Your cock is beautiful – 7

I used my thumb to wipe the blood from her chin, then gently rubbed it across her lips. She opened her mouth and licked my thumb as I pushed her lips around. I swept my hand up to her head and started to stroke her hair. I grabbed the blanket with my other hand and pulled it over us. She reacted to the warmth by snuggling close to me, nuzzling into my chest, and I put my arm around her waist.

I wasn’t really sure what to do. I felt completely drained of all emotion, all thought. All I knew was that holding her like this, for now, felt good.

I ran my fingers up through her hair, caressing her gently. I had no idea what to say to her. I didn’t know what I wanted any more.

She sighed happily against my chest, her warm breath tickling me.

“That was…” she started.

She sighed again, and closed her eyes.

“That was incredible.” she purred.

“Did it hurt?” I asked.

She looked up at me.

“Yeah…But it felt so good…”

She moved her hips forward, bringing our faces closer until her cheek rested against mine. Her hands moved up to caress my hair.

“When you…when you penetrated me…I had an orgasm.” she whispered softly in my ear. “It hurt so much…and I liked it…oh God,” she said, shivering slightly, “It felt so good…I’m so glad that…that you were my first. My real first, I mean”

I felt her smile, and she kissed me softly on the cheek.

“I just…I kept…cumming, over and over…when I took it all…when you were completely inside me…I thought I was going to die…”

She slowly kissed me a few times along my jaw, letting her lips rest for a few seconds each time.

“My pussy still hurts.” she said, wriggling her hips. “Aahh…”, she sighed in pain, “It hurts, but I like it. I’m all stretched out by your big cock.”

She sighed happily and pulled back.

“Thank you.” she said.

She held her face a few inches from mine. Her eyes were so big, such a clear, perfect green. Her smile seemed so sweet, so genuine. So innocent, somehow.

Without thinking, I kissed her. Gently at first, our lips moving tenderly together. I loved how she responded to my touch, pushing her body back slightly against my arms. I took her lower lip between my teeth and bit down, hard. She moaned softly, and I felt blood flowing into my mouth, metallic and warm. I’d re-opened the wound she’d made before. I released her lip and she slid her tongue into my mouth. She kissed me passionately, and I returned it.

Our first kiss. My first kiss.

She pulled back, breathing heavily, blood staining her lip.

“I love you.” she said.

For a second I was stunned. Then I felt a sudden flash of anger. She loved me? I gripped her hair and pulled it back, hard. She hissed and whimpered in pain, and I forcefully grabbed her jaw with my other hand. I loved the sounds she made, her soft mewls of pain and pleasure.

“How can you love me?” I asked slowly, “You don’t even know me.”

She gasped sharply in pain again as I tightened my grip.

“I do…I…I love…you,” she moaned.

I gripped tighter for a few seconds, until I saw tears touching the corners of her eyes. I released her, and she let her head drop onto my chest. Her breathing was heavy and I could feel her tears against my skin.

“Good.” I said. “Good girl.”

She sighed happily and wrapped her arms around me.

I didn’t know how I felt about her any more.

I thought about the things that usually made me the most angry, the worst memories of her mocking, of her public humiliation. Just like always a few hot waves of rage pulsed up in me, but I let them go, calming myself. The anger, the hatred, the repulsion I’d always felt for her was still there, though it felt lessened slightly.

I thought about her grinding her pussy against my cock, begging for an orgasm. I thought about her delight in pleasing me, her face lighting up as I complimented her. I thought about her stunning resolve to deep throat my cock, surprising me by succeeding so quickly. My dick started to stiffen at the memories. Not much, just a twitch to remind me that she still turned me on.

I thought of the few times we’d spoken recently, about how pleasant it had been just to hold a casual conversation with her. I thought about how good it felt just to be stroking her soft hair, and holding her naked body against mine. I felt the warmth of emotion that I honestly thought I’d never feel for her, a sweet affection that made me want to just hold her close to me.

I couldn’t understand it. The emotions I felt, such strong, deep seated hatred, and the new, bright joy and admiration, all mixed up with the lust I felt for her. Such completely opposed, conflicting feelings, but I felt them all for the same person, at the same time.

Without saying anything, I slowly pushed her off me. I got off the bed, and she curled up under the covers. I noticed that my cock was still wet with our combined juices, and her blood.

I picked her panties up from the floor and used them to clean my cock. When I was finished I tossed them carelessly towards her. They landed on her thigh, but she didn’t seem to notice. I got dressed and left without either of us saying another word.


I didn’t see her for a while after that. She took the next day off from school, and didn’t come to stay over. When I asked Stella about it, she said that Mia had been sick after all, and she couldn’t get out of bed. I thought that part might actually be true, she could have been in so much pain that she couldn’t walk. I smiled at that image.

She didn’t come over on Saturday, either. Instead Stella visited her, hoping to cheer her up, or make her feel better. She suggested I join her, since Mia and I were becoming closer recently, but I declined.

As the week went on, I didn’t see her again, even at school. I didn’t look for her, exactly, but it felt so rare not to see her at all these days. I didn’t ask Stella any more about her, either. I almost did a few times, but something in me hesitated. I was still conflicted about my feelings for her.

I thought about her constantly, remembering both why I hated her, and why I was starting to like her, all while trying not to picture her when I felt like jacking off. It was the strangest sensation. I’d had crushes before, what I thought was love at the time. Girls I watched from afar but never had the courage to approach, like many guys. I felt those same stupid feelings again, for Mia. I thought about her smirk, her eyes, her wit. I also thought about how good it felt to hurt her, to watch her squirm in pain.

I became lost in my thoughts, ignoring my friends and school work. I tried to distract myself by staying online all the time, reading, or watching movies. But my thoughts always drifted back to her.

I stayed up for hours past midnight almost every night, trying to think through my emotions half the time, and trying to forget them the rest. This is something I was usually good at, ignoring thoughts that made me uncomfortable, like homework I still had to finish, or if I thought that something was going to go badly, I could just make myself not think about it. But this was too big, it was too much. I started falling asleep in class, and I was tired all the time, just trying to understand what I was feeling, or to ignore it.

The next Friday I went to bed as soon as I got home from school. I was vaguely aware that there was something that I should be waiting for, but I’d pushed any thoughts of Mia away. I was too sleep deprived and emotionally drained to care about what I’d forgotten.

That night, I jerked awake. I looked at my alarm clock to see that it was an hour after midnight, the bright, red 1:08 hurting my eyes. I sat up and held my head, trying to remember what had woken me.

There was a soft knock at the door.

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