Ben and Susan’s unusual relation – part 2

“Okay, well I’m pretty sure I know the answer already but I… I really need to know. This is for real, right? It’s not just for fun?”

“Ben, I don’t let people touch me in certain places ‘just for fun’,” she said, using finger quotes to emphasize her point.

“I know you don’t,” I said hurriedly. “I didn’t mean… I just needed to hear you say it, that’s all. Because there’s stuff I’m feeling that I really need to repress if you didn’t feel it too.”

“What kind of stuff?” she asked, suddenly much more interested.

“Like I’ve been thinking about you a lot. Way more than I should.”

“Are they naughty thoughts?”

Susan climbed off her bed and walked the few steps it took to reach me.

“Very,” I confirmed. “Thoughts a brother really shouldn’t have about his sister.”

As soon as she was near enough I put my hands on either side of her waist and pulled her even closer. It was a simple enough matter to push the hem of her shirt up a little so that I could feel her bare skin under my palms.

“I’ve been having thoughts about you too,” she said, her face only inches away from mine.

“I know. That’s what started this wasn’t it?”

“Mm-hm, but my mind’s only been getting dirtier since then. I’ve been imagining a lot of different possibilities.”

Susan offered absolutely no kind of protest as my hands ran over her sides and back, slowly creeping higher as we stood there talking.

“Was this one of them?” I asked.

“It’s pretty close to a couple of them, yeah. You were faster about removing my clothes most of the time though, at this rate you’re going to be all night just getting my shirt off.”

That definitely sounded like an invitation and I had every intention of accepting. I grabbed the bottom of Susan’s shirt and pulled it up and over her arms as she raised them for me. She wasn’t wearing a bra underneath.

“Have you been going like that all day?” I asked.

“Didn’t seem worth getting properly dressed when I couldn’t go anywhere anyway,” she replied. “Besides, I wanted to make it easier for you if you tried something.”

She leaned toward me and kissed me gently, squealing a little as I wrapped my arms around her back and pulled her to me tightly. Her lips tasted a little like strawberries, lip gloss or something probably, and they were wonderfully soft against mine.

Even softer, and more interesting when it came down to it, were her breasts pressing into my chest. I pulled away from her just enough to squeeze one of my hands between us and cup her left breast.

“I knew you’d want to feel my boobies,” Susan said.

“Of course I do, I did before I just couldn’t get past you being my sister.”

“Are you past it now?”

“Not really, but I’m not letting it stop me.”

I reached down to the front of her jeans and started to undo them, partly to make my point and partly just because I wanted to.

“Hey, you already got to take something off, it’s my turn,” Susan said as she pushed my arms away.

I smiled and relented, reaching above my head to help her get my shirt off. The sooner it was out of the way the sooner I could remove more of my sister’s clothing.

Susan guided me backward to her bed and pushed me onto it before climbing on top and straddling my hips. I could see her panties peeking out at me from where I’d managed to get her pants open, but not off.

“Now this really is like one of my fantasies,” she said, grinning wickedly at me.

“Oh? Then what happens next?”

“Next your pants disappear all on their own, obviously I’m gonna have to help them along a little in real life.”

Susan worked them partly off and I finished by kicking them the rest of the way over my feet. My sister was so incredibly sexy sitting on top of me topless looking in complete control, I probably would have done anything she asked me at that point. More so than usual even.

“Then I have to let you get hard, that’s kind of a given,” she said.

I was well on my way there already, but when she started grinding on top of my still-growing erection it sped up the process even more. My underwear was starting to feel uncomfortably tight.

“So when do your pants come off?” I asked.

“Pretty soon if you’re lucky.”

She raised herself just enough that she could pull my underwear back and let my erection spring free. Her eyes gleamed as she saw it again and she crawled backward a little so she could lean closer.

“Mmm, I’ve been waiting to see you again,” she said, addressing my cock rather than me.

Her fingers encircled my shaft and stroked it lightly, sending a shiver through my body. It was becoming more and more real to me with each passing second, the idea that we were actually going to have sex. It seemed so weird when I thought about it. When I focused on my sister and the way she was making me feel however, I couldn’t imagine trying to stop it.

I sat partway up in an attempt to get at Susan’s pants again and was quickly pushed back down. She waved a finger in my face like I was a misbehaving puppy.

“Ah ah, stay right there,” she said. “I don’t want you going anywhere.”

“Wasn’t going anywhere, just trying to help,” I said.

“Well be a little more patient, you’re usually better than me at that aren’t you?”

“That’s because most of the time there isn’t anything worth getting excited over. This isn’t exactly a typical situation for me.”

“No, I guess it isn’t.”

Perhaps to placate me a little, Susan stood up on the bed with her feet planted on either side of my waist and tugged at her pants slightly. She turned around before pulling them down too far so that her panty-covered butt came into view first.

“That better?” she asked, wiggling her butt at me and letting her pants slide down her legs.

“Yeah, I gotta say you look good in just your panties,” I said.

She rolled her eyes at me over her shoulder but began swaying gently as she stepped out of her pant legs, clearly not minding too much. Her fingers hooked themselves into the sides of her panties as she turned around, threatening to pull them down as well.

“So how do you think I’d look in nothing at all?” she asked.

“I don’t know, maybe you’ll have to show me so I can decide.”

Susan smiled and the front of her panties came down a little, just barely keeping her pussy covered. She continued dancing in slow, deliberate movements above me making it harder and harder for me to stay put like she wanted.

