Hidden dreams with my stepdaughter – 2

This Story is part of Secret Desires Series

“Hidden dreams with my stepdaughter” Part-2 Continues…..

I dozed off, though I vaguely remember Dancy coming out of the bathroom, Sophia shushing her saying, “I think your dad’s asleep,” she’d started and then giggling. Once again I dozed off after that, somewhat waking again, though the room was now pitch black. Always a light sleeper, something I always had been, the slightest sound out of the norm seemed to stir me. And as I previously thought,

I now realized I was in fact sleeping on the other side facing towards the girls where they slept, though in the darkness of our room, I could barely even make out the bed they were in. I once again closed my eyes, content to do so until morning when I heard it. Another simple short-lived giggle.

Suddenly I was wide awake…listening. At first I thought it was nothing more than my overactive imagination. With all the stimulus I’d suddenly been having, I figured my nerves were on edge, along with everything else, especially as I’d found too much of a need earlier, and had actually jerked off in the shower, something I hadn’t done for a very, very long time. I was careful to remove any evidence of my indiscretion as well,

though grateful it had been Dancy and not Sophia that had followed me into the shower. I’d have been half suspicious she’d have been looking for signs of me having done so. Even then, I wouldn’t have put it past her to alert Dancy to that as well, so ensured that I left no trace of my pleasure behind when it came her turn to use the bathroom.

I’d just about decided I was in fact hearing things, and had again closed my eyes, though I could now feel my heart beating wildly inside my chest as I fought to control my breathing.

“Hmm, that’s nice, keep doing that,” my daughter suddenly moaned softly, actually whispering it when she did, but like my ability to be a light sleeper, I also had really acute hearing, and could easily make out what was being said, especially with no other sound coming from within the room. But it wasn’t just the words she had spoken I had heard either. But another sound, one I seriously hadn’t heard for a very, very long time.

And as I lay there, listening to the sounds of what could only be described as very wet juicy pussy sounds, I felt my prick stiffening. And though I tried very hard to block the sounds out, I simply found that I couldn’t, even knowing they were coming out of my own stepdaughter’s mouth, let alone my own stepdaughter’s pussy. In moments, I lay beneath the covers, my hand on my once again very hard cock, slowly, quietly, jerking it up and down.

Oddly enough, it really didn’t dawn on me as to what they were doing. For some reason I emotionally and mentally blocked out the obvious. It wasn’t until the following day when we were finally out on the road again that it hit me. And then like a ton of bricks when it did!

“Fuck! They were masturbating with one another!” It was like a revelation, though why I hadn’t considered that, or realized the enormity of it the previous night I didn’t know. I had heard them climax, though quietly, doing so myself moments later, twice in one night in fact, something I hadn’t managed to accomplish in several years, not even with Mia! I had wrapped part of the sheet around my prick, using that to capture my spending, reasoning telling me that I was sure it wasn’t the first time the maid service would be removing cum-stained sheets from the bed. Though they might wonder why there was only one big, rather large spot as opposed to several “squirty” ones.

We were about half way home, Dancy now sitting closest to the door as Sophia had had it on the way up. She was sound asleep, comfortably curled up against it snoring away. With Sophia sitting next to me as close as she was, I was once again reminded of the few now forever burned in images I had of her, not to mention the sounds which I knew now, she had made when having an orgasm with the help of my daughter’s hand and fingers.

Driving along, currently in a dead zone so that we had nothing on the radio we could listen to, we were forced to sit there in silence with our own thoughts, mine which had quite naturally turned to the evening before. Day dreaming without even realizing it at first, I soon found myself with a very unwanted erection, one that suddenly made it very uncomfortable for me to be sitting with. Not only that, it was very obvious too. With periodic looks and smiles back and forth with one another, even though we said very little, trying to stay quiet so that Dancy could continue sleeping, I knew by Sophia’s little grin she was well aware of it.

And it was here that she had me at a major disadvantage. I was fucking horny, and would have been the first to admit it. My inhibitions, not to mention my moral values and judgments had evaporated like rain on the hot pavement we were driving on. I wasn’t about to admit that of course, but with Sophia sitting next to me, once again wearing that damnable cutoff football jersey, I was having difficulty not sitting there imaging and remembering what her breasts looked like.

Without so much as a word, all hell broke loose.


