Be happy for me – 6

To my surprised delight, mom was the first to move, laying her back down onto the throne cushions and pillows onto the floor. “Allow me,” she said hotly, and then slid in between her legs, effectively scissoring her in the process, one leg over the other, pussy to pussy, pressing against her. “Always did want to do this to you,” she stated. “But never thought in a million years I’d ever get the chance.”

“You did? You’ve…you’ve always wanted to fuck me?” Diane asked as mom began doing just that.

“In more ways than one sweetie,” she said. “Only now…I can take delight in fucking you the right way.”


Needless to say, it was a late night by the time Beth and I both stumbled downstairs to her room where we spent our first night ever together. I woke to the sensation of her sitting on me, patiently waiting, fondling my long ago stiffened prick.

“Whaaa?” I spoke groggily, finally beginning to waken, fully aware now of the pleasure I was being given, though my first thought was, I was dreaming.

“About time you woke up,” she said looking down at me. “I was growing impatient, but I didn’t want to slide down over this until I had your full…undivided attention,” she said. And then just as suddenly, did just that, filling herself fully with my cock even before I’d finished rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

We made love again, slowly…passionately unlike the night before, taking time to enjoy the sensations we gave one another, once again climaxing almost simultaneously a short time later.

“Wow…smell that?” Beth asked.

I laughed. “Yeah…smells like fresh hot pussy,” I told her, reaching down between us, gathering a bit of her essence on my fingers, holding it towards my nose before licking them off.

“Thank you,” she chuckled. “But that’s not what I meant. I smell coffee.”

I had smelled that too of course, but I wasn’t as yet in any big hurry to have her uncunt me, even though I could already feel the slight flaccidity of my prick starting to wane inside her.

“Well, shall we go up and see who’s up and about already?” I asked. No doubt my Aunt Sophia had stayed over as well. Surprisingly, Beth and I had pooped out long before the four of them had…so much for being young and having more stamina. Though I was pretty sure dad would be paying for that, no doubt sleeping in half the day, which he did.

Entering the kitchen area, we weren’t at all surprised to find Aunt Sophia and Diane sitting at the table together sharing a cup of coffee, alerting us to the fact that mom and dad were indeed still asleep.

All I had on was a pair of boxers, though under the circumstances I didn’t feel at all hesitant or shy to be dressed like that. Beth herself wears only a wife-beater tank top as they called them, along with a pair of white bikini briefs. Even looking at her now, only fifteen or twenty minutes after having just fucked her again, I felt the stirrings in my loins as I sat down across from her at the table, Aunt Sophia pouring us an aromatic cup of freshly brewed coffee before sitting down again after refreshing their cups.

And though Aunt Diane was wearing a housecoat, it was easy to see just in the way she moved, there was nothing beneath it. Sophia too was similarly dressed…or rather undressed as it were, though with her I had long ago come to expect that. Though she wore a robe she kept there for whenever she did stay over, it was un-smashed, as it usually was, revealing the fact she was nude beneath that as well.

Though I rather enjoyed the periodic flash of her breasts as she animatedly talked, or moved about in the kitchen, not to mention the neatly trimmed little expanse of light brown hair covering her mound. As much as I’d come to enjoy a bare pussy, there was something still exotic, still erotic in seeing that.

“You two need to shower at some point,” she then told us. “You still smell like sex, and recently fresh sex too!” She then added chuckling to herself. “And not that I mind…mind you, but it’s still early in the day yet for me to be getting on horny-dewish.”

“Horny…dewish?” I asked.

“Yeah…you know, pussy dripping? Jesus Thomas, I’ve got enough cum in me now to last a fortnight as it is. My own and your fathers! Christ, ever since all this started happening he’s become insatiable! If I didn’t know better, I’d swear he’d popped a half dozen Viagra as of late the way he’s been going.”

Good old dad. Had to admit, I admired him. I mean I’d always known and been aware of the fact that he and mom had a fairly active sex-life, I just didn’t know to what extent that really meant. Now I was beginning to.

“Like father, like son?” Beth queried?

“No doubt,” Dianne said tossing in. “Though that does bring up a question or two I also have,” she then added.

“Which is?”

“Well, for one…have you given any serious thought or consideration to all of this yet? I mean…you two just obviously found out about one another, and thought much to my surprise…walking in, finding the two of you…”

“You mean, the three of us,” Sophia corrected.

“Yes, the three of you…engaged in sex together is one thing. But now…here we all are…”

“And your point is?” Beth asked curiously.

It was obvious Diane was feeling a little uncomfortable, shy even, stammering about looking for the right words to say.

“What she’s trying to say here kids…which we were discussing just before you came upstairs is this…”

Diane was blushing, reaching over towards Aunt Sophia as though coaxing her to shut up and not go there. Sophia however, as expected, shrugged her off.

“What she’s wondering about, is how Beth…would feel, or take her having sex with Thomas at one point. Which I happen to agree with her about, best we soon find out how you feel about that, so that no one else gets their toes stepped on, or feelings hurt.”

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