Words on Skin made me look good

So he did. She made room and he slid onto her bed on his back. She rested her head on his chest.

“Scooter, can we do some more ummm… ‘practice’ later?”


“Thanks, bro. Imu,” she said drowsily.

“Okay, seriously, what the fuck does that mean?”

She smiled and fell asleep. The mint juleps and the swimming and the sun and the warmth of his sister’s barely-clothed body snuggled into him eventually won out over Richard’s ridiculous arousal too. They had an excellent nap. So good that they slept through their usual afternoon session in the ocean.

*~*~* Part VII *~*~*

Richard woke first. It was late afternoon and they were covered by a light blanket she’d pulled up from the foot of the bed. In their sleep, they’d rotated into their sides and spooned. His erection, harder now than he could ever remember, was nestled in his sister’s tiny and warm ass. He shifted, getting ready to roll away when she turned onto her stomach. His hand, on her hip a moment ago, was on her butt again.

He stroked it automatically and she wriggled it in response, even in her sleep. The chance to touch Lizzie’s fabulous rump was still too tempting. He stroked, squeezed, and massaged it softly.

Her eyes finally opened when he tugged her suit bottom down off her ass and left it down at her knees beneath the blanket.

He watched her smile and close her eyes again. She licked her lips when his fingers slid inwards across her upturned ass cheek. He dipped into the tiny crack and brushed up and down across her sphincter.

Her right arm slid down and under her hip to touch herself again like when they were on the patio.

He teased and toyed at her round little hole and tapped at its center gently. This close to her face and with her eyes closed, he could see how long his sister’s eyelashes were. Some of her blonde hair had fallen across her face too. Her simple beauty and the sheer raunchiness of what their hands were doing beneath the blanket was driving him mad with lust. He was pouring pre-cum into his bathing suit.

He watched her face carefully as he pressed inwards against her delicate rosebud. Her nose twitched in a very cute way.

“Wait a sec,” she rolled onto her back and lifted the leg closer to him. She pulled his hand under that leg and he went back to toying at her tiny hole from this new and strange angle.

“Easier for me to touch myself like this,” she said softly. Together, they tinkered between her legs until her face was flushed and her breath was ragged. Then her hand stopped.

She slid it downwards to meet his. She detoured along the way to wet her fingers at her opening, then carefully slickened his first finger with her juices. She dipped up and into her own wetness again. She returned to nudge his hand out of the way and moistened her own backdoor.

“Better,” she sighed, her hand disappearing up again to touch herself. Her eyes were thin, hungry slits when her head rolled on the pillow to face him.

He pressed his slickened finger to her wet ring and felt it begin to give way. He watched as her lips puckered and she exhaled while his finger slowly slid into her ass to the first knuckle. She hunched up so eagerly that he corkscrewed it gently to his second knuckle.

They paused for a few moments. The only sounds were the distant ocean, their breathing, and the soft rustle of the blanket as Lizzie continued masturbating.

“More,” she said quietly. He sank his finger deeper into his sister’s tiny rectum, struggling against its absurd tightness.

Her mouth fell open and she panted a few soft, “huh huh huh’s” as her brother worked all the way into her velvety tight hole. Her hand was flying back and forth across her clit.

When he drew his finger halfway out and sank it back in, Lizzie gasped and shook. “Again,” she pleaded softly. He did.

“Again,” she repeated her plea. He was giddy as he began to gently fingerfuck his kid sister’s miniature hole.

After just a couple of minutes, she stopped him by reaching down to catch his wrist. He assumed she’d had enough play at her inexperienced entrance. He was wrong.

Incredibly, she circled his second finger and pressed it to her tiny backdoor too. Her tongue flicked out to lick her upper lip as they started to ease into her together. Her big brown eyes locked on his her sphincter slowly yielded.

“So good, Scooter. So fucking wrong and nasty and good. I can see why people get into this,” she moaned.

She bit her lower lip as he gently sank his two fingers deep into her tiny hole and began to gently saw them in and out of her ass.

By this point, his own bathing suit was a soaking wet mess.

“Talk… talk dirty to me?” she asked quietly between gasping and twitching.

“Sure, let’s see… Mildew. Pond scum. Mouse droppings.”

“Ewww. C’mon, you know what I mean. Sexy dirty.”

“You mean how my fingers, your own brother’s fingers are sliding in and out of your ass? You’re very small back here sis. Very small. I can tell nobody has had you this way. It’s a good thing you’re excited. I can feel you dripping down onto my fingers and it’s helping a lot.”

He was stretching her tender back hole with both fingers. He could feel her reluctant opening relaxing little by little.

“Jesus Scooter, I’m on fire right now. Keep talking.”

“I could tell you what it’s going to be like when you let someone fuck you back there. I think you’re going to like it, sis. Maybe not the first time. It’s going to be a struggle and a stretch. Like the first time you had regular sex. Remember?”

“Yeah, that did kinda hurt,” she nodded.

“You’ll need to be patient, Lizzie. It’s going to feel like hell at first. For you anyway. For Chip, it’s going…”

“For who?”

“Chip. Your fiancée?”

“Oh yeah, him,” she giggled. “Sorry.” Lizzie’s eyes finally opened. They were dark and glassy and unfocused. “Guess I can’t think so good when you’re doing this. Going to cum soon… big… huge… keep going just like this. Fuck, this feels good.”

He smiled and continued working his fingers in and out of the strangling heat of her ass. Beneath the blanket, his kid sister’s entire body began to shake haphazardly. Her breathing was shallow and uneven and her tanned cheeks were glowing a brilliant cherry red.

“Scooter? Kiss me?” She was dizzy now, almost looking past him as she asked.

He didn’t argue. He pressed his lips to her mouth. Her lips opened immediately and she pulled his tongue inside.

It was the last thing she needed.

Lizzie moaned into his mouth as her hips shot up off the bed and she came with a dirty mishmash of syllables that amazed him, “goddamn motherfucking so fucking ugh ugh in my ass ugh jesus christ… ” the string of expletives was impressively complete.

He kissed her forehead and continued pumping his fingers in and out of her clutching ass as her orgasm stretched out.

When she’d finished, he rolled onto his back and reached into his suit. He was so excited he didn’t care that she was laying next to him. He’d be able to make himself cum in less than a minute.

“Scooter?” Lizzie looked at him and nibbled her lip sexily. “Don’t. Please?” She gave him the big puppydog eyes again.

He groaned and stopped, mad with frustration. Why did she get to cum and he didn’t? And why did she care?

“You’re evil, sis.”

“Ahhh, now you notice.” She grinned wickedly. “Maybe we could get some dinner?” she asked as she reached down and pulled her suit bottom back up beneath the blanket. “For some reason, I’m starving all of a sudden. Come on, I’ll take you someplace nice. My treat tonight.”

They showered and dressed. He found her waiting on the patio with an empty drink in her hand. He stopped at the door to look at her. She was leaning on the patio’s railing and looking out at the ocean.

She was wearing a thin yellow sundress with spaghetti shoulder straps that clung to her slender body enough that he could make out the tell-tale ‘T’ of a thong through it. It was cut low enough across the back to make it clear that she was braless again too. The orange light of the setting sun was glinting off her gold hair, twisted up off her neck casually. She looked comfortable and sexy and elegant all at the same time.

She’d heard him behind her. “I love the air here,” she sighed.

“The view’s pretty good too,” he murmured.

“Perv. Come here. Hold me.”

He wrapped his arms around her. “Feeling cheap after what we just did?”

“Uh uh, feeling frisky.”


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