Dad’s strange love making – 02

This Story is part of Dad's strange love making Series

“My girl can do anything. You’ll figure out a way. I know you will.”

“Will you come with me? Liam will be here in a few minutes.”

“No, Stella. This is between you guys. There’s somewhere I’ve got to be.”

The overhead announced the boarding of her flight. He gave her a hug and a kiss. “I knew you’d do the right thing.”

She called after him, as he walked away. “Where are you going?”

“I’ve got a plane to catch.”

Nobody screwed with his family.

* * *

Charlotte looked up from the dishes, checking out the window where her daughter was playing. She was playing outside a lot, giving Liam and her time to deal with their issues. He didn’t get off scot-free, but she wasn’t brain-dead enough to try to blame it on him. It was easily 90% her fault. She had everything she wanted, everything she’d dreamed of, all the things she’d talked about, and it wasn’t enough.

She smiled to herself. Her butt still hurts. She absolutely couldn’t believe he’d spanked her. She hadn’t been spanked since she was five years old, for lying. Not much angered her father more than bold-faced lying.

She remembered the tears on his face, when he finished spanking her.

The spanking from Liam didn’t result in tears, at least not on his part. The sex was passionate, fierce, demanding. She was almost afraid to tell him it was the best in years, later, while cuddled in his arms.

It was the first time she remembered him crying about anything other than Mia. He hugged her tightly. “You don’t hate me? Hate me for treating you like that?” he said. “I…I’m sorry.”

She turned in his arms and kissed him. “Hate you? Never. I love you, and I know you’re angry with me, and have every right to be. If a little spanking and incredible sex is the price I have to pay to make it up, I think we can manage that.” She giggled. “You were an animal. The way you held me in the air, pounding into me, damn that was hot!”

He chuckled. “I know. Not too, I don’t know, cro-magnon?”

“Not at all. When you had me pinned on my belly, for a second there I thought you were going to put it in my bottom. You had me scared there for a bit. I couldn’t believe you had your fingers in there.”

“I almost did. I don’t know how I got so carried away,” Liam confessed.

Charlotte cuddled into him. “Next time you need to spank me, maybe you should.”

He stiffened in her arms. “You said…”

“The hell with what I said. I’m yours Liam. Get it through your thick head. Just make sure you use plenty of lube. If it turns out I really hate it, it’ll be the last time.”

“I love you, Jess.” He whispered, his hands roaming, and she found out he’d stiffened in more than one place.

She pushed him on his back, and mounted him with a tiny grimace. She was sore, but she needed this. They both did. The years of vanilla sex was just one of the issues, but it looked like they had that one in hand. She gave her husband a kiss, rocking slowly. “Don’t ever tell my Dad about the spanking. He’d blow his top. He doesn’t believe in corporal punishment.”

Liam laughed. “You don’t know your father as well as you think you do. It was his idea. He said he’d tan your ass.”

“You talked to him? Since then?”

“I talk to him at least once a month. Mostly about the issues I have raising a 5 year old girl. We spoke yesterday. He wanted to know if he was going to have to come pick you up and take you home, or if I was going to keep you around.”

The surprises never stopped coming. Dad and Liam talking. She kissed him again. “Did you come to a decision?” she asked, teasing him, rolling her hips.

“There was never a question. You were always staying. For Mia, if nothing else. There was a chance we’d both be miserable, but if that was the price, so be it.” The way he said it wasn’t playful at all.

Charlotte stopped moving. “Are you miserable? Did I ruin everything?”

He swatted her bottom hard, and she jumped, almost dislodging herself. “No, I’m hardly miserable. I’ll probably have a few issues with you for a while. I might say some mean things, and the trust will need some work, but miserable, I’m not. I love you.”

She leaned down and hugged him. “I’m sorry. If you ever feel the need to get the anger out, I hoped you’d consider taking me to bed, tanning my butt, and screwing my brains out. I’ll never complain.”

He chuckled, giving her rear a playful smack. “It’s a hell of an apology. Now giddy-up, cowgirl. You’ve got some work ahead of you.”

Her reverie was broken by the sight at the swingset. She had to wipe the condensation off the window, to make sure she was seeing correctly. Mia was swinging, laughing her little head off, and Dad was pushing her. Her father, there. She dropped the dishes, and ran over to the back door.

She saw Mia hugging her grandfather. Charlotte called out to him, but he waved once, and slipped into the woods behind the house. Mia ran toward the porch. “Grandpa says hi. He told’ me to give you this.”

Charlotte was in shock. She looked at the woods. It was as if he’d never been there. Mia was hitting her hip, holding the envelope. “How long was he here?”

“Only for a little while this time.”

“This time? He’s done this before?”

