Your cock is beautiful – 45

“Your cock is beautiful” Part- 45 Continues…..

“Yeah…” I said, lying back down. “I mean, we were. I fell asleep.”

She laughed lightly.

“Oh.” She said, “I guess last night was pretty tiring. You seemed pretty out of it at school.”

I was well practiced at getting through a school day with barely any sleep, but I always crashes when I got home.

“Yeah, I had to walk back to the park to get my car.” I explained, covering my eyes with my arm.

“Oh shit, I didn’t even think about that. Thanks for driving me, by the way.” she said, “I was in no real state to drive…”

“No problem.” I grumbled.

I had a plan for tonight, of course. Another few of my New Year’s purchases were selected for their first use. But the lack of sleep had caught up with me, and now I felt terrible. Exhausted.

I was half hard in my pants from just seeing her, but all I wanted was to curl up in a warm ball and go back to sleep.

“Come here.” I said impulsively, looking at her.

“Yes Sir.” she said, getting to her knees.

“No, no, just get over here.” I said.

She looked up at me and smiled. That Goddamn coy smile again.

She walked over to the bed, walking around it to the other side. She moved my laptop to the floor and slipped under the covers.

I struggled with my uncomfortable jeans, sighing at the simple pleasure of being without pants.

“Come here.” I said, stretching my arms out.

She moved over to me, and I ran my hands up into her hair and pulled her closer. Her body molded against mine, and she sighed deeply.

“So… we’re just going to sleep?” she asked.

“Yeah…” I sighed, trying not to yawn.

I was too tired to think about what I was doing, or what it meant. I was exhausted, and sleep felt inevitable. I just wanted the warmth of her body against mine.

She giggled, and wrapped her arms around me.

“Can I take my bra off?” she asked.

Without thinking, I reached down to the strap behind her back. After last night I had the basic idea, and was able to undo the clasp without any trouble.

She laughed again, pulling away to wriggle out of it, then threw it off the bed before sliding back into my arms. My thoughts were already starting to drift and mix with the oncoming dreams.

“Should I… should I turn the light off?” she asked quietly.

“Probably.” I sighed, holding her tight.

She pulled away again, and leaned over me to shut off my lamp. When she returned, I buried my face into her soft hair and squeezed her.

“Sir…” she whispered in the darkness.

“Hm?” I grunted.

“Um… nothing.” She said, “Good night.”

“Night.” I sighed, and finally allowed myself to drift back into sleep.


I woke up slowly, some insistent sensation pulling me inch by inch back to consciousness. I opened my eyes to the darkness. Mia had her back to me, her head against my chest, and my left arm holding her tight. She pulled against my arm as if trying to leave, but not hard enough to actually move me.

After a few seconds, she pulled away again, lightly resisting my grip not going anywhere.

“What are you doing?” I asked sleepily.

She jumped in surprise.

“Sorry, did I wake you?” she whispered.

“Yeah.” I said quietly, “Do you want to go?”

“No, I wasn’t… I’m good here.” she said.

“What are you doing?” I asked, again letting my voice raise to a normal volume. No point in hissing at each other if we’re both up anyway.

“I was just…” she started, “I liked the way you were holding me. Even in your sleep, it felt… possessive.”

She was right, I had her in a pretty firm hold.

“I woke up like this, you holding on to me. Like you weren’t going to let me go. I… I liked the feeling, and when I moved you held me tighter. I was just… testing the restraint, I suppose.”

She pulled away again, and I instinctively tightened my grip. She laughed, and I squeezed her tightly.

“I think it says something about you…” I said, “that it wasn’t the intimacy of the moment that you liked, but the feeling of ‘restraint’.”

I yawned widely, shivering a little. I felt so comfortable.

“I guess… that’s why I’m your slave, and not your girlfriend, right?” she said, a smile in her voice.

“Right.” I agreed, chuckling.

She leaned away again, but this time turned around to face me. She kissed me on the cheek, just once, then pulled away.

“Is this OK?” she asked.

“It’s fine.” I said, not really caring which way she faced.

“OK.” she said, and kissed my cheek again.

“Last night was fun, wasn’t it?” she asked.

“Was it?” I answered. “I know I had fun…”

“It was!” she laughed, “Oh my God, I was terrified something was going to happen. And when those two guys showed up… Jesus, I thought I was going to pass out!”

Your cock is beautiful – 45 will continue on the next page

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