I love Late-night Work

This is a story called “I love late-night work” let’s begin……. It was one of those days when everything seemed to go wrong. I’d worked far later than usual at the office, needing to stay until the reports I’d been waiting on had been compiled before I could leave. As it was, I’d be catching the next to last tram of the evening, and though the trip itself was only a twenty minute ride to where my car was parked,

it was another thirty minutes drive home after that. I boarded, not too surprised to see very few people in the car I had entered, one stop later in fact, now alone with two men who were sitting next to and across from a rather attractive looking brunette. Trying not to stare or be too obvious about it,

I did notice they seemed to be giggling and up to something simply by their mannerisms as the tram pulled out of the stop heading towards the next stop which was mine. I settled down in my seat at the opposite end of the car, giving plenty of distance between us. But within minutes, it became obvious that part of whatever they were doing, included doing it in front of an unwitting passenger.

One of the men, a tall , very masculine and rugged looking individual with dark wavy hair and what was obviously a perpetual five o’clock shadow, finally stood. I sat watching as he looked over towards where I was sitting, a smile on his face, which I thought particularly odd at the moment until I suddenly realized he had done so with his rock hard cock sticking out of his pants! At first I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, even going so far as to turn my eyes away, though looking back a moment or two later.

He now stood feeding his prick to the attractive looking Brunette who was busily and happily sucking on it. Seeing this, I felt myself becoming aroused for obvious reasons. It’s not often that you actually run into anyone who so obviously enjoys having “public sex” and in a sense, being invited to participate in watching it. Which I felt I had been as this must have been what they’d all been discussing and laughing about shortly after the tram pulled away from the last stop.

I didn’t mind either, had I been a single woman, perhaps they might have scared or frightened her into moving into the adjacent car, but I was happily content to sit there and now purposely observe them as the brunette continued working her hand and mouth on the guys obviously very hard dick. But the surprise of the evening was yet to come.

Though I couldn’t see it as clearly, I had a fairly good idea that the gal was simultaneously fondling the prick of the other guy sitting next to her as she sat still sucking the standing man’s dick simply by the movement of her shoulder and other arm. Seeing this had gotten me even more aroused, and I was half tempted (not to mention a bit hopeful) she might offer at some point to come back and give me a little relief as well.

It was perhaps just a few seconds or so after that, that I now saw the guy who’d been standing suddenly step over in the seat to stand next to the other guy. He leaned against the window, and it became quickly obvious the guy was now the one doing the sucking!

As he did, the brunette now leaned over (her head disappearing) though once again even from my vantage point, it was clear she was sucking the guy who’d been sitting next to her while he in turn sat, sucking the first guy now standing beside him as he continued leaning against the window. I then noticed he was again looking back towards me, a much pleasured expression on his face.

I had never been with, nor ever considered doing something like that myself, but as odd as it was, and as I felt about it…seeing it had become curiously arousing. I found it very strange to feel myself as excited and as horny as I was, seeing the three of them together like this. By this time of course, I was no longer trying to pretend I wasn’t aware of what was going on. My eyes were glued to the last row of seats they were in.

When the woman suddenly sat up, looking back towards me herself with a very wanton look on her face, I smiled rather than looking away. She smiled back, and then shocked, surprised, and even delighted me when she waved at me to come over nearer to where they were.

I was surprised at myself when I actually stood up and wandered back to where they were sitting. Glancing quickly at my watch, I realized I was less than ten minutes away from my own stop. It would no doubt be the quickest ten minutes of my life, but at this point I wasn’t about to waste a single precious one, just getting to stand there and watch the three of them as they sat or stood sucking one another off. Having drawn closer,

I was then treated to yet another surprise which I hadn’t been fully aware of at the time. The brunette was wearing a fairly short skirt, hunched up well around her waist, her obviously exposed and very bare pussy winking at me as she sat there.

“Hi, I’m Maya, these are my two nasty friends, Thomas and John,” she said introducing the two of them, though Thomas removed his mouth from John’s cock only long enough to say hello before returning to it, once again sucking it as I stood there watching the three of them.

