I never forget this enjoyment journey

“And…for each of you who are, they will of course be given a hundred dollar voucher which can be used downstairs in the ship’s casino,” he informed everyone. “So…for those of you bold enough to come out here and dance, or rather fuck…” he again paused, “and still make it look like dancing,” he added amongst renewed laughter, “please, pick a partner, even if it’s not your own, and come up here and entertain the rest of us shy inhibited types!”

I wasn’t too surprised when Nova made no motion to go up and dance, though neither had Beverly and Frank either. But surprisingly, a great many couples did, including Jocelyn, the big nippled gal whose breasts I’d had the pleasure of feeling pressed against my back earlier. What was a surprise however, was that she stepped out onto the floor with an entirely different guy, other than the one she’d been sitting with.

It quickly became obvious this one would be an unusually long dance, especially as the band started off very slowly. In a lot of cases, the gowns the women had worn or come in with earlier didn’t make it all that easy to actually fuck there on the floor. Many had been forced to remove their panties, if they’d been wearing any altogether. But more than one couple actually came out onto the floor entirely naked, receiving a smattering of appreciative applause as they did.

And just as he said he would, as the music began, the MC wandered about the sea of couples ensuring that they were indeed connected. In some cases, it was clearly obvious. One or two couples simply lay down on the floor going at it right in front of everyone, as others danced by trying to be careful and not accidentally step on them. Others…the MC had to lift a piece of material here and there, and then more specifically look, though he quite often made a show of it, directing everyone’s attention towards him, only then pointing out the evidence that indeed the couple was engaged in having sex.

“Look over there at Jocelyn!” I observed drawing our group’s attention towards her. “Would you look at that!” She had gone out onto the floor with a very rugged looking, very handsome guy. He was strongly built, bronze skinned, 

and now stood before her entirely naked as she helped to finish stripping him right there on the floor. (We would later learn this was in fact Gregory, the day steward on our side of the ship). At the moment, Jocelyn was helping to fit a condom over his prick, only just then managing to roll it entirely down over the length of his rock hard shaft.

“Now I know what the party favors are for!” I announced fingering one of the packets that sat inside one of the table decorations there in front of us. There were several different colored condoms in each, Jocelyn had purposely chosen a black one that looked interestingly unique, even against his bronze colored skin. 

Once she had it on, she whispered to him, he smiled, and then easily lifted her up, impaling her in an instant as she wrapped her legs about his waist. They then stood together, sort of swaying to the beat of the music which by now had actually increased in tempo as the number changed. The MC soon moved beside them, nodding his head as he watched Gregory’s cock sliding in and out of her pussy, and handed her one of the hundred dollar vouchers, watching a moment more, and then moving on.

“Wanna fuck?” I said teasing my wife.

“I do yes…but not out there on the dance floor, a bit too early for me to do that yet,” she said simply. “Perhaps later…out on deck with a slightly smaller crowd might be easier for me to ease into,” she said with an edge of excitement in her tone of voice.

There was something to be said for having someone watching you while you fucked, and you watching them. That much we had done, amongst and with very close friends. But we’d still never really included anyone else in our relationship, and though we’d briefly discussed the possibility of that happening, 

we hadn’t yet come right out and said that it would either. As we’d sat enjoying the evening together, Nova had likewise learned of course that all this was very new to both Frank and Beverly too. Neither one of them having been with, or done anything with anyone other than themselves. They’d both been virgins when they married a few short years ago, and up until now at least, never imagined themselves ever doing anything like that.

What I didn’t know at the time, was that Nova had invited the two of them up to our suite for a nightcap after the party was over. When they’d later on gone out to the dance floor to actually dance, just before the results of the night’s winners were to be announced for the three best evening attire in each of the categories, she then told me she’d invited them.

I looked at my wife curiously. She simply grinned, and then informed me as to what to expect. “Apparently, they’re here to watch, and to play with one another only,” she went on. “Neither one minds a bit of touching, but nothing more than that. I’ve already told them we’d be perfectly good with that ourselves…for now,” Nova added. “But thought it might be fun to invite them up to the room later, have a little fun together, watching one another, see how it goes.”

I grinned thinking about that, my cock suddenly twitching with excitement and anticipation of watching the two of them fucking, while they in turned watched the two of us doing the same.

“Alright everyone! We’re ready to announced tonight’s winners!” Our MC announced quieting everyone down. “For our most demure…but still sexy, female contestant,” he said looking down and about the room, “the winner is…Kimberly Johnson! Kimberly?” He said looking up and about. The spot light suddenly located her as she made her way forward to stand on stage. I hadn’t in fact even noticed her until now,

 Obviously she had kept herself fairly well hidden throughout the night. She wasn’t at all unattractive either, but she appeared on stage in a pair of flannel pajamas, and while cute looking on her, they were without a doubt very self contained. The MC then handed her a check and went on to announce the second category as a smattering of applause followed her off stage.

“And the winner for our most sluttily attired female contestant is…” Once again he paused, looking about. “Jocelyn Tripp! Jocelyn? Would you and your amazing nipples like to come up here and accept your check?” This time there was an even bigger amount of laughter, especially when Jocelyn actually bounded up towards the stage, her massive breasts bouncing about as she did so, especially when she stood next to the MC, jumping up and down joyously.

