Be happy for me – 6

“To be honest…I really haven’t thought about that too much. I mean, last night was pretty wild all the way around, and the way it was going…I’m pretty sure anything and everything could have happened, and no one would have given it another thought. Now however, admittedly I do find myself wondering about it.

After being with Thomas now…so intimately and so closely, I do sort of have to wrap my mind around the fact he has been having…and no doubt still will have sex with Aunt Sophia, not to mention his mom. And now of course…you likewise expressing an interest in doing that too. Which is again really no surprise, or unwarranted under the circumstances,” she said speaking directly to her mother.

“Same goes for you honey,” Sophia reminded her. “Same rules apply, you know. Even if your considerations are for furthering your curiosity about having sex with another woman, such as me…Carol, and or perhaps even your own mother…no difference really in doing that with any of us, as Thomas having sex with any one of us either. So that’s something you…and Thomas too, needs to get comfy with before anything else goes any further. Better come to a decision now before it gets even more complicated around here than it already is.”

Like I said, Aunt Sophia had a way of cutting to the chase, getting direct to the point. Which she had, and which obviously had furrowed Beth’s brow as she sat there considering it.

“You’re right of course,” she said moments later. “You’re absolutely correct. But I think I’ve already made a decision regarding that, something I can easily live with myself…provided everyone else can.” Turning towards me, she said: “I don’t know what you and I have together now…especially as it’s all still so new, but I know this…I want to continue to explore that with you and see where it ends up. Neither one of us knows where it will…or won’t. But I do want to find out.”

“Ditto, me too,” I told her.

“So that’s on one side of the coin. What I believe is this, Thomas and I have that aspect of all this to ourselves. We can find time, alone time…just for us to explore all that. On the other hand, I can also see where he and I both might want to continue…to likewise explore, and have fun on the other side of that coin, aside from all that.

At least, that’s the way I see it,” she said, shocking the hell out of me, and perhaps even my aunt and her mother in having said that. “So in other words mom…imaging you and Thomas getting it on here sometime…soon even perhaps? I don’t think I’ll be having any problems with that, unless Thomas does.”

Once again she looked at me.

“Ah…no. I ah…well hell Beth, I’d have to say I totally agree with you, one hundred percent here.”

“Ah huh…”

I looked at her. “No…really, I do, I see your point and have to say I don’t really see a problem with it…not at all.”

“So…in other words, later on this afternoon perhaps, or this evening, after your dad wakes up? You won’t have any problems with watching him fuck, or eat me out? Or me sucking his dick dry?”

Talk about short-sightedness. I hadn’t really thought about that. I hadn’t considered the fact that might indeed be part of the equation. Why was it, I had to ask myself…that I was perfectly ok (hell admittedly excited at the thought of it even) in seeing her munching rugs with any of the three women…including her own mother, (even more so perhaps) and yet…hesitant about how I’d feel about her fucking my old man.

“Like I said Thomas…I’ve already come to a decision about all this, now…you need to do the same before anything else happens. Period!”

“She’s right Thomas, but you already know that,” Sophia said, chiming in. “So best you do that…and soon too.”

I was surprised when I spoke as soon as I did. “You’re right Beth. One hundred percent. I’m sitting here thinking about fucking your mother, and actually looking forward to that, to be perfectly honest about it. And fucking Sophia again…and mom, and of course…you too,

as often as possible in fact. Sometimes a fuck is just a fuck…nothing more, nothing less. A pleasurable, fun naughty one perhaps…but it’s still just that. And then, as you and I had this morning, it can be a whole lot more too. And I do know this…when you do finally fuck dad, and you will…I also know, it won’t be, or feel the same way with him as it was with me this morning.”

“No…it won’t,” she smiled. “So…we’re all in agreement then?” She said looking around. “Everyone on the same page with this?”

“Well, speaking for your mother and father, I do know they certainly will be. And as for myself, hell yes. How about you Diane?”

Diane smiled looking at me. “So when do I get to fuck you then?” she asked.


I stood there looking down at Diane’s cum-splattered cunt. Unfortunately, she wasn’t on the pill, and so I’d had to pull out, which I did…shooting off several ribbons of cream all over her pussy much to her delight. It had been Beth’s own words causing this to happen as quickly as it had, Diane still laying there on the kitchen table, still trying to catch her breath.

“How about now?” Beth had said.

I had thus stood there fucking my Aunt Diane…Beth’s mom, while she and Aunt Sophia stood looking on…well for a few minutes anyway. And then they simply reached over and began masturbating one another while the two of us fucked.

Ok, so it was hot seeing them doing that. Hotter still while I stood there poking her mother’s hole, the realization that in the not too distant future now perhaps…I’d be standing there where she was, watching her as she fucked my father.

The thing was, I now realized…I was good with that.

I stepped back, sitting down in my chair, glancing down at my semi-spent prick still dripping with a bit of cum-drool. As I did, Beth stepped over likewise looking at her mom, giggling as she stood there.

“You’re a mess,” she said simply.

“Yes I know,” Diane said, starting to sit up.

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