Aiden introduced his wonderful student to wife – part 1

“Who is she, who is she?” I demanded like a little kid looking for a surprise from her parents.

“Easy, easy!” Aiden laughed, giving me that huge smile I so adored. “Let’s go sit and I’ll tell you about it!”

“Oh, I love you!” I told him, and gave him a long deep kiss.

“It won’t just be me you’ll be loving later,” he said, after I’d pulled my tongue from his mouth. “Wait until you see her!”

“What’s she look like?” I asked as we walked over and sat on the couch.

“Hold on, I’ll show you.” Aiden pulled out his phone and after scrolling through it, handed it to me with a wicked smile on his face, “Ask and you shall receive.”

“Oh, my God!” I exclaimed, “She’s just what I wanted!”

I could already feel my pussy starting to flow as I stared at the girl in the picture. Just like my fantasy she had long blonde hair and blue eyes. She was smiling and I noticed she had a pair of full, very inviting lips.

“Bodies as hot as the face,” Aiden said, “Long legs, and those cute little tits that you love.”

“Have you seen them already?” I asked as I handed him the phone back.

“Course not, but I see her in class every day.”

“You….” My excitement began to fade, “She’s a student?”

“Yeah, I…”

“Are you nuts Aiden?” I shook my head, “I know I was being pushy last night, but you’re right, your job!”

“Calm down!” He put his hands up, “Let me tell you what happened,”

“It doesn’t matter! I don’t know what you set up, but you have to cancel this!”

“She’ll be here in an hour.” He said, still smiling, “So just let me tell you about it.”

“An hour?” I thought of how pretty she was, but what was he thinking? “Okay, but I still think that this isn’t a good idea.”

“You’ll see.” Sitting back, he began removing his tie and jacket as he spoke. “Okay, remember I told you about that student who turned this lights out paper, but I kept thinking I’d read it before?”

“Yeah.” I nodded watching him now unbutton his shirt. “You were talking about it last night.”

“Right. Well I was pretty sure last night, but confirmed it today. The paper was familiar because another student turned it in five years ago. I looked up the records.”

He un-tucked his shirt and sat back. I licked my lips at the sight of his chest and imagined that pretty little blonde kneeling next to me between his legs.

“So I go back and look at the other three papers she did this semester and her freshman year as well.” He grinned, “One of them from last year? Was one I’d seen a few years back at Bryant. Apparently she’s buying them from someone who’s got connections at the colleges.”

“So,” I frowned, “You’re going to blackmail her with this? Into sex?” I shook my head. “I told you Aiden, I don’t want to really force anyone I…”

“Just listen will you?” He shook his head, “Jeez, I’m trying to make you happy here.”

“Again, just me?” I raised my eyebrows at him.

“All for the team baby,” He grinned, “So her name is Camila….”

“Aww how cute!” I continued in a sultry purr, “Oh Camila, oh suck on that pussy honey.”

“Wow.” Aiden said, then made a show of shaking his head to clear it. “I call Camila into my office after the last class of the day and confront her with it. First she denies it, then the waterworks start. Camila is on a scholarship, but it doesn’t include living on campus so she has a roommate and has had to work a lot and her grades were slipping. She didn’t have time to do the papers properly and a friend got them for her, but it cost her, so she had to work more and…” he shrugged.

“Anyway, if I reported this, her scholarship is void and poor little Camila would have to go back home to her small town and tell her parents, who have been oh, so proud of her, what happened.”

“But of course you had a deal for her?” I grunted, “I don’t like blackmailing Aiden, I want them to want to….”

I stopped when he put his finger to my lips.

“I swear I’ll put my cock in there if you don’t stop.”

“ohhh,” I smiled, “That’s a threat.”

“Speaking of threats, I wasn’t thinking of that and told her I felt bad, but even if I didn’t report her, I would at least have to fail her. That would bring her GPA down and affect her financial aid as well. So now she’s begging me to not tell anyone, she’s promising she’ll work harder and go on and on.”

He sighed. “I do feel for the girl, it’s not easy, full time school close to full time job, we went through it ourselves. So I’m thinking of giving her a week to write a newspaper and go from there. When she….”

He paused and gave me that wicked smile that sent my pussy flowing.

“She tells me that she’ll not only be a good student, but a good girl. I ask her what that means, even though I know and she…” he shook his head, “She hesitates for a minute like she’s not sure, then comes around my desk, sits on the edge of it and pulls her skirt up.”

“Goddamn!” I exclaimed. “So she offered to play!”

“Told you to trust me. I put on the act, I can’t, I’m married, my job. She says she won’t tell, and…” He laughed, “Says my wife doesn’t look like her.”

“Little bitch!” I said, but was laughing as I did. “I’ll show her!”

“So after I do what I feel is a fair amount of hedging, I tell her we have a deal. She comes here tonight, shows me how hard she is willing to work and I let her keep her grade. She’s done with me after the semester and she promised to do her own work next year.”

“It’s still risky.”

“She opens her mouth and she goes back home.”

“And you have no job and won’t get another one.” I pointed out. “This isn’t the cheesy porn world Aiden.”

