Words on Skin made me look good

“Hey, I didn’t go looking for Chip’s giant sausage, it found me!”

He kept stroking her perfect ass for awhile, sipping his drink and reading his own book, when a gentle next step occurred to him. “Sis? Do you uh… masturbate?”

She looked up with a raised eyebrow, “Wow. Okay. Didn’t see that question coming. Yeah, sometimes. Why?”

“Just curious,” he looked at her for awhile before continuing, “Any chance you feel like doing it now? Might help you think about your rump in a sexy way.”

“Noooooo,” she snickered through her answer, “Now let me finish this chapter would you?”

They both read, waiting out the midday sun. The entire time, Richard’s right hand slowly worked back and forth across his sister’s tiny, red-suited butt. By three o’clock he’d had enough reading.

“Ready for another ocean fix, Lizzie?”

“You go ahead. I’ll join you in a few minutes,” she looked up at him sort of sheepishly.

“Let me guess, something you need to take care of first?” he snickered.

“Don’t be a jerk.”

“Just say it and I’ll go. Admit it. You’re horny.”

“Fine. I’m horny. Happy? And I need to do something about it or I’m going to get bitchy. So run along, buddy, if you know what’s good for you.”

“One last thing…” he stretched out a long pause, “show me.”

“Show you what, exactly?”

“This thing you’ve had me groping for the past two days. Just tug your suit down a little and let me see. Trust me, you’ve got nothing to be ashamed of and I’ve always been curious. Do it and I’ll leave you alone for some quality time.”

She studied him, actually considering it. “Okay, fine,” she muttered then reached down and hooked her thumbs into her suit at its hips.

Richard’s heart pounded in his ears as she drew it down slowly. He drank in every gorgeous, unveiled inch. She’d shown him her breasts but not this. Never this. He could barely believe it was even happening now.

The suit slid down inch by inch, the skin becoming paler as she went, just as smooth and blemish-free as the rest of her. And finally, when her suit bottom was gathered at the tops of her thighs, there it was – the object of his fantasies for years, two tiny firm hills that pressed together into a tight cleavage. Utterly and completely perfect. He stared at her ass, hypnotized.

“Well?” she finally asked softly, looking back at him over her shoulder. She swished her rump back and forth with her question and the toned buns flexed smoothly.

Richard felt light headed as he openly gawked at his little sister’s superb ass, “Well… well what?”

“Do I have a nice one?”

“Lizzie, you’ve always been…” he shook his head to clear it. “If you weren’t my …” he shook it again harder, “…yeah, you have a nice one. Just come down and join me when you’re done.”

He patted her head and left her as he promised. He walked down the beach, keeping his hips facing away from his sister to conceal the giant erection that had stretched out inside his bathing suit.

He laughed when she joined him in the water barely five minutes later, red-cheeked and grinning.

She didn’t ask him to launch her like he’d done in the morning. Instead they surfed together, competing to see who could ride furthest in towards shore. Later, when they staggered out of the ocean, exhausted and starving he let her have the first shower.

He showered after her and nearly fainted on the spot when he found her in the kitchen again, pulling a bottle of water from the refrigerator. She was wearing nothing but her underwear – a pink bra and matching tiny boyshorts with a bit of lace at the bottom.

“Sis?” he choked out.

“Hmmm?” she answered, still looking in the refrigerator.

“Uh, clothes?!”

“Aww come on, these cover more than my bikinis do.”

“Yeah, but they’re definitely underwear.” He blinked as she turned towards him. “And they’re practically see through!”

“Really?” She looked down in mock amazement. “What do you see?”

“Stuff. Your stuff.”

“What? Like nipples?”

“Yeah,” he swallowed.

A saucy smile he’d never seen before twisted across her face.

“Say the word, Scooter. Say ‘nipples’,” she teased softly.

“Nipples,” he whispered, staring at her chest.

“What else do you see?” she tucked her gold hair, still damp from her shower, behind her ear and smiled, “Oh, go ahead and look down. I don’t mind. Can you see through my panties too?”

“Yeah,” he croaked.

“See anything?”

“Uh uh,”

“No fur?”


“Exactly. No fur at all,” she giggled as she breezed past him, “now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to pick out at a nice dress to wear for when you take me out for dinner.”

“We’re going out?”

“Yup,” she confirmed over her shoulder.

She came back in a light orange strapless beach wrap that made him dizzy just looking at her. Her hair was still damp and loose, falling a few inches past her shoulders. Worst of all, the puckered nipples visible through its fabric made it clear she’d removed her bra. He refused to give her the satisfaction of commenting.

