I even told him he could divorce me if he wanted, let me go…but that I wasn’t going to stop doing what I was doing, what I now so very much enjoyed. So you see Max, he loved me, he never divorced me, though I gave him plenty of reason to do so. And I never betrayed that one promise, that one act, not with any man. Until I met you.”
I sat back in my chair, still trying to digest all of this. “Well, that really doesn’t count now does it? I mean, I am sorry your husband died, I really am. But it wasn’t your intent to keep that vow to him now was it? Even after his death?”
“That vow? No. Not that one, otherwise you and I wouldn’t have…no matter what. But you see Max, what I’m trying to tell you is this. I have no intention of not doing what I’ve always enjoyed doing…with other men. That’s why you needed to know, before we went any further than we already have. I won’t lie to you about who I am, what I like, and what I enjoy doing. So if that sickens you, disgusts you…which it probably does, better you know it now before I make things any worse than they probably are now.”
Admittedly, now having heard this, heard it in her own words, I couldn’t help but wonder if she was right. I couldn’t even imagine it really, though I sat there actually trying to. She stood, preparing to leave.
“Maybe I should go. I’ve already said more than I probably should have, but now you need some time alone to think about what I’ve just told you. I don’t blame you in the least if you now look at me differently than you have, than you once did, even as a boy. You now know my secret, my past…but you also know now who it is that I really am.”
“No, please…don’t go, sit down. I want to hear all of it. Yes, I’ll admit, I am a bit shocked, surprised. But just like you said, and asked me, I’m now asking you. Tell me all of it so that I can think about it and decide for myself. But I want to know the whole story, what it is you do, and why…why you enjoy it, before I make up my own mind about any of this.”
To my surprise, June sat down. “Well, ok…but once I begin, you’ll hear it all, every nasty little tid-bit. But…know this much too, even with all those men, I always practice safe-sex. And of course, Thomas was always there to see to it that they all understood what was expected, and what wasn’t. We never had any problems with anyone attempting to force me to do anything they already knew I wouldn’t do. And as long as they were good with that, so was I. I never gave anyone a blowjob without them wearing a condom, not once.
Not all of them liked that, but if they wanted that and not just a hand-job, then they had to abide by that agreement as well. But the thing was…whether I sucked them, or just Olivered them off…for me, it was the sensation, the feeling of a man’s cum spurting against me. They could cum on me wherever they wanted to,
but just on me…never in me. Never in my pussy, or in my ass, or in my mouth. But, wherever else they wanted to they could. And I loved it. I loved feeling it, seeing it, watching all those different sizes and shapes of cocks squirting. Some more than others, but again, that too was part of the fascination for me. I love seeing a man spurt,
always have. And the more cocks I see doing it, the better. That’s where I derive my enjoyment Max, that’s what gets me off. I just love watching a man’s hard stiff cock squirting. I love Thomasing a man off, just to see that, and have very often approached men with no other purpose in mind than that.
I’ve walked up to total strangers, men I’ve learned to judge carefully, cautiously. Ninety-nine percent of the time, they let me. Whether it’s a quick Oliver off in the bushes at the park, on the bus, in the back of a storage room at a store, or even a dressing room. That’s what I do, what I enjoy doing and seeing. Maybe none of that makes any sense to you, it probably doesn’t. But that’s who I am, what I like, and what I have every intention of continuing to do.”
She was right about one thing, she’d given me a great deal to think about. And I was admittedly torn, my emotions at the moment jumbled and confused, I didn’t know what to think, still trying to imagine it all. But the other thing that surprised even me…was the fact that I was very aroused having heard all this.
Once again June stood, as did I. By the look on her face she had said everything there was to say, preparing to leave. When I stood however, there was no denying the obvious. My robe was tented out, my hard stiff cock pressing against the fold, obscenely so. She looked down, her face clearly surprised upon seeing that, now looking up towards me, confusion clearly evident.
“You’re…you’re hard?”
I looked down at myself, smiling. “Yeah, I guess I am.” I then looked back up at her, more of a serious expression on my face. “Not going to lie to you either. You have given me a lot to think about, and I will…I promise you that. But until I do that, until I decide if what you told me bothers me or not, at the moment…I’m not going to decide one way or the other. Right now, all I want to do…is cum for you, if…you’d like me to do that.”
“Really? You would?”
Just seeing the excitement in her eyes confirmed everything. I knew then I would either have to accept her for the person she really was, or chalk up the whole thing to experience and go on. But at the moment, that decision would have to wait. I hated to admit it, but I was definitely aroused, and in much need of release.
“Yes, I would. The only question I have at the moment is do you want me to do it? Or do you? And that doesn’t mean I’ve come to any decisions either, all it does mean is that I will think about it. But until then…well hell, I’ll just say it. I’m fucking horny!”
“Me too!” June giggled, and then began removing her clothes.