“I’m…pleased to meet you,” I said, correcting myself, rather than giving out my own name, still obviously nervous about doing so, though again curiously interested in what was taking place here. “It’s not often one gets to watch others enjoying themselves so…uninhibitedly, on a train,” I responded still feeling a bit awkward, though again my own arousal level had chased away any shyness or reservations I might have had about standing up, walking back, and now as I stood there…watching the three of them, fully sporting an erection as I did.

“Are you…hard?” Maya asked almost nonchalantly, still fondling Thomas’s cock as she spoke, Thomas still happily sucking John’s cock as he stood there smiling at the three of us, obviously enjoying what Thomas was doing to him by the low soft moans he was freely giving.

I actually felt myself blush at that, especially as Maya now looked boldly towards my crotch. It was clearly evident that I was. Without having even answered her, she spoke again, expectantly. “Can I see it?”

It was funny, I actually turned to look briefly behind me towards the other empty car as though expecting to see someone now standing there watching the four of us. Another quick glimpse at my watch told me I had less than five minutes remaining before we reached my stop.

“I’m actually getting off at the next stop,” I said apologetically, actually meaning it. Half wishing now I could set my clock back at least another five minutes. Even then she smiled.

“Would you like to get off at the next stop?” she asked brazenly. I know I was standing there with a totally confused and bewildered expression on my face, which had caused John to laugh.

“She loves sucking off total and complete strangers,” he told me then. “But not to worry, she only does it if they’re willing to wear a condom. She knows us, so obviously…that’s different. But this is sort of a daily game the three of us enjoy playing on the way home at night.”

Even with his explanation, I continued to stand there, still not sure if I was hearing everything correctly.

“So…can I see it?” she asked once again.

The next thing I knew, I was unzipping my fly, my hand moments later withdrawing my rapidly stiffening erection. In doing that, even Thomas turned to see, though he continued to hand pump John’s cock while doing that.

“Ah, that’s a nice thick fat one!” she exclaimed happily, reaching out to surround it with her tiny hand, giving it a nice grip however, along with a very pleasant little stroke. “So…would you let me suck it off?” she asked once again.

“My stop,” I said simply hearing the excited quiver in my own tone of voice. “There isn’t time.” She smiled at that.

“There still might be,” she explained. “Unfortunately John doesn’t get off here…but Thomas and I do,” she now explained, though John actually answered her before I could.

“I was hoping to get off here,” he grimaced as Thomas now rapidly pumped the man’s prick, but the train was already beginning to slow with the stop just now coming into view. “Fuck!” he then said with an edge of exasperation in his tone of voice. Maya stood readjusting her short skirt, fixing it, as did Thomas, though his now somewhat flaccid prick remained exposed as we all stood and slowly made our way over towards the doorway.

Even John wandered over towards it, now taking over for himself, standing there fisting his prick furiously. I actually found it weirdly amusing to be standing there near the door, watching him as he stood jerking himself off.

“Come on baby…you can do it!” Maya urged him. “I want to see you cum before the train pulls away again!”

The tram had in fact reached the well-lit station, gradually slowing to a full stop. I heard the sound of the doors opening, Thomas and then myself the first to step out, each of us with our cocks still sticking out of our pants, including John who now stood in the doorway, hand pumping his prick as Maya the last one to get out, did so almost reluctantly, still urging him. “Hurry baby! Hurry! Shoot it! Shoot it!”

I watched the doors once again begin to close, just as the first and only spurt of spunk leapt from the head of his prick actually making it out of the doors, landing somewhere on the ground there in front of us before the doors did close and the tram began to once again move forward. I actually found myself laughing at the bizarreness of the situation, knowing that even then John was still pumping the rest of his spending no doubt against the closed door.

He did smile however and waved as the three of us stood there waving back. Only then did I look up to see another couple and a single male had likewise gotten off at this stop. They had been riding on the first car however, and were too far away to see or even realize that Thomas and I were standing there with our cocks out. As we all wandered over towards the parking area, I now wondered where things were headed from here.

I love Late-night Work will continue on the next page

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