“You didn’t see her, Sofia, she’s scared, but the way she hiked her skirt up,” he licked his lips, “Just a little holding back, then she showed me this hot red thong,” he smiled, “Enthusiastic!”

“She doesn’t know about me?”

“Nope, that can be a surprise, didn’t want to discuss that there. So she’s coming over in a half hour.” He sat back and with a satisfied smile, “We’re going to get what we want babe and this girl is smoking, and….” He took my hand and squeezed it, “Nineteen, Sofia she’s only nineteen.”

Leaning over I kissed his chest and after flicking my tongue across his nipple said, “Honey, I’m going to let you fuck me in the ass this weekend if this works out.”

“Oh, it will,” he nodded, reaching out and squeezing my right tit through my blouse, “Only leaving one question.”

“What’s that?”

“How do you want to play her?”


I felt a wave of excitement go through me when the doorbell rang. I looked over at Aiden who was wearing jeans and a plain white t-shirt. He stood up from the couch and made a shooting gesture with his fingers and with a smile; I turned and headed upstairs for the bedroom. When I entered, I cut across and went into the bathroom off of it.

I closed the door most of the way behind me, leaving it open just enough to let me peek into the bedroom. I had dimmed the lights earlier and had lit a couple of candles to have enough light so that we could see everything we would be doing with little Camila.

After debating what to wear Aiden had suggested just my short black silk Aidene and a red thong, nothing fancy, just simple and sexy. I’d spent the last half hour trying not to play with myself. It’s not like I wouldn’t be able to keep coming, but the next time I was going to get off was all over that pretty young face. My heart started pounding when I heard footsteps on the stairs and Aiden’s voice coming from the other side of the door.

“Don’t be nervous Camila, we’re going to have fun and all this will go away.”

The door opened and Aiden came in and stood aside.

“Oh, yes.” I whispered when I saw our little playmate in person.

Camila was tall and a little on the thinner side, and dressed for fun. Her blonde hair was down and teased out, and the short black skirt she was wearing barely went down past her ass. As Aiden had said her legs were long and well shaped, that shape was helped along by the black stilettos she was wearing.

Also as Aiden had said, she was a bit small on top, but they were high and pushed up nicely by the tight low cut white blouse she was wearing. The blouse had black buttons, but was down halfway to expose the tops of those perky tits as well as a black lace bra.

As she walked into the room, I took in every detail. Her nails were long and painted a bright pink as were her toe nails. Her lips were pink as well and she wasn’t wearing stockings due to the heat. I could just imagine lifting that skirt to see that sweet little ass.

Aiden took her hand and led her over to the bed and turned to face her. He whispered something to her and reaching up, took her face in his large strong hands. Camila, looked nervous for a minute then as Aiden leaned in, seemed to relax and tilting her head, accepted his kiss.

I reached into the Aidene and began toying with my nipple as I watched them. His hands had dropped to her narrow waist and her arms had slipped around his neck. They were kissing deeply and I could see their mouths working as their tongues darted into each other’s mouths.

Aiden dropped his hands to her ass, and lifting her skirt held it there for a moment. My pussy started to drip at the sight of that small tight ass in its black lace thong. Aiden knew I could see from where I was and held the skirt up another moment before letting it go.

He cupped her small cheeks in his hands and gave them a squeeze. Camila gave a nervous laugh, and then moaned. I looked up to see Aiden had nuzzled his face into her neck and was kissing her. I watched his lips slide across her smooth white flesh and began squeezing my nipple harder.

Aiden’s hands left her ass and he began unbuttoning her blouse as he continued to kiss her neck. That bastard, I had wanted to do that! As if he had sensed my thoughts he stopped after a couple of buttons. He then slipped his hands in her blouse and Camila gasped as he started fondling them through the bra.

She let her head fall back and as Aiden started kissing the top of her chest, I noticed her hips were beginning to rock back and forth. Oh, the dirty little thing was enjoying this! Aiden grabbed her left wrist and gave it a push. Her hand immediately dipped down to his crotch and started rubbing it through his jeans.

Aiden turned his head towards the door and winked. I was starting to rock back and forth on my feet, I was anxious to get into the game, but wanted to let her get to the point of no return before I did.

That moment was apparently right around the corner. To me, and by the look on his face, Aiden’s surprise, Camila pulled back from him and with a playful shove sent him into a sitting position on the bed. A rush of heat went through my pussy as with a smile Camila unzipped her skirt and with a sexy little shimmy, let it fall to the floor.

She paused to kick off each of her heels while undoing the last buttons on her shirt and tossing it off. Standing before Aiden in just a lacy black thong, and bra, she said, “Do you think I’m a good student professor?”

“Oh, you nasty little thing.” I muttered as my hand dipped between my legs, rubbing my pussy through the Aidene.

“I think you….” Aiden smiled, “Have some impressive credentials.”

“And I’m a hard worker!” She gave him a sly smile and grabbed his cock through his jeans. “Are you hard at work sir?”


The look of surprise on his face almost made me laugh. Whatever he thought of Camila she seemed pretty damn bold. She proved that point again when she grabbed the bottom of Aiden’s t-shirt and pulling it over his head threw it to the side.

Aiden introduced his wonderful student to wife – part 1 will continue in the next page.

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