Husband and neighbor made it lustful

I was lying naked on my bed, my pussy aching from my overnight adventure, with tears streaming down my cheeks. Fuck! I clenched my fists. What was I going to do? Why did I go swimming? Why did Mike have to be watching me? I was normally a clear thinking, problem solver but I had never faced anything like this before.

Twelve years of marriage nearly down the drain because of one terribly false assumption. I just stared at the ceiling, completely immobilized, trying to make sense of this horrible nightmare.

Stop it! Time to shut down the pity party, my self-talk kicked in. You can’t turn back the clock so what are you going to do? First, I knew I could never tell Ken what I had done. That would only exacerbate the situation. Second, the only right answer was to never, ever do anything like this again and figure out some way to make it up to him.

Right there and then I decided I would have to be the most loving, generous, sexually enticing wife a man could ever desire. For the rest of our lives, he would want for nothing.

I started crying again when I realized that I couldn’t remember the last time we had made love. It had been almost a month and it had been so perfunctory I couldn’t even recall the details. Did I blow him? Damnit! I have obviously not been the wife I should have been. That changes right now, today!

By the time Mike got home that evening, I was ready to start fulfilling my pledge. My hair and makeup were as near to perfect as I could get them, I was dressed in a sleek, cleavage displaying dress that Ken liked so much, and I had prepared his favorite meal. Mike was somewhat surprised but accepted the new me with so much enthusiasm that as soon as dinner was over he wasted no time getting me into bed.

Intent on making it a memorable night, I gave him a long, languid blowjob, licking and sucking him to near climax several times before finishing him with a deep-throated release. I immediately sucked him hard again and rode him to the most satisfying mutual orgasm we had had in years.

If there was a silver lining to my one night of debauchery it was the rejuvenation of our love life. From that point on, we never missed an opportunity to fuck. Not only was I always willing but I was frequently the initiator of our adventurous coupling. We were like newly weds, even ducking into the restroom during a party at a friend’s house for a frenetic doggy style fuck. We were insatiable.

One night I even proposed the concept of restraints, telling Ken I had read about it in a book called “Fifty Shades of Grey”. He loved the idea and visited a sex shop the very next day. He proved every bit as effective as Mike at driving me out of my mind while restricting my movements.

I never cheated again and eventually that night with Mike seemed more like a dream than a memory. Ken and I would still run into Mike on the driveway from time to time and I would always smile and nod. He was always pleasant but never gave a hint of acknowledgement of our one night of sin.

Several years later, an ironic footnote was added to our story. Ken and I were engaged in some rousing sex-play when I learned he actually had been fucking his co-worker that night. Can you believe it? He let it slip with a careless remark about Mike, the ceiling camera and video monitor. It was a good thing he had me handcuffed to the bed at the time or I might have killed him.

“You lying bastard!” I cried, twisting and turning against the restraints. “Let me up,” I yelled through gritted teeth. I was lying spread-eagle on the bed and Ken had been eating my pussy just a minute ago.

“Calm down, Beth,” he begged. “Please, let me explain.”

“Explain that you’re a lying, cheating bastard?” I cried again, tugging harder at the restraints.

“Please, Honey,” he sat on the edge of the bed. “Just listen for a second.” I apparently didn’t have much choice so I took a deep breath.

“You’ve got two minutes buster, then you better release me,” I said tersely.

Ken quickly explained that Mike was so concerned with my obvious distress over my husband’s infidelity that he had called him that night while I was sleeping. He even helped Ken concoct the story about how his phone got to Jennifer’s place to explain the GPS tracker. What the fuck?

I just stared at him, but in the back of my mind Mike’s motive seemed plausible. But it didn’t end there. Mike also told Ken about me getting locked out and even provided him with a DVD of the highlights of our night together! Can you fucking imagine? Now I wasn’t just angry, I was mortified.

“Beth, that was the most erotic thing I had ever seen,” Ken said quietly, referring to the DVD. “But the fact that it was another man, not me, giving you that much pleasure made me sick to my stomach. Mike had shamed and humiliated me but I knew what I had to do.” He was hanging his head and waiting to see if I would let him continue. I had stopped struggling and nodded mutely for him to go on.

“I quit seeing Jennifer immediately and I will never cheat on you again,” he declared. “I swear it. Then I set my mind to learning how to give you that kind of pleasure. I used Mike’s DVD as kind of an instructional video, comparing your reactions to what Mike did, to how you were reacting to my efforts.” I had never seen Ken look so forlorn. We were both crying as we silently stared at each other for several minutes. I reluctantly conceded that he had been very successful with his efforts.

With his confession finished, he unfastened the cuffs and left me alone to sort out my feelings. It was like I was right back to square one; we had both cheated. Where did that leave us? Were we even? I tried to remain calm and think objectively but I couldn’t focus.

The quilt and shame I had lived with for the past ten years had been replaced with anger and chagrin. How could I get past that? It took me quite a while to process this new reality and sort through my feelings. But after considerable contemplation, I came to the realization that Mike had actually done a wonderful thing for us. Astounding as it sounds, he had single-handedly saved our marriage.

He could easily have enticed me to carry on an affair with him under the rationale of getting even with my husband. Instead he unselfishly did the one thing that would ensure I would try to improve my marriage. And it worked. Ken and I were together and both happily monogamous.

I will never forget what Mike did nor will I forget our one night together, which I now cling to as a much more favorable memory. Thank you, Mike. I’ll leave the curtains open.

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