Your cock is beautiful – 5

I lay back and thought about what had just happened. I hadn’t really planned how that had gone. My only real goal had been to make her beg to suck my cock, and that had gone very well. When it came to it, right after that, I knew I could have fucked her. I could have pounded her until she screamed. But I didn’t want to.

I mean, I wanted to, obviously, but on some level it just didn’t feel right. There had to be…more. There was something more important here than just sex, just losing my virginity.

I wanted to see her even more degraded. I’d seen her beg, but I wanted to see how desperate she could really get.


The next day, the two of us hung out with Stella again. Things were even better, it seemed. Mia spoke to me more, and she kept meeting my eyes, and smiling a lot. It was amazing how much she’d changed, literally overnight.

I was really getting to know another side of her. She was surprisingly intelligent, making references that caught me off guard, and comments that made me genuinely laugh. It seemed that she was still witty, even when she wasn’t being aggressive. It was so strange to see her as a real, full person and not just a complete bitch. Talking to her like this, I really felt that we could almost have a normal relationship.

That is, of course, if I didn’t still hate her fucking guts.

I left them alone for a little while, and Mia went home just before dinner, as usual. After dinner, Stella and I talked about her.

“Mia seemed to be in a good mood today.” I said innocently.

“Yeah, right? She’s been pretty quiet lately. I thought it was because she still wasn’t used to being around you, but apparently it was about her boyfriend.” said Stella.


“Yeah, he…well, let’s just say they weren’t really…compatible. She wasn’t sure whether or not to stay with him, but she told me this morning that she’s decided to leave him. She seems a lot happier, now that she’s made the decision.”

I wasn’t surprised to hear this, but I was delighted. We hadn’t even had sex and she had already chosen me over him. The best part was, I didn’t even have to tell her to.


The next Friday, the casual conversation with Mia continued when Stella was around. She seemed completely comfortable in my presence now, laughing and joking with me like she did with Stella.

Once again I left them alone, heading to bed first. I wanted to give Mia a chance to get Stella completely to sleep before visiting me.

I heard her footsteps approaching my room just after midnight.

She didn’t knock this time, she just walked in and closed the door behind her. It doesn’t matter what she was wearing, because before either of us said a word she began to undress. Within 30 seconds, she was once again naked at the side of my bed.

“Good evening, Mia.” I said, without looking up from my laptop.

“Evening.” she said.

I turned to her.

“Can I help you with something?” I said.

She smiled and rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, I want to see your cock.”

I raised an eyebrow.

“Sorry, I mean, pleeease let me see your cock?” she said, smirking.

She lifted her chest up, thrusting out her big tits.

I didn’t like this. Before, she’d been genuinely pleading. Now she was just going along with what I wanted. She probably thought we would fuck tonight. She had seriously misread this relationship, it seemed.

“No, get out.” I said.

I turned back to my laptop.

“Aww, don’t be like that.” she said, “I promise you won’t regret it. I’ve…been practicing, like you asked.”

I didn’t ask her to practice, I told her. This was becoming irritating.

“Mia, get the fuck out of my bedroom.” I said.

She seemed a little worried now.

“Ok, I’m sorry, I’ll do it properly…I really want to…to suck it and…” she said.

I was getting pissed off with her now.

Without turning, I slowly reached out and grabbed a handful of her hair.

“Wait, no, I’m sorry, I AH-“

I yanked her head towards mine, putting her ear right in front of my mouth. Her hands were wrapped around my wrist, and she was still struggling.

“I’m not going to say it again, slut. Get. Out.” I hissed into her ear.

I released her head and she stood up quickly, gathering her clothes. I didn’t look at her, but I heard her son once before she left.

For a second I just sat there, wondering at what I’d done. First I kicked her out of my room after literally begging me to fuck her, and now I wouldn’t even let her practice sucking me off. Was I insane? A lonely virgin turning away this beautiful, eager girl?

But it wasn’t just any girl. It was Mia. The girl I’d spent my entire childhood and adolescence being tormented by. The girl I’d spent so many years fearing and hating. I didn’t want her as a girlfriend, the idea almost disgusted me. The only way this would work was if she was submissive to me, just like I’d read about.

She had to learn that she couldn’t just come over here and flutter her eyelashes every time she wanted to fool around. I was in control here. I decided what we did and didn’t do. And if she disobeyed me, she would be punished.

I only hoped I’d made the right move.


Next week, I found out that I had.

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