The moment I felt her hand on the bulge in my crotch, I was a goner. It had been almost two years now since I’d felt any other hand except for my own fondle my cock. The reality of that being…it always felt better when someone else did it…usually anyway. But it certainly did now. I moaned, though my thoughts fought weakly for a moment as I considered moving her hand away. But I didn’t. And when I didn’t, Sophia took that as approval to now unzip my fly, which she did.

The sensation of the slightly cooler air as it caressed my now exposed cock was an entirely different sensation all by itself. Already aroused as I was, I now felt even more so. That especially “naughty, dirty, evilly wicked feeling” now coursing through my entire body, though especially my prick. Already I was leaking precum, which Sophia’s fingers immediately captured. But to make matters worse,

she had briefly glanced over towards where Dancy lay sleeping, turning more towards me after that, and then lifting her cut off jersey up revealing her beautiful breasts. I watched as she then smeared a droplet of my joy-juice over her erect nipple, teasing it. She once again gave my prick another squeeze, another droplet of juice, and she then smeared the other one identically.

“Maybe you’d better keep your eyes on the road, unless you think we should pull over for a bit,” she giggled softly.

I did that, trying to focus and concentrate my attention where it really should be, though Sophia’s hand continued to make that more and more difficult to do. Even more so when she picked up my hand, placing it on one of her breasts, which I couldn’t help but look over and take a look at after she’d done so. I was almost surprised to actually see it sitting there, fondling her massive tit as though my fingers had a mind of their own. I’d almost forgotten what that felt like as I continued doing that.

With her hand delicately stroking me up and down, I now had another worry facing me. As good as this was feeling, I knew that it wouldn’t be long before I was emptying my cum-laden balls. And I also knew that when I did, I’d be shooting all over the place. I quickly looked about, seeing only the discarded McDonald’s sack with our garbage sitting in it from breakfast which we’d picked up along the way. I wondered briefly if we still had any napkins left.

If we didn’t do something soon, either making her stop before I came, or finding something to squirt off in, I’d be covering the steering wheel, the dash board, very possibly the windshield itself if I didn’t find something soon.

“We got anything? Like a napkin?” I asked sheepishly, already feeling the ball-bursting tingle of pleasure beginning to manifest itself even as I said that. Sophia just smiled and then leaned over, sucking my prick deeply inside her mouth.

We nearly left the road.

Luckily for all of us, the highway had those wake up tire alerts, which did in fact alert me to the fact I was driving too far on the edge. Correcting the truck, I brought it safely back under control on the straight and narrow, though the sudden realization I’d nearly gotten us all killed had in fact momentarily delayed my ejaculation. Even Sophia sat up when she realized what had happened, my cock not exactly deflating, but certainly softening to some degree.

“Shall we try that again?” she asked. “Only this time with your eyes open?” she suggested. “And on the road? Or would you prefer it if we really did pull over into the next rest area and I finish you off then?”

That actually sounded like a pretty good idea. I had noticed a bit earlier that a road sign had indicated the next stop was some twenty miles away, we’d been driving for nearly that long now. I told her that, and we began looking for it as she zipped me back up, closing my fly. The problem was, or would be…what would happen then, and how would we pull that one off with Dancy no doubt waking up the moment we took the turn off.

Neither one of us mentioned that however, perhaps leaving things up to fate. I decided to do just that, spotting the sign moments later, signaling as we turned in. Sure enough, Dancy sat up curiously looking about.

“Are we there yet?” She asked sleepily.


Luckily the rest stop itself was fairly empty. There was only one eighteen wheeler sitting in the lot around the backside of the restroom area, and a single passenger car pulled up in front on our side as we pulled in. Like a flash, Dancy jumped out running in. Obviously she needed to go suddenly, so it was probably good that we pulled in.

“Well? Shall we?” Sophia asked. But I was too nervous to do anything so openly as we stood there, and made excuses that I too now needed to use the restroom myself. She frowned slightly, but then walked with me towards them. Just before parting however, she told me. “I’ll meet you here, don’t go back to the truck when you’re finished.”

When I entered, I noticed there was another guy inside, though he was just then finishing up. There was no way of knowing if he was the trucker, or the driver of the passenger car, he could have been either. We simply nodded our heads at one another as I took my turn at the urinal, finally flaccid enough to actually pee. After washing my hands, I stepped back outside. Sure enough Sophia was there waiting for me. She beckoned me over towards her, and then stepped off around the corner well out of sight of my truck.

Hidden dreams with my stepdaughter – 2 will continue on the next page

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