Hidden dreams with my stepdaughter – 3

This Story is part of Secret Desires Series

And though I noticed that Sophia’s were as well, my daughter’s were obviously a bit larger, fuller when erect, and I stood there fantasizing about sucking on them as I fucked her.

Once again I was momentarily plagued with a guilty conscious about having such thoughts, but I was too fucking horny at the moment to care. Recriminations would be dealt with later, at the moment I was on the verge of enjoying my second climax of the morning. Oddly enough, it was the exact same coffee cup I reached for, likewise filling it up the second time that day as well, standing there squirting into it, releasing my pleasure as I glanced out the window, watched as Dancy seemed to bend nearly in half, her ass coming up off the ground, Sophia’s fingers embedded deeply inside her as she came.

I rinsed out my cup, placed it back next to the sink and wandered slowly upstairs to my room.


We had managed to get nearly the entire house vacuumed and dusted before calling it a day. The girls soon after settled into preparing us a nice dinner while I sat on the couch relaxing, catching a little TV and sipping a glass of wine. While dinner cooked, they soon joined me, a bit more appropriately dressed, though not by much. Each of them wore standard, though very short, shorts, along with the bikini tops they’d worn outside earlier. Now joining me, each with a glass of wine in their hands, they informed me dinner would be ready in about an hour.

“Anything good on TV?” my daughter asked.

“Not really,” I told her, having surfed through the available channels twice already, not finding anything I was really interested in watching.

“How about a movie then?” she asked to reach for the remote, so I handed it to her. I was really hoping they wouldn’t pick some chick-flick or something, but prepared to allow it if they did. She even stopped on one reading it, which worried me that she might actually select it until Sophia spoke up.

“Not that one,” she said, giving voice to my own worry. “Let’s watch something a bit more interesting shall we?” Now she reached over for the remote, which Dancy handed to her. To my surprise, she quickly pulled up the adult selections and began thumbing through those. I decided to hold my tongue and see if she would actually be brazen enough to pick one, as well as wondering how Dancy might react to it when she did.

“That one!” Dancy called out as Sophia scrolled through a list of available selections.

“Ok, sounds interesting doesn’t it?” Sophia said grinning as she looked over towards me. I was surprised, a bit shocked as I read the title.

“Young girls with older men,” it had said. I knew there would be a series of somewhat short scenes depicting pretty explicit sex acts between the individuals.

“You do know, this isn’t soft porn we’ll be looking at,” I cautiously warned them. “This is the hard-core stuff, you see it all,” I added.

“I know,” Dancy said a bit quietly. “But I’m ok with that…if you are,” she told me.

It was a bit more difficult actually doing that than I thought it would be. I was aroused, yes, thankful that Sophia was basically sitting between us, though I had my own chair even as the girls shared the couch. They giggled, and whispered pointing out things to one another as I half glanced at the TV, and then at them as each scene got more and more explicit, with the semi-typical cum-shots coming at the end.

“Wow! That was a good one!” Dancy announced, actually surprising me. “I’ve never seen anyone cum that much before!” she stated.

“I have,” Sophia grinned looking over towards me. Just then the timer went off announcing it was time for dinner.

“Saved by the bell,” I said standing up thinking to myself. I turned once again, hiding my obvious erection. “I’ll go wash up for dinner,” I told them and then hurried up the stairs.


The girls had prepared a really nice pot roast complete with all the trimmings. We opened a second bottle of wine to go with it, though I was already slightly feeling the effects of the first one, even after having eaten dinner. I couldn’t help but wonder if the girls were too, especially as Dancy had never been much of a drinker. She had poured herself one more glass, though she never did finish it.

“Mind if we wash the dishes tomorrow?” she asked, slurring her words just a bit, though sounding far more tired than drunk really.

“You cooked, I’ll wash, don’t worry about it,” I said though they did help me clear off the table first. Even Sophia appeared anxious to head up to bed, as I gave each of them a kiss goodnight. Dancy had already disappeared through the door when Sophia stopped turning towards me.

“I’ll wake you up,” she half whispered, once again winking and then licking her lips. I knew what she meant by that, and whispered back to her.

“I probably won’t even be asleep…but I’ll certainly be up.”

She glanced at my crotch, laughed, and then turned heading up the stairs after my daughter.

I finished cleaning up the kitchen and then sat down to watch the news for a while. I figured that it would be at least an hour while they got ready for bed knowing them, and then another hour at least before they finally fell asleep. Or at least Dancy did. Nearing midnight, I finally shut off all the lights, and then gingerly made my way upstairs to my own room. I was quiet as a mouse as I entered the shared bathroom, not even turning on the light until I was sure that their door was closed, which it was.

I hurriedly washed up, took a pee, and then slipped back into my own room. I had put on fresh clean sheets earlier and was actually looking forward to slipping in between them. I glanced at the clock on my nightstand, it now read 12:15 as I turned off the light. Almost immediately, the room fell into complete and total darkness. The only light at all coming from the green fluorescent symbols on the clock as they ticked the minutes away.

I had actually started to fall asleep when I heard the door to my bedroom open. I hadn’t even heard the door to their room doing so, only mine. Once again I glanced over at the clock, nearly a full hour had passed with it now reading 1:12. I looked up, still nearly impossible to see anything as I lay there in the darkness of the room. But seconds later I caught the quiet silhouette as Sophia made her way over towards the bed slipping in beside me.

I started to speak but she shushed me, her hand quickly locating my somewhat flaccid member, waking it, as she gingerly stroked it before slithering down between my legs. Moments after that, I felt her warm sensual mouth surrounding my prick, teasing it with her tongue. I reached down, running my fingers through her hair, she had kept it loose hanging about her shoulders just as she had earlier.

She moved it out of the way as she continued sucking, licking my cock bringing it back to its full aroused size. I lay back quietly enjoying the sensation, very much aware of the need to remain as silent as we could, neither one of us wanting nor wishing for Dancy to wake up and discover what it was we were doing.

Once I was as hard as I could possibly be, I felt Sophia moving back up along my torso. She now straddled me, her soft sweet pussy resting against the length of my shaft, she was slick, juicy and obviously aroused. The green luminescence off the clock just barely highlighted the blonde highlights of her hair as she leaned forward, her hand now reaching down between us, grasping my prick as she placed it at the opening of her pussy.

“Oh fuck!” I moaned softly as I felt the head of my dick suddenly slip inside, receiving yet again another warning “shush” as I did so, silencing myself.

Sophia’s pussy felt like it had been filled with honey. As we moved together, slowly grinding and thrusting against one another, I heard the erotic squish of her cunt as she soaked me with her fluids, bathing my prick in her essence. As our coupling intensified, I felt that familiar squeeze as she snared me, milking me all too soon so it seemed. But somehow I managed to hold off from filling her with my cum, as much as I wanted to do so.

I reached up toying with her breasts, holding onto them as I plunged upwards into her depths, as she in turn thrust downwards, driving me nearly inside her womb. We fucked softly, slowly, almost too quietly, at last coming together in a near perfect synchronization of pleasure. Once again I felt the liquid discharge of her cunt as it met my own. Hard forceful spurtings of my prick as they lurched upwards inside her,

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