Ben and Susan’s unusual relation – part 2

As I expected from the state of her panties, her pussy was quite wet already and my fingers were coated in her juices quite quickly. Less expected, but not entirely surprising in some ways, was a complete lack of any hair. Her lips were smooth and soft and absolutely amazing to feel. I ran my fingertips up and down reveling in the sensation long enough that I got a small growl from Susan at my lack of focus.

“You’d think you’d never felt one before,” she said.

“Not one quite the same,” I replied honestly.

“Well if you’re going to want to play with it more you’re going to have to at least try and make me happy. If you keep dicking around I might just have to rethink what kind of access I give you.”

It was probably more bluff than a real threat, but testing that theory was both risky and counter-productive to my current desires. Susan’s handjob was feeling really, really good and I wanted her to enjoy the experience as much as I was.

Admittedly I didn’t really know what I was doing. Masturbating a girl just with my hand was a different thing entirely from using a combination of my tongue and fingers as I was more used to. I didn’t even know whether I should be concentrating more on getting my fingers inside her or on rubbing her clit.

Initially I tried to do both at the same time which was awkward and, I suspect, not all that effective. I had to force myself to relax a little and recall a lesson I’d learned a while back about paying attention to how she reacted rather than just going through the motions and hoping it worked out. If I was patient enough the movements of her hips and the noises she made would guide me better than any techniques I might have learned.

“Mmm, that’s better,” Susan breathed, apparently beginning to appreciate my efforts.

I took a perverse sense of pride in the pleasure I detected in her voice. There was a small nagging voice in the back of my head telling me that I really shouldn’t be making my own sister feel that way, but I shut it out. I knew full well it was wrong and I didn’t need a constant reminder of that fact. As long as no one else found out what we were doing I was pretty sure the moral consequences alone weren’t enough to stop me, so what good was worrying about them going to do?

Before too long I felt the familiar sensation of impending orgasm. Susan knew what she was doing well enough that I couldn’t hold back much longer, nor did I want to.

“M Gonna cum,” I whispered.

She didn’t say a word, but as I started cumming she used a couple napkins she’d grabbed from the concession stand earlier to prevent too much of a mess. Even if I hadn’t realized the foresight involved earlier, I appreciated it after the fact.

“Good thinking,” I said a few moments later as my ability to form words returned.

My first instinct was to get myself straightened out and my cock safely back in my pants, but I still needed to take care of my sister. My hand had been doing little more than fumbling around aimlessly through my orgasm and I wanted to do better than that.

There was no competing sensory input anymore, no gently stroking fingers to take my attention away from my goal. Not that I’d minded at the time of course, but it made a world of difference to be able to pick out as subtle reactions from my sister as possible while I worked on her pussy.

With a little experimentation I determined that she responded well to having a couple fingers inside her while my thumb flicked over her clit at irregular intervals. Gradually her breathing grew louder and her legs spread slightly wider as I got her closer and closer until finally I made her cum.

I’d never had a girl’s pussy tighten on me quite the way my sister’s did during orgasm. It felt like if she wasn’t so wet she could easily have trapped my fingers where they were until she chose to release them. I couldn’t help wondering how it would feel if we were actually having sex at the time, then tried to shake the thought from my head as I realized the implications. Slowly it came back though and the more I thought about it the less it bothered me. It was just one more barrier being broken down between Susan and me.

There was a couple minutes of silence as we got our clothing back in place and processed what we’d just done. I’d almost forgotten there was a movie playing the whole time, but I didn’t think I’d missed much of any importance.

“That was kind of a stupid thing for us to do in a place like this,” I said, not accusingly but just a statement of fact.

“Yeah, I know. It was fun though wasn’t it?” she said.

“Yes, it was,” I agreed. “But still not very clever.”

“If it makes you feel any better I’m not planning on doing it again any time soon. Wasn’t really as scary as I was hoping.”

I looked disbelievingly at my sister but couldn’t make out her expression very clearly in the dark.

“What, you wanted to get caught or something?” I asked.

“No, I just wanted to feel like we might. I don’t think anyone even glanced at us.” She leaned toward me and rested her head on my shoulder. “I still liked being with you and doing stuff though. That part I’m gonna want to do more.”

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder in an almost automatic response.

“Yeah, me too,” I said.

We watched the rest of the movie, or more accurately sat there together until it was over, before leaving. Despite my reservations over the location Susan had chosen I had no regrets and I’d probably even do it again if she asked. On the other hand, I wasn’t going to tell her that since I’d rather be somewhere more private in the future.


Unfortunately for Susan, that day was not the first time she’d skipped class and the school had long ago caught on to her tendencies. Our parents got a call informing them of their daughter’s absence and they weren’t particularly happy. They were even less happy when she told them she just felt like catching a movie rather than sitting through a couple more boring classes. Strangely my name never came up at all, although I didn’t have the same history as my sister and it was possible the school never noticed my absence let alone connected the two of us.

