Overtime make me pleasure

This Story is part of Overtime Series

“Come with me?” She asked.

I knew what she was asking without needing to go into a lot of detail, I’d done it before. Since it was late at night, the only office lights that were on were the ones we absolutely had to have on in order to work by. In the far corner of the building where we worked, most of the lights were off, which is also where the bathrooms were. And not that we weren’t perfectly safe working there at night, the darkness for Kris was still a little unsettling, and she preferred it when I escorted her there and back. I didn’t mind, it gave us a chance to be together,

talk and enjoy one another’s company during the brief walks there and back. What I didn’t tell her however, was in the stillness of the night as I stood outside the bathroom doors waiting for her, I could still hear her pee. It was a silly thought perhaps as I stood there listening to her, but my mind wandering to the obvious fact that she was sitting there, shorts, or pants down around her knees, along with whatever thong she was wearing, as I’d once or twice noticed her wearing one whenever she’d bent over to lift up one of the bankers boxes we worked out of.

I would stand there entertaining myself, wondering what her pussy looked like as I listened to her peeing. Did she shave? Or if she didn’t, was her pubic hair dark or actually blonde like her hair? Silly thoughts, and certainly thoughts I’d never in a million years ever admit to having, but they would very often leave me with the beginnings of an erection that I’d often have to mentally fight down before she finished up and came back out.

I heard her flush, heard the sound of the water running, and then she stepped out of the bathroom where I stood waiting for her. The pRoblem was, now I had to pee, the running water triggering my own natural need.

“My turn,” I said easily, though the look in her eyes immediately gave me pause. Standing there in the dark, even though we both knew it was perfectly safe, I could still see her worried expression as she nodded her head. I then did something that surprised us both, I took her hand and led her into the men’s room.

“Come on, you can wait for me inside,” I told her. With partitions on either side of the urinals, I knew that Kris wouldn’t be able to see anything anyway, though obviously she’d be able to hear me just as easily as I’d been able to hear her even through the door. It didn’t bother me however,

and she actually looked relieved as she stood just inside the door nearer the sinks waiting for me to finish. I heard her laugh as I stood in front of the urinal, trying to coax myself to pee. I’d never been “pee-shy” before, but then again, I’d never tried peeing while someone, particularly a good looking girl, had stood waiting for me either.

“My being here makes you nervous?” she asked.

Part of the pRoblem however was that I’d had a bit of an erection just before coming in here, so that had delayed my being able to go for a moment. But now, standing there with my dick out, and the realization she was only a few feet behind me even though I couldn’t actually see her at the moment, had given it cause to stiffen a little rather than relaxing enough for me to go ahead and go.

“No, not really,” I told her. “Sometimes…it just takes a minute.” I continued to stand there with nothing happening, hearing her subtle giggle once again.

“Need some help?” she asked teasingly. Her question didn’t shock or surprise me, it was right in line with some of our flirtatious bantering back and forth before, though neither one of us as I’d said had ever acted on anything. Still feeling a bit nervous however, and somewhat embarrassed now as my prolonged delay while standing here merely made things worse, I answered back.

“That’s not the kind of help I’d prefer getting,” I said, following that up with a snicker of my own, though I then heard the movement of her feet coming up from behind me.

“Oh?” she said standing behind me now, I felt her actually pressed up against me as she said that looking over my shoulder. “What else did you have in mind?”

Now I was shocked. This had been about the boldest thing she had ever said or done before. Even more so as my prick was in fact much harder than it should have been, and getting more so as I stood there, especially with her obviously looking down and seeing it as I held it in my hand. It was then that I felt her hand reaching around. I felt myself go weak in the knees as she grasped it, forcing my hand away. I could feel her breath on the back of my neck, it was clearly evident that she was as excited as I was.

“I’ve always wanted to do this,” she said, “but never have.”

“What? You’ve never touched a guy’s dick before?” I asked half seriously trying to joke through my shock and nervousness.

“Not that!” she answered back laughing. “Just never held one while a guy was actually trying to pee,” she stated. “So…can you?”

“I think you just hit on the pRoblem,” I responded. “Trying to pee while a good looking woman holding onto your dick doesn’t make doing that any easier.”

“You really think I’m good looking?” she asked, still holding my cock. I could tell by the sound of her voice that she wasn’t kidding with me this time, she was actually very serious.

“I do yes…always have,” I freely admitted, my prick acknowledging that in confirmation, suddenly getting harder than it already was.

She stroked it. Her hand pulling down and then back up along my shaft, I felt the warmth of her palm as it encircled the head of my dick, squeezing it before sliding back down the length of it once again.

“Fuck, Kris!” I said actually reaching up to balance my hands on either side of the privacy partitions. “You’re driving me crazy here!” I told her. She laughed at that nervously.

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