“If you win, promise me you’ll jump up and down a little,” I giggled, getting a hard poked finger in the side.

Jocelyn was then ushered off stage with a rounding cheer and applause, still bouncing, but more importantly, holding onto her own nipples, stretching them out and away from her breasts as she did so.

“She’s certainly not shy or inhibited is she?” Beverly said laughing, causing all of us to join her in doing so as well.

“And now…for our final winner and contestant of the evening, in the best, most provocative, sensual evening attire…the winner is…” This time he looked up directly over at our table as the spotlight now swung over towards us. “Ms. Nova Page!”

It was weird in a way, hearing my wife called by her maiden name. But we’d decided upon booking the cruise, just in case, and in the event someone might actually recognize her real name, that she’d use her maiden name instead. Even so, she was still a bit nervous having to go up on stage in order to receive her check, which was again a three hundred dollar voucher that could be used in the adjacent casino any time during the cruise.

 She stood, feeling slightly embarrassed at the attention she was given, as I knew she would. But she proudly received a great deal of applause and appreciation for the way she looked, especially from me. I knew without any doubt whatsoever, that she was indeed the best looking woman there.

Shortly after that, the room began to empty, couples heading off back to their staterooms, sometimes alone, or in smaller groups with one another. Obviously many had made new and interesting friends during the evening, just as we had.

Not able to afford as nice a suite as we had, Beverly and Frank were anxious to see it and to join us in our cabin for the evening. Shortly after we arrived, I called room service, ordering everyone a drink. We then went out on deck to sit and relax for a bit, wait for our drinks to arrive, and chat, getting to know a little more about one another than we already did.

I wasn’t at all surprised when it was Mattie than came with the drinks, smiling, telling us that she would be at our beck and call throughout the evening should we need her, once again in a very subtle way, letting us also know that she was and would be available for other purposes as well.

“Interesting girl,” Nova started looking at me.

I almost said, “And nice tits too!” But I didn’t, though I was certainly thinking it as I nodded my head and answered back. “Yes…she is.”

It wasn’t long before we were all four relaxed and very comfortable in being around one another. The night air was still warm, even at sea, the ocean again as smooth as glass as the ship sailed along. In addition, there was a full moon lighting up the nights sky, which was also very romantic, and romantic and sensual enough, that minutes later, Nova stood up in front of me, as well as our new found friends, and simply removed her somewhat elegant evening gown, letting it fall to the deck in front of me.

“Remember what I said earlier?” she stated. “Well…if you’d like, you can fuck me now!”

Frank and Beverly laughed, though the three of us quickly followed my wife back into our stateroom. Although certainly nice, even elegant, it didn’t exactly have a king sized bed in it either. But that wasn’t what Nova had in mind. Within seconds she had peeled off the very revealing evening gown she’d been wearing, entirely naked now as she stood behind the back of one of the two sitting chairs in the room.

“Fuck me!” she said simply with lust filled eyes, one hand down between her legs uninhibitedly fingering her slit. Without batting an eyelash, I watched as Beverly now did the same, her own gown coming off to tumble about her feet on the floor, stepping out of them and leaning over the second chair in much the same way that Nova was. And though she didn’t say it, her look certainly did as she spread her legs invitingly a part.

Frank and I had gotten relatively comfortable in front of one another, sporting our erections, which had been difficult enough trying to conceal. With whatever shyness we might have had or experienced in front of one another no longer there, we both slipped out of our robes, each of us sporting hard firm pricks and stepped behind our respective wives.

 It was erotic as hell to see Beverly reaching back, grasping her husband’s cock and then placing it at the entry of her pussy. Even as I watched this, Nova now did the exact same thing to me until I felt the head of my dick resting against the hot wet folds of my own wife’s sweet slit.

“I want to watch your dick slide in and out of your wife’s cunt,” Nova growled wantonly. She loved seeing that. During the times we’d watched a few porn movies together, Nova had loved it when I slid in and out of her in the exact same way that the actors in the movie did, eventually increasing the tempo and depth of penetration just as they did. 

She really did have a fascination for watching another couple fuck, so I knew she was aroused beyond reason already and becoming more and more excited by the moment. “But please…fuck her slowly for me at first,” she asked him.

Standing at the appropriate angles to one another, Frank slowly slid inside his wife, just as I slid into mine, copying his moves as I knew Nova would be expecting me to do. As we began, watching the two of them, with them watching us, Nova reached up, beginning to fondle her breasts. Seeing her doing that, Beverly likewise grinned, now emulating my wife’s actions and began fondling her own as the two girls braced themselves against the backs of the chairs, Frank and I torturously sliding in and out of our wife’s respective cunts.

We hadn’t closed the curtains to our stateroom, something that hadn’t dawned on us until a few moments later. Mattie had returned to check to see if we wanted something more to drink, now standing outside on the deck looking in at us, Nova grinned, waving to her to come inside.

“Can I ah…get you anything?” Mattie asked with an obvious look of desire on her face.

“Yes, you can entertain us even more by getting naked, lying on the bed, and touching yourself while we fuck, watching you doing it,” Nova literally commanded her.

Series NavigationI never forget this enjoyment journey – 2 >>

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