Promotion of Sophia with naked fortune – part 2

This Story is part of Promotion of Sophia with naked fortune Series

Sophia felt the biggest adrenaline rush of her life as she watched the audience applauding. The feeling was unexplainable. It was a surreal high. The nervous tension became sexual energy. Before she took the stage, her biggest fear was giving a speech while naked. At that very moment, her biggest fear was that her vaginal fluids might accidentally start dripping onto the stage.

Mr.Ethan took the microphone with a massive smile on his face.

“Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Sophia one more time,” he said exuberantly. “Wasn’t she amazing? What a woman. You’ll be seeing more of her during this retreat. What a woman. Take a bow, Sophia.”

Sophia did what the boss asked and playfully took a naked bow while the audience gave another round of applause. She realized that while she was bent over, her breasts would be hanging downwards for the audience to see, and that only excited her more.

When she left the stage, she was lavished with praise from colleagues, telling her what an amazing job she had just done. It was an incredible high. Public nudity was never a fantasy of hers, but this was thrilling. She couldn’t explain what she felt, but she knew she needed more of this drug, whatever it was.

Part 4 of 4: One Woman Show

The exhilarating feeling remained throughout the morning and early afternoon. An outdoor lunch was served to all of the attendees of the corporate retreat. Most of the women were naked, while most of the men wore casual clothing. The female nudity was a much welcomed break from the rigorous discussions being held.

Nudity became less of an issue for Sophia and it was something she had begun to embrace. It felt empowering to her, having the ability to turn heads everywhere she went. Most of the time she felt more like a nude model than a financial analyst.

She began to enjoy having powerful men admire her naked figure. It amused her seeing a man gaze at her breasts, then when she would look him in the eyes, he would immediately turn away. Her nudity had given her a newfound sense of confidence.

There was another outdoor break later in the afternoon. Sophia was once again the star of the show as people gathered around to meet her. They told her how beautiful she was. They told her that her brief speech was fun to watch. They told her that she looked great naked. She simply smiled back and accepted the gracious compliments.

“You’re all too kind,” she blushed to the group. “But please, my expertise is with numbers. I’m a numbers woman, that’s my job here.”

She saw the CEO wave at her from afar. He was signaling her to come over to him. He was speaking with a small group of wealthy looking individuals.

Sophia politely excused herself from the people she was speaking with and headed towards the boss’s location. It was their first meeting since introducing him at the start of the conference.

He stood near the water with a group of other men. Sophia approached them with more confidence than she could have ever imagined, given her unusual and undressed circumstance. She was anxious to hear what Mr.Ethan had to say. His trademark charming smile spoke for itself.

“There she is,” Mr.Ethan said to the group. “We’ve been waiting for a chance to talk with you. It seems you’re a busy woman this afternoon.”

“Apparently I’m a hit,” she smiled.

“You definitely are. Everyone has been talking about you.”

“Good things I hope.”

Mr.Ethan winked. “Sophia, I’d like to introduce you to my friends here. This is Joshua. He’s in charge of a German corporation which we’ve recently acquired. He’s a brilliant businessman. The other men are his associates. As you can tell, they don’t speak any English. But I’d be happy to translate.”

Sophia graciously smiled at the men and took turns shaking their hands.

“Nice to meet you all,” Sophia said, as Mr.Ethan translated.

Joshua spoke in German, and Mr.Ethan listened attentively.

“He says you’re the most beautiful American woman he’s ever seen,” Mr.Ethan said. “That’s quite a compliment from him, considering that Joshua has been with many women.”

Sophia blushed. “Please, thank him for me.”

Mr.Ethan translated, and Joshua gave a long reply in German.

“You’re in luck,” Mr.Ethan stated with a smile. “As it turns out, Joshua is a big fan of exhibitionist women. And he thinks you’re special. In fact, he thinks you’re worth a lot of money.”

Sophia was mildly mystified by the comment, but maintained her perfect smile at the gentlemen. She knew what they wanted. In her current state of undress, she should have expected it too.

“Tell him that I’m very well compensated,” she said, maintaining her smile. “We’re all here to do a job. I’m doing mine.”

“You’re doing your job exceptionally, Sophia. How would you feel about pushing the limits of your newfound exhibitionist ways?”

She gulped, “What did you have in mind?”

“Adding business-relations to your duties,” Mr.Ethan said vaguely, yet bluntly. “I’m sure you get the idea. Maybe Joshua and his friends can be the first to test these new services.”

Sophia was flabbergasted. Looking into their lustful eyes, she knew exactly what they wanted, and it wasn’t what she normally did for her work. In fact, it would be just the opposite.

“You’re not suggesting that I…”

“I’d like you to suck their cocks,” he replied nonchalantly. “Joshua is a very respectable man and he has many political connections in Europe. Connections which we need.”

“Do I have a choice?” she asked. “Is this part of my job now?”

“There’s always a choice. Consider this a bonus. Joshua has offered you a great deal of money and I’ll also be sure to compensate you. I really need this favor, Sophia.”

She was speechless for a moment. Sophia saw how serious Mr.Ethan was about the offer. She looked at Joshua and the other German businessmen, and they were grinning, waiting for their agreed upon sexual pleasure. It was obvious to Sophia that they were men who were used to getting what they wanted. And at that moment, they wanted Sophia’s mouth.

“You owe me for this,” Sophia said strongly to the boss. “I mean it.”

It was the first time in their relationship that Sophia held the cards and had the upper hand. It also dawned on her that this was the most stern she had ever been with a boss in her entire career, let alone the top boss of the company. This was her small way of taking control in an otherwise insane situation.

“I’m a man of my word. If you do me this favor, I’ll generously compensate you. Joshua’s political connections will do wonders for our company.”

“It better.”

Sophia got down on her knees. Being naked was already a lot to handle, but being on her knees was simply humiliating to another degree. The moment her knees touched the grass, a crowd began to form around her, making the humiliation even worse. She felt dozens upon dozens of eyes watching eagerly at her submissive posture.

The lead German businessman took a step forward and unzipped himself in front of Sophia’s face. She watched anxiously as he freed himself from his clothing. He reached inside of his pants and took out his semi-stiff erection, which had immediately piqued her attention, since it had been several long months since she was with a man.

Her dating life had become second place to her career, and now that she landed this promotion, ironically, things had come full circle. It was now her career that had given her a hard cock to suck.

She thought his penis looked nice. If it wasn’t for the growing crowd of people surrounding her, she would have been all over Joshua’s cock. But the humiliation of being watched by a large number of prominent business people made the experience degrading (at first).

Her hands were shaking when she reached out to touch his hard manhood. Her face quickly turned red. She stroked his cock for a while as she put on a brave face, so no one would know how truly embarrassed she was. She needed several deep breaths to calm herself down from the humiliating moment. Then she realized, the more she prolonged the moment, the more embarrassing it would be.

The job, like any other job and responsibility, had to be completed sooner or later.

Sophia opened her lips and leaned forward, taking the cock inside of her mouth. She heard the audience gasp in shock and amusement when she began to perform oral sex on the man she had never previously met before. Unlike her new office, she wondered if this crowd of people had become used to the sight of brazen sex acts. Judging by the gasps, she assumed not.

Promotion of Sophia with naked fortune – part 2 will continue in the next page

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