The end result was Susan was confined to the house over the weekend yet again. Our parents planned on making sure she caught up on her school work and probably were hoping that would cut down on her ability to think up new ideas for getting herself into trouble. She hadn’t protested nearly as much as what anyone was expecting and only I knew that was because any of her plans would involve me and I’d be around anyway.

Late Saturday morning the doorbell rang and I happened to be the closest one so I answered it. It was Sherin and she gave me a small smile when she saw me.

“Oh, hey Ben,” she said.

“Hi,” I said back. “Uh, you know Kris is under house arrest again this weekend right? And our parents are actually around this time.”

“Yeah, we got permission for me to come over ’cause we have a project to work on for school.”

“Of course you do.”

Maybe they really did need to work on something together, but I wouldn’t have laid money on it.

“I assume she’s in her room,” Sherin said, almost a question but not quite.

“As far as I know.”

Without another word she headed toward my sister’s room leaving me to watch her go and feel like I should have said something else, though I wasn’t certain what exactly. We hadn’t talked since last weekend when she gave me that blowjob that started everything between me and Susan. Even if she wasn’t aware of that part, I figured I should still make sure she knew I hadn’t been purposefully avoiding her or anything. She didn’t seem upset to me, but that didn’t necessarily mean she wasn’t.

I got my chance a little later on as I was grabbing some lunch in the kitchen. Sherin came walking in and went straight for the fridge.

“Just grabbing a drink,” she said.

“Cool. Uh, do you have a second though?”

“Sure, what’s up?”

She took a seven-up from the fridge and shut it as she turned to face me.

“I meant to talk to you last week sometime,” I began. “I didn’t want to, you know, ignore you or anything.”

“That’s okay. I know you and Susan have been working stuff out and I’m happy about that. She needs you way more than I do right now.”

“What do you mean? I’m pretty sure she can handle herself.”

“So can I, but I’m not the one who’s been afraid my brother’s going to start paying more attention to some other girl this last week.”

Sherin’s statement was accompanied by a meaningful look that tried to convey more than I was getting.

“You think what she’s been doing was just a ploy for attention?” I asked, purposefully not specifying what that was.

“Partly, yes. But she loves you too and I’m pretty sure she meant anything she told you.”

“Why do you feel like you know more than you’re telling me?” I said finally as it was growing increasingly difficult to dance around the subject.

“Because I do,” Sherin said. “I know Kris pretty well and I know it means something when she’s been doing nothing but talking about you and asking ‘hypothetical’ questions all week. She’s been trying to convince me she started seeing someone I didn’t know and who I probably wouldn’t want her to continue seeing just to find out what kind of reaction she’d get from me.”

“And you think you know who she was talking about,” I said, trying desperately to maintain a straight face even though I was on the verge of panic.

“Yeah, and stop looking like you’re about to run away screaming. I’m not going to tell anyone, I wasn’t even going to tell you I knew until it came up just now. It’s really none of my business what you guys do.” She moved to leave the kitchen, then looked back over her shoulder for a second. “Just be careful okay? I know you will anyway, but it’d be really easy for someone to get hurt and I don’t want that.”

Even after she left I stood there for a good couple minutes staring stupidly at the doorway. I felt like we’d dodged a bullet there somehow since Sherin could have reacted much, much worse to figuring out what was going on between my sister and me. Obviously she didn’t know all the details, but as long as she was okay with the idea of it that was the main thing. I had enough to think about already. I didn’t need to worry about her revealing our secret along with everything else.


I waited until late that evening to go talk to Susan, after Sherin had left and there was a smaller chance of getting interrupted by one of our parents. My conversation with Sherin had brought up a few things that I’d been trying to work out, though I didn’t know I was really getting anywhere.

Susan was in her room right where I expected her to be. She was lying on her bed with a textbook and some papers spread out in front of her, if not actually doing school work then at least pretending to. She also had her mp3 player with her and her foot swung back and forth in the air to whatever music she was listening to. Since she wasn’t looking in my direction she didn’t notice I was there right away.

I debated sneaking up on her for a brief second, then decided against it. Not that it mattered when she happened to see me from the corner of her eye a moment later and pulled her earphones off.

“How long have you been standing there?” she asked.

“Hours,” I replied automatically.

“I am pretty fascinating to watch aren’t I?”

“Something like that.” I moved into the room and closed the door behind me. “There’s something I wanted to ask you.”

“Go for it.”

Series Navigation<< Ben and Susan’s unusual relation – part 1Ben and Susan’s unusual relation – part 3 >>

One thought on “Ben and Susan’s unusual relation – part 2

  1. Great story so far! I’m new to this site and wondered how to submit stories. I’ve written around 30 of them and am anxious to share.

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