Dominants and Primates – 3

“Now, hurry up and change clothes so you can help me,” she told Jacob, ushering him out of the kitchen, and then turning towards me, speaking before he’d actually left. “And thanks for coming anyway Kevin,” she then added. There was no mistaking what it was that she’d meant by that.

“You’re welcome, ah…Mrs. Matthews,” I answered back a bit formally. I heard Jacob chuckling down the hallway as he opened the closet door putting his clubs away.

“Mrs. Matthews,” he said, still laughing to himself, not knowing I had heard him perhaps, as I turned all but racing out the back door.

“Kevin?” Mila said, stopping me dead in my tracks, I turned looking at her.

“I think one more, shall we say four o’clock?” she said smiling. “Jacob should be taking his afternoon nap by then, provided we get the room switched around. I’ll make sure he’s plenty tired and ready for his nap,” she again winked. “See you then?”

I nodded my head, and then sprinted across the yard before anything else could happen. Little did I know.


It wasn’t all that uncommon for mom and dad to occasionally get together and have a quickie during the weekend. Usually however they merely headed upstairs to their room and closed the door. It wasn’t like I didn’t know what was going on, but I didn’t really have to think about it. Now, after what I’d seen, not only was I more aware of what they were doing, I could actually see them in my mind’s eye too.

And I still wasn’t sure how I felt about that one either. The problem for me was, they weren’t upstairs in their room, they’d gone into the recreation room, effectively blocking off the only way I had of getting into mine. I had entered through the back door, heard them giggling almost immediately, and once again froze in place. It was becoming a very bad habit of mine.

“You’re so naughty!” I heard mom saying. “You know honey, Kevin could come walking in any moment now,” she told my father, though I then heard the sound of his zipper being pulled down.

“Well if we hurry maybe we’ll still have time before he does,” Dad informed her. “And besides, we’ll hear the back door opening if he does, I’ll have plenty of time to reach the bathroom before he finds us,” Dad assured her. I wasn’t about to tell them it was already too late for that. “And besides, you’re the one who told me he’d gone over to help Mila move some furniture around, even with Jacob and I coming back,

I’m willing to bet Jacob’s already gone up to take his nap, leaving it up to Kevin to help her instead of him having to do it. And on top of that…I’m also willing to bet our son’s enjoying himself while he helps her. I know I’ve seen the way he’s looked at her in the past, and I know you must have seen it too.”

For the second time in as many minutes, I wanted to die again.

Mom laughed, though it sounded more like a gurgle as she did, and then a mumble as she spoke, though finally speaking a bit more clearly. Visions of her removing dad’s cock from her mouth coming to mind. “Yeah, Mila does seem to enjoy teasing the poor boy, gets a kick out of it too I think. But it seems pretty harmless, innocent all in all. I’m sure he ogles her just enough to get a little jerk off material out of it, but beyond that,” she left off saying as I once again heard her go back to slathering my dad’s dick.

“Fuck!” I moaned silently to myself, “Jerk off material?”

“Oh that’s nice babe,” dad moaned pleasurably. “You still suck dick better than even Mila does.”

“Or Laurel?” Mom asked teasingly, once again mumbling a bit. “I’d think with all your afternoon lunch hour practice in your office, she’d be getting better at it after all this time.”

More thoughts and images filling my head. “Jesus dad…at work too?”

“Yeah, even her too,” Dad chuckled. “No worse than thinking about you and Mila going down on one another while I am at work,” he told her. “Fuck…just seeing the two of you together gets me hot. I hope we don’t have to wait an entire week before we do something again either,” he said hopefully.

“Matter of fact babe, we’ve been invited over to their place later on this evening for a BBQ, though Kevin’s been invited over too of course. I’m sure that after dinner, he’ll want to scoot off and go see his girlfriend or something, but then, after that…I’m sure that Mila and I can put on a very naughty show for the two of you. Now…unless you’d like to save this for later, you’d better let me finish sucking you off before Kevin comes home.”

I eased my way back towards the door, hoping that if and when the time came, I’d appear to have just arrived, giving my folks plenty of warning after entering. Or so I hoped anyway. I could still hear the two of them going at it however, or rather mom as dad merely grunted out his climax a few minutes later.

I counted to three, giving him that much time to enjoy it, and then opened the door letting it slam behind me. I held my breath and walked through the kitchen, even pausing to open the door to the refrigerator first as though looking for something to drink before continuing on. Sure enough, mom came in behind me looking a bit flustered as I turned around holding a coke in my hand that I really didn’t want.

“How’d it go?” she asked.

“Oh, ok I guess. She sent me home for the time being, I guess Jacob’s going to help her finish moving things around. I did say I’d come back in a little while and help out if she needed me to,” I added trying to lay the groundwork for my needing to go over there again.

“That’s sweet of you,” mom smiled, though I couldn’t help but wonder now if she wasn’t thinking I wanted to go back over there for other reasons. Jerk off material.

“Anyway…a bit tired myself now, thought I’d lie down and take a bit of a nap too,” I told her, and certainly a shower.

“Oh, before you do that, just so you know, your dad’s in the bathroom at the moment, so you might want to wait a while.”

“Why my bathroom? Why not his?” I asked, though I damn well knew the reason for that. But I didn’t want them knowing I was suspicious, or actually knew why.

“It was closer,” mom feigned giving me a funny look. So I let it go at that.

“Great, next time I’ll go stink up his bathroom see how he likes it,” I stated and then headed on into my own room.

I’d barely gone inside and closed the door when I heard dad come out. He hadn’t even flushed. Dad wasn’t nearly as good at covering up things as mom was. Even so, I waited a while before going in to finally shower. I stood there under the hot scathing water for what seemed like an eternity. Surprisingly, my dick got hard again even without me having to touch it. As scared as I’d been, standing there watching myself squirt into that fucking jar with Jacob no more than a few feet away while I did, had been one of the most exciting moments of my entire life.

Four o’clock couldn’t come fast enough.


I’d just barely gotten out of the shower when my cell phone rang. Picking it up, I was a bit surprised, but damn pleased to see it was Jayleen calling me.

“You ok?” I asked. “What happened anyway?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” she said, not sounding at all fine, but continuing. “I can’t talk long, I’m with mom at the store, but I told her I needed to use the restroom, and have been dying to call you.”

“I figured as much, after what happened, I didn’t dare call you myself until I heard from you…now what?”

“Well, I finally got it through to my mother that I am eighteen after all, and old enough to decide things for myself. Took a while, but I think I’ve managed to convince her that what I do is my choice. She’s thinking about it. But she’ll have to be the one to get my father to think differently too.”

“What now then?” I asked curiously.

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