“You know I’m not above tackling you to the bed if I really have to,” I said.

She giggled and lowered herself until she was nearly sitting on my stomach.

“Maybe you would, but we both know you’re completely incapable of holding me down if I don’t want you to.” She leaned in closer so her lips were almost touching mine. “Right now though, I might let you if you tried.”

I closed my eyes as she kissed me, but simultaneously circled my hands around behind her and down her back until I felt the top of her underwear. Her butt brushed against the tip of my cock as she moved back and forth slightly, reinforcing my need to be inside her. Those panties had to go. I grabbed the material firmly in both hands just above one of her legs and pulled.

For a second I thought nothing was going to happen, then there was a satisfying ripping sound and my sister’s panties hung limply from their still-intact side. Susan gave me a look of shock that quickly turned into an appreciative smile.

“Did you just rip my panties off?” she asked. “I didn’t think you had it in you. There must be a bad boy in there somewhere after all.”

“What can I say, you bring out the best in me,” I replied distractedly.

The front of Susan’s panties had fallen away leaving her pussy naked in front of me for the first time. After feeling it only the day before I had a decent idea what to expect and I was in no way disappointed. It was just as smooth and perfect as I could have imagined and my first instinct was to reach out and touch it.

Susan made a small sound of approval as my fingers ran over her pussy lips. Her arousal was readily apparent and it didn’t take long for her hips to start rocking against my hand. However much teasing she’d planned on putting me through, her need was clearly comparable to mine and I didn’t expect her to try holding out much longer.

As I guessed after a minute or two my sister reluctantly backed away from my fingers and moved herself over my cock. She made sure to grind up and down the shaft a couple times to spread her wetness along it and make the next part a little easier.

Soon Susan was ready and we made direct eye contact as she positioned the entrance of her pussy at the tip of my waiting erection. Nothing needed to be said, we knew what we were doing and there really was no way either of us was going to back down now. I put my hands on her hips and gave a little downward pressure, just enough to encourage her. Then, as she let gravity take over, her pussy lips parted on either side of my cock and allowed me inside my sister.

For a long moment I was only aware of the sensation of Susan working me deeper inside her, the rest of the world may as well have disappeared for all I would have known. A big part of it was simply that I was having sex which tends to occupy my attention all on its own, but there was also that voice in the back of my mind telling me that she was my sister. Strangely it wasn’t a guilty thought so much as an acknowledgement of what was happening. It was like my conscience had given up on morality and just wanted to point out an interesting fact.

“Ooh, this feels way too good,” Susan breathed, breaking the silence. “How the fuck did we not do this before?”

“I think it had something to do with being siblings,” I said.

“Smartass. You know what I mean.”

“Yeah, I do. But I don’t even really know how we ended up here as it is.”

“Maybe ’cause we’re both kinda bad even if you pretend like you’re not.”

“You might be right.”

Whatever the case was it didn’t really matter to me at that point. I had my sister on top of me riding my cock while I ran my hands freely over her almost-naked body; it wasn’t the best time for deep introspection.

Susan leaned closer to me as she braced herself on her arms, putting her chest within much easier reach. I took the opportunity to lift my head and suck one of her nipples into my mouth as I caressed her other breast with my hand.

Seemingly in response to my actions Susan increased her pace, rocking back and forth on me like a girl possessed. Unfortunately her movement pulled her breast from my mouth and I didn’t want to risk hurting her by trying to keep it still. Instead I lay back and just watched her as I let my hands settle on her ass. She was breathing harder from the exertion but still grinned as she caught me staring at her swaying breasts and bent down for a quick kiss.

“It’s nice not having to just imagine anymore isn’t it,” she said.

“Yeah, but it’s going to be hard not to think about sex around you now. It could make things a little awkward.”

“As if you don’t think about sex all the time anyway,” she teased.

I didn’t bother arguing the point even if it was bit of an over-generalization. I could sense the changes in my sister’s body as she somehow fucked me even more frantically than before and I guessed she was probably getting close to orgasm. I wasn’t that far behind either.

Within moments Susan threw her head back and arched her whole body while her hips continued pumping me almost of their own volition. Whether purposefully or not she didn’t make too much noise even though her mouth opened in nearly a perfect a circle and she looked as though she might scream.

I think it was that appearance of pure sexual ecstasy that really did it for me and I came even as that image of my sister burned itself permanently into my mind. Again there was that inner voice reminding me just who it was that I was shooting my cum into, and once again I didn’t give a fuck. There was nothing in the world my own mind could do that would make me regret what had just happened.

After another minute or so of gradually slowing down Susan collapsed on top of me, moving just enough to let my softening cock slip out of her before lying still. I gently stroked her hair with one hand and pushed some of it back out of her face where it had fallen. She twisted her body strangely for a second, making me think something was wrong, but then straightened out and tossed the remains of her panties on the floor.

“I liked that pair you know,” she said, not sounding the least bit upset.

“Sorry,” I said.

“S’okay. Maybe we can go shopping for some new ones together.”

Susan grinned at the thought and, despite myself, I smiled too. I didn’t know what she had in store for me, but it would certainly be interesting finding out.

Series Navigation<< Ben and Susan’s unusual relation – part 1Ben and Susan’s unusual relation – part 3 >>

One thought on “Ben and Susan’s unusual relation – part 2

  1. Great story so far! I’m new to this site and wondered how to submit stories. I’ve written around 30 of them and am anxious to share.

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