Charlotte’s special gift for Christmas – part 3

I looked at Thomas who shrugged. Standing up long enough to pull his pants back up, he sat back down on the bed and called out, “Hold on a sec Charlotte.”

I stood up and licked my lips, whispered, “Shit, it’s like getting caught in your bedroom when we stayed with your folks.”

Turning around, I called out, “Come on in.” and sat down next to him at the foot of the bed. The door opened and Charlotte came in. My eyes widened and I looked over at Thomas, who looked as if he was having a hard time keeping his mouth closed. Charlotte was wearing a red robe shorter than mine. So short that I wondered if she turned around if I’d be able to see the cheeks of her ass.

Her long blond hair was down and looked as if she had teased it out and in addition to that as she approached I noticed she was wearing make-up. My eyes lingered on her soft full lips that were painted in the exact shade of deep red as her robe.

The color was too old for her and gave her an almost trashy appearance, which immediately had me thinking of all the places that lipstick would look smeared across. Unable to avoid it, I dropped my gaze to her long legs and saw she was barefoot and her toenails were in the same deep red as her lips. A quick glance at her hands showed her fingernails were also that color.

When she was standing directly in front of us I again looked into her face and stared at her mascara coated eyelashes, wondering if she was going to tell us she was going out and just hadn’t put a dress on yet. I did note that the robe was tied properly; showing only a little of her neckline.

“So, uh what’s on your mind Charlotte?” Thomas asked.

I looked over and saw he was struggling to find a place for his eyes and I didn’t blame him. Of course now that she knew I found women attractive it occurred to me I would have to be careful of where my eyes rested as well.

“I…well I…I’m leaving for Florida Monday morning so I wanted to give you guys your present tonight.”

“It couldn’t wait until tomorrow morning?” I asked.

“Nope.” She shook her head. “I want to give it to you tonight,” she gave us a nervous smile, “I…I really hope you like it.”

“I’m sure we will.” Thomas said and making a show of looking more closely at her asked, “Where is it?”

“Well,” she giggled and as she had last night began rocking nervously from one foot to the other. “You’re pretty much looking at it.”

I looked over at Thomas to see he was looking back at me. I shrugged, “Okay, well you got us, what is it?”

“You guys have to close your eyes.”

I glanced at Thomas quickly again and then, putting my head down, closed my eyes.

“No peeking.” Charlotte said, and then laughed, “Thomas your eyes aren’t closed all the way.”

I elbowed him and he sighed, “Okay.”

I sat there with my eyes closed and after a moment, Charlotte said, “O…Okay guys, you can open your eyes.

“I put my head up, opened my eyes and exclaimed, “Oh my God!”

I heard Thomas say the same exact thing next to me, but didn’t turn to look; my eyes were glued to the sight before us. Charlotte had dropped her robe and was now standing before us in a red lace bra the cups of which were transparent enough to see her pink nipples. My eyes trailed down her soft smooth stomach to take in the matching red thong that barely covered her pussy. The stings of the thong were tied at the sides exposing the entire length of her leg right up to her hip.

Charlotte’s ensemble was completed by a red ribbon tied around her neck and as we both stared, she raised her arms over her head and said, “Merry Christmas!”

“I…Charlotte, what are you doing?” Thomas managed to ask.

“I’m giving you guys what you’ve been wanting!” she exclaimed, giving us a huge smile, “Want to see the rest?”

Without waiting for an answer, Charlotte turned around to show us her backside. The thong was nothing more than a string in the back and I swallowed hard at the sight of her firm round ass cheeks. She turned back around and seeing the two of us sitting there speechless, frowned.

“You…you guys don’t like me?”

I was too stunned to speak and was desperately trying to tell myself that no matter what, we couldn’t do this. Next to me, Thomas somehow found it within himself to speak again,

“Charlotte, why…why would you think we wanted…um, that we would want to…” he paused then shook his head, “Fool around with you? We’re a married couple, and you’re…”

“Well, after  Emily told me about your secret and that you guys miss being able to….”

“You told her?” Thomas yelled from next to me.

I turned to face him and started stammering, “I…I had to Thomas, she heard us fighting and thought you were fooling around on me, I…I didn’t want her to think that about you and she was going to move out and…”

“Don’t worry, Thomas!” she said softly, “I won’t tell anyone and it gave me this idea!” she then pushed her lips out in a pout, “But I guess I’m not pretty enough for you.”

The sight of her lip trembling caused my pussy to begin to heat up. All I could imagine was how those soft quivering lips would feel beneath mine. Rein it in,  Emily! Charlotte put her head down and said, “I…I’m sorry, I thought you guys would like me.”

“Honey, it’s not that.” I blurted, “You’re beautiful!”

“Not hot though,” she bent over to pick up the robe and I could see down into the cups of her bra. Staring at her pink nipples had my own nipples hardening and I said quickly,

Charlotte, you’re damn hot, trust me. Right Thomas?”

“I…I shouldn’t answer that.” He said, “Charlotte, please put your robe back on.”

“Okay I…” she stopped and stared at Thomas, I followed her gaze and saw she was staring down into his lap. My eyes widened when I saw he was hard, his cock causing his pants to rise around his crotch. “You…you look like you want to open your gift Thomas!”

She giggled and the sound sent a wave of heat through my pussy. If she didn’t get dressed and leave soon, I was going to un-wrap that precious little gift with or without Thomas.

“You…you’re a very sexy girl Charlotte.” Thomas whispered, “But it’s not about your looks, we…were supposed to watch out for you and care for you, we shouldn’t…”

“And I care for you guys, that’s why I want to make you happy!”

“We can’t.” Thomas said sternly.

As much as I wanted to smack him, I knew he was right, we couldn’t do this. She was our best friend’s daughter and she really didn’t know what she was getting into, hell the girl had barely gotten laid. That last thought wasn’t helping my pussy and neither was knowing that Thomas’s cock was at attention from staring at Charlotte’s perfect little body.

“Charlotte, we…appreciate you wanting to do this, but it’s just because of what  Emily told you and that’s not a good reason to, well, you know.” Thomas put his hands out, “So…”

“It’s not just what  Emily said,” Charlotte walked up closer to us and I clasped my hands in my lap to stop from reaching out to her. “I…I have something to tell you guys.”

“Can you please put your robe on while you tell us?” Thomas implored.

Ignoring him, Charlotte stood in front of us and began speaking softly.

“I have to confess something to you guys.”

“W…what’s that?” I managed to ask as my eyes were level with those adorable little tits.

“I lied to you last night. I was on the stairs watching while you guys were playing around.”

“You were?” Thomas asked, trying to feign surprise.

I noticed he had put his hands in his lap, but I had no doubt he was still hard. There was no way he couldn’t be with this gorgeous little thing a foot away from us.

“I was, I was coming down to get a cup of coffee and I saw you. At first I thought  Emily was just sitting in your lap, but then I saw your hand and…and  Emily took her blouse off.”

She began to turn as red as her lingerie and that sweet blush began to work me up more than her scantily clad body. This was our sweet little Charlotte, but dressed to kill and ready to…

“I…crouched down and watched and…it really turned me on.”

She’d said that last part in a barely audible whisper and it was an act of will not to lean forward and kiss her.

“It, it turned you on?” Thomas asked.

His tone made me turn to look at him and I saw he was sweating and he was no longer trying to look away. His eyes, as mine had been, were fixed on her chest.

Charlotte’s special gift for Christmas – part 3 will continue in the next page.

Series Navigation<< Charlotte’s special gift for Christmas – part 2Charlotte’s special gift for Christmas – part 4 >>

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