Elena was hired for a rare naked party – part 2

This Story is part of Elena was hired for a rare naked party Series

“Once again, you were outstanding,” Mr. Windsor continued. “You’re a natural performer. Easily the best I’ve ever seen. Above all else, you’re a natural exhibitionist. I see great potential in you.”

“Thank you sir,” she replied meekly, with the taste of cum still inside of her mouth.

“Do you still have energy to perform? My wife and I would like a turn with you.”

Elena nodded. “Anything for you, Mr. Windsor.”


It was almost evening by the time the party ended. Elena’s hair was a mess and her dress was sloppily worn. She walked to the front of the large mansion where Alice was waiting in her car. Elena carried an envelope with her. Once she got inside the car, she breathed a loud sigh of relief after a busy afternoon of hard work.

“How did it go?” Alice asked curiously.

“I’m completely exhausted. It was a lot tougher than being a waitress.”

“So you were actually naked?”

“The entire time,” Elena replied. “There were at least 50 guests there, and they saw everything. From head to toe.”

“Wow. I didn’t know you had it in you.”

“Neither did I. But apparently I’m a natural. And I’ve been hired for the next party.”

“What about the other thing,” Alice asked suggestively, before sniffing the air in her car. “And… What’s that smell? It’s musty all of a sudden.”

“It’s cum. Lots of it. I desperately need a shower and some mouthwash.”

Alice’s eyes widened. “No way. Are you serious? I don’t believe it.”

Elena lifted the bottom of her dress to reveal her exposed pussy, which still looked like a glazed donut. Alice looked at the pussy in a state of complete disbelief.

“I serviced half of the room,” Elena stated. “Both men and women. Those oral sex tips you gave me really came in handy. The owner of this place said I was the best he’s ever had.”

“Oh my god, that’s so wild. I can’t believe it.”

“Why don’t you join me next time?” Elena asked. “It’s a lot of fun, and it’s also a lot of money.”

“I don’t know if I can do it. Apparently I’m not as brave as you.”

Elena opened the envelope she was carrying and showed Alice.

“Maybe this will change your mind,” Elena smiled.

The End

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