Your cock is beautiful – 9

My cock was still growing, and she’d started to slide her hand along the shaft, still wet and sticky from her pussy. What did it mean that she used his name now, that she was bringing him up at all? Did it mean she was over him? That she didn’t feel any more guilt about being with me? Or maybe she was trying to manipulate me, somehow. Using his name to make me feel like I had to prove myself better than him.

“Whatever I did with him. That wasn’t sex.” she said, her voice taking a hard edge, “This is sex.”

She seemed so submissive before, but I knew from a lifetime of experience what a manipulative bitch she really was. Could that really just go away? There was something there, a gleam in her eye, the way she smiled, that told me that it hadn’t.

“And you can get hard again, can’t you?” she asked, moving her hand faster “You can still pound this thing into me until I scream. You can fuck me again.”

My eyes wandered down her body. I could fuck her again. And despite my conflicted feelings about her, I wanted to.

“Get me hard, slut.” I said.

She smiled, and lowered her head to my cock. She licked all the way along the side of the shaft, and wrinkled her nose.

“So that’s what I taste like?” she wondered aloud.

I realized that I didn’t know what she tasted like. She licked every inch of my cock, as if trying to clean the taste of her pussy from me. It didn’t take long for me to get rock hard again as she sucked it into her mouth.

She pulled back and wrapped one hand around the base, then the other above it. Even with both hands, there was almost a third of my cock still uncovered.

“I seriously love this thing.” she said, voice tinged with excitement.

She moved up my body until she was straddling my legs, my cock standing upright against her stomach. She pushed it against her, and it covered her belly button.

“I still can’t believe it fits.” she said, “Although, it’s not like it’s easy.”

I sat up, and pushed her backwards. She fell back onto the bed and stretched out her legs.

“Fuck me.” she said, her voice hard.

She moaned with delight as I pushed into her again. Her pussy still felt so tight, despite how I’d stretched it already. I settled into a fast rhythm, as Mia growled and hummed beneath me. This is why everyone is so obsessed with sex, I thought. This sensation is so unbelievably satisfying, this is why “sex sells”, this is why men act like players and women act like sluts. Who wouldn’t want to be doing this every second of every day, if they could?

Soon she was cumming again, her eyes tightly shut and voice shaking. I didn’t slow down. I regretted every single gym class that I didn’t work as hard as I could, because I could feel my stamina waning already. My dick felt like it could be hard for days, but my body was exhausted.

I tried to occupy myself with the physical action of sex, the rhythm of my hips, the pleasure it gave me. Anything but how it hurts to breathe.

Eventually I had to slow down, and start using long, slow strokes, until I could get my breath back. Mia certainly didn’t seem to mind. I looked along her beautiful body, and as soon as I looked at her closed eyes, they opened. She bit her lip hard, and smiled. I felt her raise her legs and wrap them loosely around my hips. She started to move her body back and forth, meeting me as I bottomed out. It was awkward at first, but soon she was matching my rhythm.

As good as it all felt, I realized I was still waiting for something. Something about this wasn’t…quite right. My mind drifted to the first time we’d done this. That had been way more intense, hadn’t it?

I pushed my thoughts away again as I increased my pace, and continued pounding into her. I focused on the way her body shivered with pleasure, and the way she bit her lip when she started to cum again, crying out with wordless joy. I focused on her wide, green eyes that seemed to never leave mine. Everything about this was incredible, and exciting. But it still wasn’t quite perfect.

Soon I could feel my own orgasm approaching. I had no idea how long this had lasted, only that it was much longer than the first time, and that I was completely exhausted. I didn’t try to hold back, but just let it overwhelm me.

It hit me hard, and I felt all the breath leave my body as I continued to pump into her. Her pussy was still gripping my cock tightly, pulsing with her own pleasure. Eventually I slowed to a stop, and tried to just enjoy the sensation of being inside her.

She was still staring into my eyes.

I rested back on my knees, my cock slowly softening, and tried to get my breath back. That had been…great, hadn’t it? I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed. Was that really it?

I sat back on the bed and crossed my legs. Looking around me, I realized I’d have to change the sheets. There was evidence of our activity all over my bed, and looking at her I noticed that more of my cum was dripping out of her pussy.

Mia suddenly giggled lightly, and sat up.

“That was…that was intense.” she said, smiling, “Fuck! My legs are still shaking.”

She got to her knees and leaned over to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. She looked so happy. She was so beautiful.

“Looks like I’m going to need another shower now, too.” she said softly, looking down at her body. “Maybe you could join me.” she purred.

She leaned in to kiss me, but I brought my hand to her shoulder and turned my head away as she got close.

I didn’t want this.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, her voice edged with fear.

“Nothing.” I said.

I tried to pull her arms away from me.

“What’s wrong?” she asked again, panicked. She clung to me, resisting me. “Did I do something? What is it?”

“Get off me!” I said, more angrily than I felt.

She slowly pulled away from me, resting back on her knees. She looked terrified.

“Just…just go get cleaned up. I’ll use the shower downstairs.” I said.

I turned away from her. She got up, gathered her clothes, and left, closing the door behind her. I sighed loudly and ran my hands through my hair again, pulling on it slightly and growling with frustration.

What the hell was wrong with me?

I got up and got dressed again. Sighing, I stripped my bed, gathered an armful of laundry, and headed downstairs.

My sister and I had been doing our own laundry for years now. Our parents were big on independence, and they always encouraged us to look after ourselves. We both knew how to drive, and could perform basic car maintenance. We could both cook too, more than just with a microwave.

I’d sometimes found it a little annoying, but it was fair, and I saw it as a blessing now as I headed downstairs and packed my laundry into the washer. I could get all this stuff cleaned up right now without raising any questions. I headed back upstairs and put clean sheets on the bed, grabbing a change of underwear before heading down again to use my parents bathroom. I didn’t need clean clothes, but it felt weird putting used underwear back on even though I’d only been wearing them for like 20 minutes before Mia pulled them off me.

I got in the shower and let the hot water wash over me, soothing my well exercised muscles. I kept thinking about what just happened, as I washed the smell of sex and sweat from me. Something was wrong. I’d just had sex with a beautiful woman. Great sex, too. But as good as it felt, it had been so weirdly unsatisfying.

I thought about the first time we were together. Her pleading. Her tears. Her pain.

I felt a hollow pit in my stomach as I thought about what was missing. It was so obvious.

I’d somehow convinced myself that all the stuff I’d been doing to her; the hair pulling, and lip-biting, the insults and commands, that it was all for her. To hurt her. To make her suffer.

I felt my slightly aching cock stiffen yet again as I remembered how she looked only the night before, begging me to touch her, the sorrow on her face when I rejected her. I’d never considered myself a sadist, but I had to admit how good it felt.

Despite the heat of the water, my spine shivered as the cold realization hit me; I wanted to hurt her as much as she wanted to be hurt.

I laughed, and felt my spirits rise. Of course I wanted to hurt her. I wanted to dominate her, to own her. For some reason I’d been avoiding the idea, but there it was. What we had just done was fun, sure. It was every straight man’s dream to be with a woman as hot as Mia. But it wasn’t enough for me.

I thought of the first night I’d made her orgasm, when she seemed so desperate for us to go further, but it just hadn’t felt right. Just like on that night, I knew that I needed more than this. More than just hair-pulling and lip-biting.

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