Your cock is beautiful – 43

Suddenly I frowned, looking up. There was a sound up ahead… almost like…

My heart leapt into my throat, and my blood ran cold.

Someone was coming.

It was distant, but there were definitely voices up ahead. For a second I froze in panic, my mind emptying of all possible plans.

Mia still hadn’t heard them, there was no tell-tale squeezing of my hand or gasp of shock. I had maybe seconds before she noticed.

I suddenly span around, facing her. She jumped back slightly, but only watched as I quickly pulled the jacket closed and started to button it. My fingers were shaking slightly, but I managed somehow to get the whole thing done up tight, tying off the sash quickly.

Then I stepped to her side and put my arm around her waist, pulling her close to me, squeezing her left hand with my right. I started to walk again, and guided her over to the edge of the path. When the people ahead passed, I’d be between them and Mia.

She stiffened when she finally heard them, and stopped walking for a second. I knew her instinct would be to curl up in fear, so I gave her hand another reassuring squeeze and kept on walking, pulling her with me.

Two men turned the corner. They were wearing disheveled suits, and staggering slightly. They were arguing about something, not quite shouting but talking louder than necessary. Lucky for us, or I might not have heard them in time.

One was quite tall with mostly gray hair, although he looked too young for it. The other was clearly balding, and a little heavy around the middle. Two drunk businessmen, walking through the park. A drink after work, lamenting at the thought of a Valentine’s day alone, perhaps?

I kept my stride as the two approached us, then passed us without even a glance, too lost in their own drunken world.

Despite the fact that nothing had happened, my heart was pounding in my chest. I slowed to a stop a minute or so after I heard the voices fade away, then again turned sharply to face Mia. Looking over her shoulder, I couldn’t see any trace of the men.

Mia was shaking, and I could see tears in her eyes. She was terrified.

“That was close.” I breathed, smiling easily.

I couldn’t let her see how close to panic I’d come. I had to keep calm for her.

“Good thing I heard them coming.” I said, “Who knows what they might have done if they’d seen you…”

Her eyes widened further in shock, and suddenly my own fear was forgotten. We were alone again, and I didn’t want to let this stop me. On some level I knew it was dangerous, but honestly almost getting caught had made my cock even harder.

There was no sound around us anymore except for our own breathing.

I reached up and slowly unbuttoned her coat, pausing slightly after each button, before sliding the two ends of the sash out of the knot I’d tied, and pulling the whole thing apart. She dropped her arms and stayed completely still as I exposed her nude body, seeming too stunned to even protest.

“I’m almost disappointed.” I said with menace in my voice. “Maybe I should call them back. I’d be curious to see what two middle aged men might do with you, looking like this…”

“Don’t…” she whispered, too terrified to even use her voice, “Please don’t, please… please…”

I stared into her eyes, watching tears form in the corners, as if I was actually considering it.

Then I laughed.

“Oh, sweetheart.” I said, stroking her face, “I’m just teasing you, you know that. Why would I want to share with you?”

I kissed her just once on the lips, a slow but shallow peck.

“You’re my little fuck-toy, aren’t you?” I whispered.

She let out a small whimper and wrapped her arms around me.

“We’re going to play a little game now, sweetheart.” I breathed into her ear, “And it involves your slutty little pussy.”

I reached behind her and grabbed her ass, digging my fingers in hard.

“I’m going to run my hand up the inside of your thigh… all the way up to your pretty cunt.” I whispered, “And if you’re dry… if you’re really not having a good time… then we’ll go back to the bathroom and get you dressed. Then we can have a nice, normal walk around the park. Like a lovely date.”

I massaged her firm ass with my fingers as I paused, letting her think about what I’d said.

“But…” I hissed suddenly, making her jump, “If your little pussy happens to be wet… if you’re leaking all over your legs… basically, if you are having a good time… then I’m going to bring you into those trees behind me… and fuck you.”

She gasped and whimpered, clinging tightly to my body.

This had always been part of the plan. I was torturing her with this game. I knew this was still a part of her that craved normality, and a date in the park would perfectly satisfy that need; make us feel like a nice, normal couple. But that wouldn’t happen, and I’d made it her fault. Her own arousal would be the reason we were about to go into those trees. And I already knew this was all going to happen just as I planned… because I could already smell her arousing feminine scent.

Just as I’d told her I would, I brought one hand down to her knee. She was trembling, and whimpered when I started to move my hand up, cupping it around her lower thigh. She sighed as I caressed her, moving closer to her bare pussy.

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