I love doing with these people – 2

“I love doing with these people” Part-2 Continues…..

I wasn’t at all surprised when Stella spoke a few minutes later, sounding much like her true self, and the intoxicated slur of speech suddenly disappeared for some unknown reason.


I never was one to sleep in, especially while on vacation. The houseboat we all shared was a nice one. Each one of us has our own separate bedrooms, and none of them are cramped in size either. Stella was still dead asleep, snoring softly away as I got up, dressed, and then walked outside for a stretch, along with my early morning smoke. It was the only time that I did, that and one just before going to bed.

I didn’t, and wouldn’t smoke inside the houseboat as I knew it would irritate Steven for sure, so I walked out all the way to the bow of the boat before lighting up. As I did, I saw Julie  sitting there below me on one of the steps, dangling her feet in the water as she sat there. I almost spoke,

it was obvious she hadn’t heard me approach, which was about the time I heard her softly moan, saw the movement of her hand, and knew what it was she was doing. I nearly backed away, but knew that unless she actually turned around, she wouldn’t know I was actually there. And this was simply too good a situation to pass up.

I quickly doused my smoke, shoving it into a nearby coke can, putting it out, and then leaned over slightly looking again. She was still obviously fingering herself as she sat there on the steps. The fact that this was Julie , who was doing it, sent a wild shiver of goosebumps racing up and down my spine. She shuddered, let out a small silent cry of relief, and then came. As she did, I silently stepped back inside the houseboat, standing next to the counter after pouring myself a freshly brewed cup of coffee. I saw Julie  climb back up onto the boat heading towards me. She smiled upon seeing me.

“Hmm, it smells good. Pour me one too please?” she asked.

I did so, handing it to her. “Here ya go.”

“Thank you.” She took a sip looking directly over the rim of the cup towards me as she did. She swallowed, once again smiling. “You know Jack, it’s really not polite to spy on people, unless they’ve been invited to do so,” she then said.

I was glad I hadn’t as yet taken another swallow, I’d have most likely burned myself. As it was, I damn near dropped the cup in my hand anyway. She answered my unspoken question.

“I saw your shadow in the water behind me,” she said, telling me how it was that she knew.

I felt like an ass and apologized. “God Julie , I’m sorry,” I said honestly, meaning it, feeling like a complete and total ass for spying on her the way that I had. She stepped forward placing her coffee cup down on the counter next to where I was standing.

“That’s ok, I accept your apology,” she told me, sounding all nice and friendly again, bringing me a much needed sigh of relief. “Next time…ask first if you really want to watch me.” With that, she reached down, palmed my crotch briefly for a moment with her hand, and then walked away disappearing down the hall, stepping into the bathroom. I could only stand there with a look of total and complete disbelief etched in my face.

“Did she really just say and do that?” I asked myself. “Julie ?”

I finished my coffee, poured another, and then stepped back outside on the deck lighting up another smoke. I needed this one to help calm my nerves. After everything that had happened the night before, the last thing I was expecting was for something like that to happen. It wasn’t long before Steven was up, already anxious to cast his line into the water and get a little fishing in before we got underway again.

“Thought I’d get some fishing in before we leave,” he announced. “Oh, and Julie  told me you caught her masturbating this morning, I wouldn’t worry about it though, she does that every morning, like clockwork after she wakes up. Rather she do that than take up smoking again,” he said looking at me disapprovingly. I’d managed to take one more puff, and then dumped the smoke into the same coke can as the other one. I turned without saying a word and headed back inside the boat still shaking my head.


We got underway again a couple of hours later. As it was my turn to pilot the boat, the girls cleared away the breakfast dishes before heading back up on the roof deck for some early morning sun. Not too surprisingly, Steven headed back to bed for a brief nap while we cruised the lake heading towards the next spot on our map we’d decided to take a look at. We’d all been up late the night before,

and it was a hell of a lot cooler inside the boat than it was outside, even at 9:00 in the morning. Mike too had gone up on deck, carrying a pair of binoculars with him when he did.

“Go figure…he has count ’em…six tits to look at here, and he still wants to glare at someone else’s anyway,” Sara teased her husband. Mike had taken the ribbing good-naturedly anyway, and still went topside with his glasses. The girls soon joined him moments later, again topless, and this time, I was surprised, though pleased to see Julie  had joined them. Julie  was the last one to climb up the ladder to the upper deck, she paused momentarily waiting as everyone else headed up, turning towards me as she stood there. It was hard not staring at her chest, especially as I now saw it in the full light of day.

“Contrary to popular belief,” she began. “I do enjoy being looked at, particularly in being watched. So like I said, feel free…just next time let me know that you are first,” she said, and then turned heading up the ladder. Once again, she had left me speechless, though this entire trip was starting to do that anyway.


I’d been at the helm for the better part of an hour. We still had a long way to go however before docking again, and I found myself growing a bit sleepy. Even in the middle of the lake the way we were, that wasn’t the best situation to find myself in. There were still obstacles that needed to be avoided,

and I had to stay fairly aware of my surroundings. I’d already felt my head nod more than once, and was about ready to yell upstairs for some company when I heard someone coming down. I was pleased to see Sara descending the stairs, even more so when she turned facing towards me, her boobs giving me a quick shot of adrenalin.

“Thought I’d come down and keep you company,” she told me. “Can I get you something to drink? More coffee?”

“Yeah, that would be nice,” I told her, the endorphins already diminishing, though I smiled as I stared at her cute tight butt as she walked away back into the kitchen area.

“Coffee? Or something a bit stiffer perhaps?” she called out to me.

“Whatever you’re having,” I answered back, actually feeling myself suddenly stiffening at that. She returned a few minutes later having fixed us a couple of Bloody Marys. “Perfect!” I said accepting my drink from her, pleased when she settled herself down into the captain’s seat facing me. Personally, I preferred to stand when piloting the boat, I was able to see more when I did.

“So, you and Stella talk about last night?” she asked.

We had, but only a little, and I told her so. The only thing she had really said about it was that it had been fun…which it had been, but we hadn’t gotten into anything more than that.

“Yeah, that’s what she told me this morning too,” she informed me. I was glad to hear they’d at least spoken about it, I still wasn’t sure where Stella’s thoughts were on it, and though she’d certainly let her short hair down considerably, I didn’t have any major expectations of something like that happening again.

“Thanks for coming down and keeping me company,” I said after too long a pause of silence had gone between us. “I really was starting to get a bit sleepy there, but after seeing you…” I left off saying, though taking the opportunity to once again look at her tits. She smiled upon seeing me do that.

“What’s up with you men anyway? Breasts, tits, boobs…whatever you want to call them, why all the fascination with them anyway?”

“Oh? And you don’t enjoy having them played with?” I liked the direction this conversation was suddenly going in.

“I didn’t say that, I love having them played with and sucked on, I’m just surprised you all seem more interested in my tits, as opposed to looking at my ass…or even my pussy perhaps.”

“Well at the moment, I really can’t see either one of those, but I can see your tits,” I grinned back, licking my lips. Having said that, Sara suddenly pulled down her bikini botToms, dropping them down around her feet.

I love doing with these people – 2 will continue on the next page

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