Your cock is beautiful

I guessed that they told each other everything, so this was like an in-joke or something.

“OK,” said Mia, “Well basically it’s…uh, I don’t really know how to say this…”

“Yeah?” said Stella.

“I think he might be…a little bit too small.” said Mia.

“Wow, really?” said Stella.

“Yeah…I think. I just don’t, you know, feel a lot from it. I mean, I’ve never been with anyone else, so I don’t really know, but-“

“Wait, wait, how big is he?” asked Stella.

There was a pause.

“Maybe…like…this size?” said Mia.

She was gesturing, but I couldn’t see it.

Stella burst out laughing.

“Oh my God, really?” she said.

Mia was laughing along too.

“Why?” she asked, “Is that not good?”

“Fuck no!” Stella giggled.

I could only assume that this meant that he was hung like a hamster, or something.

“Wait, is that when it’s hard?”, asked Stella.

“Yeah…” said Mia.

“Wow, that is…not good.”

“So…does it just always feel better if it’s bigger?” asked Mia.

“Yep.” said Stella. “Bigger is always better. Some guys, usually tiny ones, say that’s a myth, but trust me, bigger is better. Sorry, but it sounds like your boyfriend is just a needle dick.”

“Fuck.” said Mia.

There was a pause.

“And I guess it doesn’t help that he only lasts two minutes and couldn’t find my clit with a GPS.” she said.

They started laughing again. I took this opportunity to head up to my room, internet or no. I had some stuff to think about.


“Needle dick.” I murmured to myself.

That was interesting.

See, I was a lot of things. I was nerdy, shy, weak willed, socially awkward, and incredibly average in both grades and appearance, but one thing I’d never been was a “needle dick”.

Truthfully, I’m hung like a horse.

Everything I’d ever learned about sex, I learned from the internet. I mean yeah, I got the Health Ed class, slideshow biology stuff, but I mean real sex. And because, like most teenage boys, I was so…interested in the subject matter, my education was pretty well rounded. I knew all about porn-stars, and how they usually represented the most extreme end of the penis-size scale. I knew that the average was around 5 1 ⁄ 2 inches long,

and maybe 3 or 4 inches in girth for this part of the world, and I was pretty far above that on both counts. I knew that there was an ever present debate about whether size actually mattered to women. I’d read reports of women saying that they’d dumped guys for being too small, and of women saying they’d done the same for the opposite reason.

Yeah, I knew a lot about penis size. And I knew I had a pretty huge cock. But it wasn’t until that exact moment that I actually considered it something to be confident about. I mean, what good is a big dick if you can’t even talk to a girl? And I’d read enough forum entries from women claiming to have been stretched to the point of intense pain to know that bigger doesn’t automatically mean better, despite what my sister thought.

When I’d thought about it at all, I’d just considered my abnormal size to be something I’d just have to deal with. A little problem I’d have to worry about if I ever actually got laid.

But now it was an advantage.

This overheard girl-talk was just the beginning.


Over the next few days I thought a lot about what I’d heard. I wanted to use my cock, somehow. I wanted Mia to know I wasn’t the weak little nerd she always made me out to be. I wanted her to know that, at least in this area, I was superior to her boyfriend.

But how?

My chance came the next time Mia stayed over, two weeks later. I didn’t try to eavesdrop again, but instead stayed in my room, going over the plan.

My parent’s bedroom was actually on the ground floor, and my sister’s and mine were at opposite ends of the top floor. When Mia stayed over, she and Stella shared her bed, even though there was a guest room downstairs too. There was a bathroom between our rooms, complete with bathtub and shower. This was where I would carry out my plan.

I woke up as early as usual, but waited an hour before heading to the bathroom. I knew the girls probably wouldn’t be up for a while.

I went in and had a long, hot shower. I spent as long as I could in there, washing my hair over and over again, scrubbing every inch of my body, waiting until I could put the plan into action. We had an electric shower, so I didn’t have to worry about wasting the hot water.

After almost an hour, I’d had enough. I got out and stared at myself in the mirror. As always, I thought I looked completely average, except for my cock which hung thick and limp between my legs. I’m more of a ‘show-er’ than a ‘grower’, so even soft it looked unusually big. When it first started to grow it used to get in the way when I walked, and I worried about people seeing the bulge it made. But I’d switched to boxers over briefs, started wearing looser pants, and gotten used to it.

I examined it from a few different angles, holding it out and handling my similarly large balls. I guess it did look pretty impressive, if you’re into that kind of thing.

I tried to get myself psyched up for the big plan, tried to force some confidence in myself. I felt good about it.

But it was taking longer than I thought. I tried to kill time by reading the backs of bottles of my sister’s conditioner and hand lotion. Why did girls always seem to need so many bottles of crap?

Finally, after a long wait, I heard my sister’s bedroom door opening.

Mia comes to use the bathroom.

I quickly took my stance; completely naked holding my cock in my hand, in full view of the door and pointed towards the toilet bowl.

I was trying to make it look like I was just using the bathroom after a shower. I’d already pissed, it was just about showing it to her. I’d left the door unlocked and ajar, so she wouldn’t think anyone was inside.

I started to get more and more nervous as I heard footsteps approaching.

I felt my heart freeze in my chest when the handle was pushed down.

In this split second, I realized how incredibly stupid this whole thing would be if it was my sister that walked in, and how stupid I was for not considering this possibility.

I relaxed somewhat when the door paused after being pushed only slightly, and I heard Mia yawn.

Here we go.

I looked down at my cock, and tried to look natural.

I heard the door open, and then…


I turned my head slowly.

It was Mia, wearing nothing but a long t-shirt.

She was staring at my limp cock, her eyes wide. She stood for a few seconds, just staring, not reacting at all.

I broke the silence.

“Uh…do you mind? I’m trying to piss, here.”

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