Love from daughter, intercourse from son

Biting her lower lip, she managed to avoid making a fool of herself with a big orgasm, like she did in the lab. If either sibling had noticed her tremors, they kept that observation quiet. Roy and Carla finished at the same time and withdrew from Alice’s nurturing grasp as they let go of her nipples.

No words were exchanged between the mother and her adult children. This was strictly a family matter and the trio appeared to be in perfect sync with each other. Maternal pride prompted Alice to look from one sibling to the other and as she saw a small trickle of milk on the side of Carla’s mouth, she wiped it clean with her thumb. Old habits die hard.

Son’s Point of View: The Education

It was our first time going to the lab together as a family. By now, our tight-knit family had almost become accustomed to twice-a-day nursing on mom’s voluptuous breasts.

It always stayed ‘professional,’ as strange as that may sound. Mom was adamant that everything be done by the books, properly. I could tell how conflicted she was about the feeding. Each time she’d have the same tense expression on her face. But afterwards, it was followed by a look of immense relief.

My sister and I could tell that mom had orgasms, but we avoided conversation about that detail to spare ourselves the awkwardness.

Finally, the lab partially opened with only ‘essential’ employees present. It was quiet and we headed straight to the doctor’s office.

Reaching our destination, Dr. Joshua greeted us warmly with a strange expression of delight on her face. She was a middle-aged Ukrainian woman who looked incredibly professional and spoke graciously. Plaques and awards decorated her wall, so she was clearly involved in important work.

Mom handed the doctor small storage bags full of chilled milk she had collected before Carla and I helped with lactation. The doctor immediately had an assistant take them away, putting them into an industrial grade laboratory refrigeration unit.

“Thank you for the milk,” Dr. Joshua said with her lovely Eastern European accent. “You look glowing and radiant, even more since the last we met.”

Blushing, mom appreciated the comment and we were all formally introduced.

After spending a moment getting to know each other, we went inside the doctor’s office (at her insistence) and she closed the door for privacy. My sister and I sat on the seats. Meanwhile, mom sat on the exam table while the doctor prepared to conduct a medical examination.

“You’re very lucky having these helpers,” Dr. Joshua smiled, washing her hands with soap, then drying them with a paper towel.

Mom returned the smile, “Well, I’m very blessed in that regard. It’s been quite a journey to say the least.”

The doctor stood in front of mom and stared deeply into her eyes. It felt oddly intimate.

“It’s time for your exam, Alice. Based on everything you’ve told me, I’m sure you must feel comfortable exposing your breasts in front of Roy and Carla. Do you mind if we begin?”

“Go right ahead,” my mother said quietly.

This time we had an audience and even though Dr. Joshua was a medical professional, it still felt awkward.

“Excellent. Now, tell me how your breasts are feeling?”

As Dr. Joshua spoke, she casually unbuttoned mom’s blouse, as if nudity amongst family was so natural. Mom’s bra was exposed and she seemed to breathe a little faster.

“They feel constantly swollen,” mom admitted. “Your advice on having Roy and Carla becoming my assistants was extremely helpful. At-home breast pumps are practically useless; but their mouths are very efficient.”

The doctor nodded before removing mom’s bra and revealing her milk-filled breasts. She then reached into her pocket and removed a small measuring tape.

“Let’s see if there have been any changes in your dimensions, since your last visit.”

Dr. Joshua held the free end of the tape to one side of mom’s left nipple and measured the size of her dusky nub. She then repeated the process on the right.

“Hmm, your nipples have grown in size.”

Then the tape was used to measure the size of mom’s areolas.

“Oh my. This could be a very interesting turn of events.”

The excited Ukrainian woman walked over to a storage cabinet and removed a device that looked a lot like a typical kitchen scale. She went back to mom and lifted my mother’s right breast and put it on the scale. The weight was recorded on a ledger, then the left breast was weighed.

“This might be a major breakthrough. Your breasts are much heavier. Perhaps human saliva on the nipple augments the medication. The question is, does it need to be genetically compatible saliva?”

“I know it’s plausible. Since I started breastfeeding, there have been more changes with my body.”

Dr. Joshua tapped her right index finger against her chin, while deep in thought. She seemed to settle on a new theory, which made us all uncomfortable.

“How about sexually? Has breastfeeding helped with the increased sexual needs you experienced?”

Mom fidgeted before answering. “Nothing has changed in that regard. I still have these strong urges, but I’ve been able to keep everything under control for the sake of Roy and Carla.”

“I disagree. It’s fundamentally important to our research that your hormones lead the way, because we also need to understand your mental/physical connection. You agreed to that when signing on for the study. Now, tell me the truth, Alice. Did you climax while your son and daughter drank from your breasts?”

Mom nervously looked at Carla and me. “I think I was able to hide it. I doubt they even noticed what I was doing at the time. But yes, it happened on several occasions.”

At that moment, I wondered if mom was living in a hormonal fog to think I hadn’t noticed her orgasm on the couch twice a day. It wasn’t just the smell of her needy pussy that caught my attention. Her body practically convulsed every time she came. Sometimes, she had two or even three climaxes per breastfeeding session.

Mom was pretty unsettled and I felt sorry for her. Unfortunately, Dr. Joshua was just getting started with this line of questioning.

“Roy, let’s start with you. Tell me, did you notice your mother having orgasms while you fed from her breasts?”

Feeling embarrassed, I managed to mumble, “Uh, no..?”

Dr. Joshua’s face reflected skepticism and she continued to probe.

“I’ll take that as a ‘yes.’ Now be completely honest, did you become aroused when breastfeeding from your mother?”

How could I admit that when I finished suckling on her tits, I’d go back to my room and masturbate? I don’t know if it was the taste of her breast milk, watching her give into strong sexual urges, or the aroma of pussy juice that worked like a powerful aphrodisiac, but I jacked off thinking about all three. Hopefully, she hadn’t seen the bulge in my pants that appeared every time she bared her titties.

“No, I’ve never done that,” I fibbed. “It was always professional.”

I briefly glanced at mom and noticed she was rolling her eyes. Had she noticed my erections?

“Roy, honey, it’s important to be honest,” mom gently chided. “Scientific research depends on good data. If I can do this, so can you. Go ahead and tell Dr. Joshua that you masturbated after every session.”

“Mom, that’s private,” I gasped.

She huffed, “You were practically bursting out of your pants every single time. That’s hardly private. Plus you scurried to your room after feeding and closed the door. What else would you be doing?”

“Ok, fine… I got hard from drinking mom’s breast milk. What else could I do? Mom’s nipples are epic.”

Dr. Joshua was busy recording the conversation in a notebook. Thankfully, she didn’t even glance my way during the exchange.

Then, the doctor turned her attention to Carla, who seemed overly interested in the diplomas displayed on the wall during my interrogation.

“How about your daughter?” the doctor asked. “Does she get aroused during the feedings? Does she masturbate like her brother?”

Carla’s head jerked up and she grimaced in shame. I sat back in a chair, ready to watch the show continue now that I was off the hot seat. Mom seemed more uneasy with that question.

“Yes, Carla also gets aroused,” mom said. “She’s just better at hiding it.”

My sister looked like a deer in the headlights. “Mom, how do you know?”

“Sweetie, you finger yourself every time your mouth latches onto my nipple. I’m your mother; I know these things. It’s natural. Don’t be embarrassed by your sexual urges.”

Love from daughter, intercourse from son will continue in the next page.

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