Mia nodded. “Lots. He says it’s a secret. I’m not supposed to tell. Daddy said it was Ok.”

She took the note from her daughter, trying to understand. Why wouldn’t he stop in?

After settling her daughter down she sat in front of the fire and read the note.

Dearest Stella,

I may have to disappear for a while. I’ve done a bad thing.

I want you to know that I’m as proud of you today as I ever have been. I told you, you had a good man, didn’t I?

You probably are wondering about my spying on you. I hope you understand, all I wanted to do was see you. It’s all I have ever wanted to do. I don’t want to interfere, you need to have your life. But sometimes the yearning gets to be too much, now that your mother is gone. So I stopped by. I watch. I listen, I snoop. I need to know what’s going on in your life, and without your mother around to give me updates, I guess I went a little crazy. I hope you can forgive me.

I’ll stop now. It’s probably best if I’m not seen around you anyway, at least for a while, just in case.

Love that husband of yours, and our precious girl. Think of me sometimes.

All my love, always,


That explains the text messages. They’d continued unabated for a day. Text messages and emails. Then they stopped. Not a peep since. She remembered the story about the neighbors. She should have known.

In the envelope was a gift certificate to a year’s dancing lessons for two at Arthur Murrays. No explanation.

She wiped her eyes, stood and looked out into the woods. He was out there somewhere. Watching over her. Of course. She should have known. He always would.

She chuckled for a moment. My father, the stalker.

She opened the sliding door, and yelled, “I LOVE YOU, DADDY!” He didn’t reply, but she knew that he’d heard her. Even if he was out of earshot.

An hour later, she picked her phone up, and called her husband.

“Is something wrong?” he asked. She never called during the day.

“No. Just the opposite. I love you, and I wanted you to know. You need to clear your Tuesday evenings. We’re going dancing.”

He laughed. “I think I can manage that.”

“And get home as early as you can. I’ve got some serious apologizing to do. I’ve got a new outfit I want you to see. I might even need a spanking,” she teased.

“Have you been a bad, naughty girl?” he asked softly.

“I have. I’m touching myself. That’s naughty isn’t it?” she giggled.

“Very naughty. You know, I think I’d like to see that.”

She felt herself blushing. “You…you’d want to watch me?”

“Definitely. Is it too soon? With the holiday shutdown, there’s almost nobody around. I could leave in 10 minutes.”

“Give me an hour. I’ve got a couple of things to do. I need to drop off Mia with Sofia. Come look for me in the bedroom. I’ll be the one with the toys.”

“You’re driving me crazy, Jess,” Liam said.

“That’s the idea, my darling husband. I love you.”

She hung up the phone, and called her best friend Sofia, who was happy enough to take on the task of watching Mia when she heard why.

“Is Donna still doing those sex toy parties?” Charlotte asked.

Sofia laughed. “Seriously? You’re thinking of going to one? You?”

“Actually, I’m hoping for a private showing. I kind of have an emergency. I told Liam he was going to get a treat when he comes home.”

“Never mind Donna. I’ve got two items still in their boxes, from the last one. You’re gonna owe me.”

“Absolutely. You’re a lifesaver, Sofia.”

“That’s what friends are for. To help and watch out for each other, right?”

“Right. See you in a bit.”

That’s what friends are for. Friends and Daddy’s.

* * *


Oliver sat in the seat of honor, at the end of the kitchen island watching the proceedings. His daughter passed him another bowl to dry, which he stacked in front of him. She was so much like her mother, every mannerism a poignant reminder.

Charlotte spotted another dirty pan beside the range, and maneuvered the battlefield as her husband and daughter worked to get all the dishes completed on time. She had almost made it, when she was suddenly in Liam’s arms. He gave her the signal, a little push then a pull, lifting her hand over her head. She spun past him, then back, his hand moving across her lower back, his leg sliding between hers, as she slowly bent backward.

Mia laughed, clapping.

Liam pulled his wife upright, snatching a quick kiss before releasing her to her duties. Her son made his feelings clear, with a quick ‘Yuck!’ before tearing through the kitchen to find his cousins.

“The bottom one will cook faster.”

Liam laughed. “You want to take charge, Dad?”

“No way. Too late, I’m not going to take the blame.”

Mia ducked under her father’s arms, tugging at her grandfather’s hands. “Dance with me, Grandpa.”

Charlotte turned up the music. Grandfather and granddaughter came together, with the ease of years of practice. Oliver smiled. Mia was his daughter’s clone, tall, beautiful, brilliant, carefree, loving. He grinned, “Did this pretty thing get anything from your side of the family, Liam? She’s her mother all over again.”

Liam turned, with his wife in his arms, “A last name?”

Dad’s strange love making – 02 will continue in the next page.

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