Charlotte’s special gift for Christmas – part 2

“You know Thomas, I just thought of what I’d really like for Christmas, a perfect gift.”

“Really?” he asked, “You said you didn’t have anything in mind, when I asked.”

“Like I said, it really just came to me and…” I gave him an enticing smile, “I think you’d enjoy it as well.”

“Oh?” he smiled, “Something from the Adam and Eve catalog?”

“Nope.” I shook my head, “Even more fun.”

“Well, are you going to tell me?”

Sliding over to him, I placed my lips to his ear and whispered, “Thomas, baby, I want a woman for Christmas.”


“This again?” Thomas asked, pulling away from me. “Christ  Emily, we’ve been over this again and again and decided that…”

“You decided.” I pointed at him. “You decided that after eighteen years of bringing another woman into our bed for a treat, one close call and you…”

“Close call?” He put his hands up, “That’s putting it mildly. Shit  Emily, that girl you set us up to meet on Craig’s list was one of my fucking students when she was in high school!”

“I know,” I put my hands up as well, “I teach at the same school remember? In fact I recognized her first when we were walking up to the front of the motel.”

“And she recognized us.” He reminded me. “She came over and asked how we were doing” he rolled his eyes, “Mr. and Mrs. Adams how are you?”

“But she didn’t realize we were the couple coming to meet her and I’m sure she bought our story that we were picking up some friends from out of town.”

“Did she?” he shook his head.

“We sat there in the car like we were waiting for someone and she was doing the same thing. You got two texts from her asking if we were showing before I just decided to drive off.”

“And I texted we were running late and when we pulled out and took off, she was reading a book in her car and she wasn’t even looking. Hell Thomas, you act like we were caught red handed.”

“If we hadn’t been late and had already been in the motel room, we fucking would have.” He snapped.

“But it didn’t happen and….”

“But it could have.” He said, lowering his voice. ” Emily, we’re high school teachers. A lot of our students are eighteen year old girls. Can you imagine what would happen to us if we were caught playing with one, even if she wasn’t our student? It would be our jobs.” He sighed, “In fact ever since that happened all I can think of is how it hadn’t happened before. Half of those girls are college students and Rhode Island is a small state.”

“Then we’ll go to clubs.” I suggested. “If we recognize the girl we don’t go near her.”

“You remember every single student you’ve had in the last few years?” he asked, “I sure as hell don’t.”

“What, you think we’ve taught every girl under twenty five in the state, Thomas?”

“No, it’s just…it was a wakeup call to  Emily. Back when we were messing around in college with other girls it was no big deal, we were a couple of partiers and you were into both. When we got out of school and had internships, we bounced around and weren’t teaching kids anywhere near our taste shall we say.”

“Then we’ll go older.” I shrugged. “We both like playing with younger girls, but we can find one our age.”

“How, you want to walk into swingers clubs or start advertising.” He laughed. “Then we’ll get a woman that says “hey aren’t you my daughter’s history teacher?”

“And we’ll ask her what she’s doing at that club?” I laughed.

“It won’t be her job I’m sure.”

“Then we’ll go away for a few days and find one.”

“Not every state is as loose as this one, with indoor prostitution laws. The girls in the other states are literally street walkers.”

“Not in the clubs. Come on Thomas! We used to have so much fun!”

“Sorry I’m not enough to satisfy you.” He waved his hand disgustedly.

“Oh, please. You know you keep me happy. We had another guy come on and play with me a couple of times back in college, but since then it’s all women.” Putting my hand in his lap, I squeezed his cock. “You have all the cock I need honey, but goddamn, I’m craving pussy!”

He started to speak, but I kept going, “And our rule is we only play together. So you know I’ll never try to find one alone Thomas, and I love to see another woman with you and I love that look on your face when you watch me lick pussy! It was our special secret, and it’s not like we did it all the time, it was maybe three or four times a year and…” I shrugged, “I’ll make a deal with you, how about once a year around Christmas! A special gift!”

“If you can settle for once a year, you can settle for not at all.” He said quietly. ” Emily we have a career and don’t forget that scare we had after that woman in Florida when I got that rash.”

“It ended up being jock itch from you jogging all the time.” I rolled my eyes.

“But we thought it was something else. It’s hard to trust…..”

“Stop being an ass Thomas!” I yelled at him, “At least stop acting like it’s just me.”

“What do you mean?” He asked, “I…”

“Just admit you want another fucking woman!” I yelled, getting tired of his excuses. “You know damn well you want one so don’t put it all on me!”

“Fine, I’d love to!” He yelled back, “I would love to be able to fuck around with a hot young girl, but it’s not worth the risk!”

“I’m not worth the risk?” I asked, “You don’t think I’m important anymore?”

“You are, another woman isn’t!” standing up quickly, he looked down at me. “When we had that close call, you agreed it was a sign and we needed to stop.”

“Oh, and you’ve never changed your mind about anything?” I demanded. “You want it and you know it!”

“Can’t always have what we want,  Emily.” He said, “This conversation’s over.” With a disgusted sigh he added, “Christ you know how to ruin a night, maybe I really am just not enough for you.”

