Jan.”

I sat in the apartment on a late Saturday morning and Jan walked in. She grinned and said, “Hi.”

“Hi yourself,” I answered, “but no more working on weekends. That’s our time.”

“But it really was important. They needed…”

“Who’s the boss?” I teased gently.

She grinned, stood at attention with her breasts thrust out and gave me a mock salute. Minutes later we were fucking.

Our sex life was beyond description. After her initial hesitation Jan never looked back. She would try anything and everything with me. She was a talker and a screamer—I always knew what gave her pleasure—and kinky in her own little way.

One day we were lying in our sweat after an intense session and she shyly asked, “Do you ever want to do it in my ass?”

I admitted, “Of course I’ve thought about it, but I’ve never done it before. Have you?”

She shook her head no and nothing more was said until the following Saturday. I walked into the apartment with some groceries and she greeted me in shorts and a T-shirt. “How about a nooner,” she teased.

“Why not.”

She impishly grinned, “Meet you in the bedroom in five minutes.”

Five minutes later I walked into the bedroom. She was naked and kneeling on the bed with her face to the sheet so her ass was in the air. She had drawn red concentric circles around her ass like a target. It was obvious what the center of the target was even if there wasn’t a tube of lubricant laying on the bed. It was an interesting first attempt for both of us. Not without a little effort we both came.

We cleaned up afterward in the shower together and then headed for the bedroom for more sex. She was walking ahead of me and I started laughing. She asked, “What’s so funny?”

I answered, “What did you use to draw the target on your butt?”

She replied, “The red ink pen in the office.”

I started laughing harder. “You mean the indelible red ink pen in the office that will not come off.”

She looked horrified and then started laughing hysterically. “Just please fuck me good for my attempt to be creative.”

I did.

Jan’s personality always kept me off balance. Most people have a business face and a personal face. Jan’s was more than that. One day I bought three yellow roses from a peddler at a stoplight. When Jan came home the roses were in a small crystal vase on the kitchen table.

She stared at the flowers for a moment and then started crying. I hugged her until she stopped sobbing.

“You must think I’m crazy,” she blurted afterward. “Maybe I should see a shrink.”

“Maybe,” I said, “but first describe yourself to me.”


“Why not?”

“Well,” she began. “Whenever you do something nice for me like the flowers I keep thinking about how much I owe you and that without you, I would be nothing. You don’t know how desperate and depressed I was when we met. Except for my mom, nobody did anything for me, so I get emotional when you’re nice.”

“But you’re not emotional in business. You’re almost bossy.” I countered.

“That’s different, she replied. “I know I’m good at teaching people and I really like to work with them. It’s almost like I’m the boss, so I act that way.”

“And sex,” I teased.

She blushed and said, “That’s another difference. With you I feel I can do anything. I know I’m a little kinky, but you go along with it and pleasure me. Having sex takes me out of the real world and into my own little fantasy land. When I feel you in me or when you tease me so that I’m begging you to let me come I surrender control of my body to you. And then when I come I can’t describe how wonderful that is to me. I’m absolutely addicted to sex. Sometimes I feel guilty later that I was selfish and didn’t make you come enough.

I smiled at her, “You don’t need a shrink. What you just told me, the shrink would tell you. Don’t change.”

She hugged me and we cuddled for a while and then she reached for my belt buckle. She grinned impishly at me and said, “You told me not to change.”

It was a month later on a late Thursday morning when my cell phone rang; it was my administrative boss. He told me that the regional sales manager had come into town and wanted to meet me at the office. We agreed that I would be there at three o’clock.

I wasn’t worried. Our sales—I considered Jan a partner on everything we did—were going through the roof and we were putting in a lot of hours. A month previous Jan had written up ten suggestions to change our software to meet customer requests. She told me that she asked each customer to give her a wish list of things they would like our program to do. When a pattern became established, she wrote it down for me to forward to our Development Division.

I walked into the office a few minutes before three and was told they were waiting for me in the conference room. In the conference room there were two men. Roy Woodward was the regional sales manager; I knew his name and had read his memos, but had never met him. We shook hands and he introduced me to Leon Belton. Leon was older and grinned warmly when he shook my hand. Roy said, “Leon is Vice-President of marketing for the company William. We both wanted to talk to you.”

I was a little shaken. I was ready to talk to Roy, but Leon was a real heavy weight in the company.

Roy started, “William, your sales have skyrocketed and we want to pick your brain on what you are doing that most of our other sales people aren’t doing. We also wanted to thank you for the software error you spotted. You would think that a product that is three years old would be bug free, but you nailed it. Congratulations.”

“Well actually,” I replied, “Jan spotted that. She bet me it was a bug and she was right.”

“Jan is an employee of ours?” asked Roy.

“Well not exactly,” I hedged. “I was showing her the program and gave her some test problems to work on and she spotted it.”

“Then she’s a customer?” said Roy.

“No, she’s a friend of mine that I was showing the program to,” I answered.

“Oh,” said Roy, still obviously confused.

“In any case,” he continued, “Development really liked those ten suggestions you sent us last month. They think it will help our product a lot.”

I paused for a second and then thought, “What the hell…why not?”

I said, “Well actually, those were Jan’s ideas that I sent you.”

“Jan again,” said Roy, really confused now.

Leon interrupted and asked, “And if we got into why your sales took off, would we hear this name “Jan” again?”

“Yes you would,” I answered.

Where is Jan now?” asked Roy.

“She’s with one of my new customers. They were having some problems and Jan went over there to help them out. You see…”

Leon interrupted me and asked, “Is there any reason you can’t call Jan now and have her meet us for dinner?”

“No, I think she’ll be free,” I answered.

I called Jan’s cell phone and she answered on the second ring. “Hi Jan, how’s it going?

She started talking and I interrupted, “Jan, would you join me for a business dinner tonight with my boss?”

She was quiet for a second and then asked, “Big boss? Should I try to impress him?”

I answered enthusiastically, “That would be great! How about we meet you at the Plaza Steak Room at…”

“Six-thirty,” said Leon.

“…at six-thirty.”

Jan said, “Good. That gives me time to go to the apartment and clean up and put some good stuff on. Are we in trouble?”

“No.” I said, not knowing if that was true or not. See you at six-thirty.”

I hung up the phone and looked at them. Leon, clearly taking over the meeting, said, “William we have a couple of hours so there is no rush. I want to know why you are selling more than anyone else in the company, and I want to know exactly where this Jan fits into it.”

So leaving out my original meeting with Jan and our relationship, I explained how over the months Jan and I became a selling team. Both of them had a lot of questions such as how many call backs per customer I or Jan made and how many hours we both put in a week.

At one point Leon asked, “Do you pay Jan a salary?”

“Well I pay for her monthly car rental, cell phone, clothes, expenses and stuff like that,” I answered.

“How about cash?” pushed Leon.

“Sure, she always has plenty of cash,” I hedged.

“Look, it’s a little difficult to explain. Jan had some personal and financial problems a while back and I helped get her back on her feet. She won’t take real money from me until she feels she’s paid me back.”

Leon dropped the subject and we went back to other areas. At six-thirty we were at the restaurant in a quiet corner. Jan walked in five minutes later and spotted us.

Sales team and confidential deal – part 2 will continue in the next page.

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