Your cock is beautiful – 45

The next morning Stella made breakfast for us. Well, for Stella and me, not for Mia. She was happy with her coffee.

Stella kept asking Mia pointed questions about the jacket she wore to school Friday, and again complimented my new watch.

I laughed it all off, keeping the atmosphere light. I’d figured out that shutting her down every time she got too personal with me wasn’t going to help anything, so I just kept things light.

It was sort of interesting actually, watching her. She wasn’t very subtle, just made occasional references to what she might do if she were going to take someone out for a date, or ask Mia where her favorite place to eat out was while trying to meet my eye.

She was still forcing this idea of being a couple, albeit in a less direct way than before.

The morning passed quickly, and Stella decided to go to the mall again for new clothes. Like she didn’t just buy enough clothes to last a year.

“Come on Steven, we’ll get smoothies and stuff too.” She said, “You like smoothies, right? Well, we’ll get some, you’ll like them.”

“No thanks.” I said in an easy tone, “I’ve got some reading to catch up on. You two have fun.”

“Oh come on, we can get you some new clothes while we’re there.” she insisted.

For the first time in a few weeks, I wasn’t willing to go along with my sister.

“No thanks.” I said steadily, meeting her eyes.

She frowned, but shrugged.

“Fine, have fun by yourself.” she said, just a tad coldly. “I’ll be right back, just need to get changed.”

She shot Mia a quick look before she walked out, and Mia gave a small smile in return.

They were working together on this, trying to get me to spend more time with them. Or rather, with Mia. I knew before she even opened her mouth.

“I mean… you don’t have to come.” said Mia, “But it would be fun… We could-“

“I wonder…” I said, cutting her off. “If Stella would be so quick to pair us up if she knew how I treated you…”

She looked surprised, but didn’t answer.

I stood up and walked over to her, closing in until our bodies were almost touching.

“If she saw all the bruises I give you… all your sexy little scars… would she still want you to be my girlfriend?”

She looked away from me, and her hand reached instinctively up to her shoulder, as if to cover the already hidden marks that my grip had left on her. The evidence of our first date.

“Would she want you to be around me at all…?” I asked.

“I… I think she-“

“I think…” I said, cutting her off again, “That sometime soon… very soon…”

I reached behind her, and grabbed her ass hard.

“That I’m going to fuck this tight ass of yours.” I growled.

She gasped.

I let my body relax and pulled away from her, smiling easily.

“Have fun at the mall, sweetheart.” I said lightly.

I leaned in to give her a quick peck on the cheek, then turned and walked away.


Apologies for the long wait for this chapter, once again real life gets in the way of fantasy. Thank you all for being so patient, and a big thank you to the readers who decided to share a few personal notes and pictures.

On another note, as far as I can see the stolen version of my story has been taken down from Amazon, so thank you to everyone that reviewed and reported it. I’m aware there are some other copies of my work floating around, but as long as no one’s trying to make money from them then I don’t consider it urgent.

Anyway, this was Chapter 6. Honestly not feeling too confident about this one; it took so long to write that I’m not sure if it all fits together properly. Well, you can let me know what you think of it.

And as always, all characters in the story above are over 18 and fictional, and you should probably read the first 5 chapters if you have the time.

Thanks for reading.


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