He hadn’t said that angrily and as he walked away, I felt a stab of regret that I’d pushed. Thomas and I had a great marriage and an amazing sex life. Many women couldn’t claim either of those let alone both. With a sigh, I sat back on the couch and thought that maybe he was right; it was time to grow up and settle down. I looked back at the tree and longed for the days when Thomas and I would un-wrap a different kind of gift together.


I jerked awake at the sound of a knock on the door and turned, looking at the clock on the nightstand. It was just after nine. I sat up on the bed and rolled my eyes as my I-pad fell off of my chest onto the bed. I’d come upstairs after my argument with Thomas and try to do some work on the last test I was giving my students before Christmas break. Between being physically relaxed from our hot romp in the living room, then getting emotional after our fight, it had taken its toll and I’d apparently dozed off.

The knock game again and I called out, “Come in.”

The door opened and Charlotte entered. She was still wearing the shorts and t-shirt from earlier, but now her long blonde hair was down. Also like earlier, she looked nervous.

“Hey hon, everything okay?” I asked.

‘Umm, well I was wondering if I could talk to you about something.”

“Of course.” I said and sliding over to the side of the bed, patted it. “Come on over.”

Charlotte nodded and sitting down next to me looked down at the floor and began playing with her hair.

“Do you know where Thomas is?” I asked.

“I was just downstairs. He’s in his office working, so I figured I would talk to you while he was busy.” She sighed and went to put the piece of hair into her mouth.

Just as I’d always seen her mother do, I reached out and pulled the hair from her mouth and asked “Is everything okay, Charlotte?”

“I…I kind of wanted to ask you that.” She said softly.

“What do you mean?”

Charlotte turned slightly so she was facing me and after taking a deep breath, began speaking.

“After I went upstairs and called a couple of friends I was going to study and remembered I left my I-Pod downstairs.”

“Okay.” I said as she paused.

“Well I started to head downstairs and I heard you guys fighting.”

“Oh.” I shrugged, “Well sorry you heard that, but everyone fights hon.” I laughed, “Sometimes in the summer we could hear your mom yelling at your dad whenever he tried to fix something and made it worse.”

“Yeah I know.” She gave me a surprisingly serious look and, putting her hand on my knee, continued, ” Emily, you and Thomas really mean a lot to me and well…it wasn’t that you were fighting, but what you were fighting about.”

I felt a twisting feeling in my stomach as I remembered the topic of our argument. “You sat and listened?” I asked.

“I did.” She put her head down.

“So you heard what it was about?” Oh, great. How the hell was I going to explain this one?

“I heard you yelling about another woman.” Charlotte gave my knee a squeeze. “Thomas’s cheating on you isn’t he?”

“Of course not!” I exclaimed, relieved this wasn’t what I’d thought.

“You don’t have to cover for him.” she said, “I heard you tell him to admit he wanted another woman and he….” Her eyes started to fill up, “He told you he wanted to f…” She blushed, “Have sex with a hot young girl.”

“Oh.” I paused, trying to think of a way to answer her and she went on.

“There’s really not another way to take that  Emily. I…I’m really upset, you and Thomas seem so happy and I always thought he was such a good guy! But he…” she swallowed hard and a single tear rolled down her cheek, “He’s hurting you!”

“Oh, honey,” I reached out and wiped the tear from her cheek, “He’s not, he really is a good man. We’re very happy together, we just…”

“Then what was he talking about?” she put her hands up, “I heard you word for word,  Emily, you told him to admit it and he did! You’re just covering up for him!”

I frowned and looked down at the floor. Replaying the argument in my head, I realized that the only time we had been raising our voices was pretty much the part she’s heard. Charlotte hadn’t heard the initial part. At first I thought that was a lucky break, but now she was convinced Thomas was cheating. If she said anything to him, he would deny it as I was, but what if she said something to her parents?

I looked back up to see she was looking at me and there were a couple more tears on her cheeks. I was touched that she cared enough about us that this would upset her and wanted to assure her we were okay, but how? She was right; if I’d heard that part I’d assume the same thing.

“Do you know who she is?” Charlotte asked, “I heard you say she was young.” His blue eyes widened. “I…I heard him saying something about a student before the yelling started, is he…screwing around with his students?”

“Hell no!” I exclaimed, shit this was getting worse.

“Then who’s the hot young girl?” she shook her head, “N…never mind, it’s your business”

“There’s nothing….” I began, but stopped when she grunted disgustedly then said quietly,

” Emily I…I love it here with you guys, but when I get back from Florida I’m going to move in with one of my friends, they lost their roommate and need someone to help with the rent.”

“You…you’re leaving us?” I asked, shocked, “But your folks…”

“I…I can’t live here knowing Thomas’s cheating and….I just can’t.” she shrugged, “I won’t tell my parents about it, I’ll just say I’ve decided to be a big girl and live on my own.”

She stood up and gave me a sad smile, “I’m sorry,  Emily, you deserve better and before I leave, I’m going to tell Thomas that I think he’s an…”

“Charlotte, sit down!” I snapped and grabbing her wrist pulled her into a sitting position. “I’m telling you, nothing bad is going on!”

Charlotte’s special gift for Christmas – part 2 will continue in the next page.

Series Navigation<< Charlotte’s special gift for Christmas – part 1Charlotte’s special gift for Christmas – part 3 >>

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