They went out to a local seafood dive on the waterfront. They drank beer and stuffed themselves on shellfish. The entire night, Richard was conscious of the looks his sister was drawing in the restaurant. Men old and young eyed her with interest.

She was well-behaved the whole time though. She didn’t flirt or tease him. Whatever had possessed her in the kitchen had gone away. For all intents and purposes, she was his sweet kid sister again. Right up until they got home and parted for their separate rooms.

“Good night Scooter,” she smiled up at him as she went on tiptoes to kiss his nose goodnight. Then she fixed him with a smoky look while she pecked him on the lips twice. Between those pecks, she repeated what she’d said that morning, “Don’t.”

“Don’t what?” he smirked.

“Just don’t, okay smart guy?” she nibbled her lower lip and left him standing there in the hallway.

*~*~* Part VI *~*~*

He woke to “Imu.” “Oatmeal.”

They ate. They went out in the surf again. He endured her body hanging on him and rubbing against him mercilessly underwater, even the feeling of her stomach and ass in his hands as they played in the waves. She was wearing a white bikini cut even more daringly. The top barely covered her nipples and the bottom left nearly half of her ass was exposed. If this kept up he’d go insane.

By midday they were back on the patio, he made mint juleps and the bourbon hit Lizzie hard. She’d barely finished her second one when, without a word, she tugged her white bikini bottom down all the way to her knees.

She looked over at her brother and arched her eyebrow. She didn’t need to move his hand for him. He reached over on his own, his hand circling her bare little ass gently.

It was only a few minutes later that she was shifting in her chair.

“Okay Scooter, I’m horny.”

“That’s good.”

“Now go play in the ocean for a few minutes, will you?”

“No way, it’s too early. Still way too hot out there. Why?” He kept stroking her ass in slow circles.

“You know why, jerk.”

“So go ahead and do what you want, Lizzie. I’m not leaving and I’m certainly not stopping you.”

“Seriously?” she asked timidly.

“Seriously,” he said as casually as he could.

“Don’t mess with me. I’m drunk enough and horny enough to actually do it,” she warned.

“Nobody’s messing with you. I’ll just read my book over here and you do whatever you need to do.”


He watched her right hand slip under her hip. She moaned softly and he watched her elbow begin to move in circles as she touched herself. She was soon panting into the cushion of her chair and arching her ass up into his hand eagerly for his stroking.

“Scooter? Could you… just kinda… maybe just a little…” she reached back with her free hand and steered his fingers into her crease.

He slid them up and down her crack carefully and she let out a long slow breath. He caressed the delicate skin in the middle. He began to toy at the roughened little pucker hidden inside as she continued touching herself.

But it was too dry. He knew there would be plenty of wetness drooling from her opening but he was afraid to dip down, to cross that line, to break the spell.

“Hold on a sec, sis.”

He dabbed some suntan lotion on his fingertips and went back to touching her, now gently circling her ring and feeling the muscle there slowly begin to relax and soften.

Lizzie was panting by now and eager for more. She wriggled until his finger was centered on her rear entrance, “Scooter? Little more?”

He pressed gently, fingertip sliding just barely inside, and she shuddered, muscles twitching up and down her back. She was clearly ready to cum. She was rushing, excited by the new sensations, her arm was moving frantically.

“Touch yourself slower, sis,” he whispered.

“Can’t” she hissed.

“Slower,” he repeated gently.

She looked back at him with a cute little snarl, almost feral. She’d cum when she pleased. And she pleased now. Feisty words died on her lips when her orgasm hit. Humping down into her own hand, she grunted and rolled through a fabulous peak. He continued slipping his fingertip in and out of her ass gently as she rode it out.

She went limp on the lounge chair. “Holy crap that was hot,” she murmured when she’d finally caught her breath.

“See? Not so bad right?”

“No. No, I guess not,” she clumsily pulled her suit bottom back up, suddenly self-conscious. “Wow, that seriously wiped me out. I think I need a nap.”

Without a word, he stood and knelt. He picked his drowsy sister up and carried her towards her bedroom.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, her little nose nuzzling at this throat. A thrill went through him when she pressed her lips there. Her kisses worked up his neck to his chin. She paused, hesitating as she pushed herself through this little taboo, he could feel her breath on this face.

Then she kissed him on the lips. It was the first time they’d kissed like this since he’d given her that first one, years ago.

Her lips melted perfectly into his just as he laid her gently on her bed then tried to step away. To leave her to sleep. To get away from her so that he didn’t do something stupid.

But her arms held tight around his neck.

“Stay,” she whispered, never opening her eyes, “snuggle.”

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