Your cock is beautiful – 42

I looked at her chest in the mirror, then up at her face. She had her eyes closed.

“Look, sweetheart.” I said gently, “Look at you.”

She opened her eyes, and stared at herself.

“You’re so beautiful.” I whispered.

She shivered again, and I kissed the back of her neck.

“Go sit down.” I said, pushing her towards the bay of sinks.

She walked over and turned, raising herself up with her arms to sit down. She crossed her long, sexy legs, and waited.

I followed her, and reached for her skirt. She sat back and pushed her hips out, as if offering herself to me.

No hesitating any more.

I unzipped her skirt and slid it down, helped by her lifting herself so I could slide it down over her hips. I was surprised to see she was wearing a thong, a black one with the same design as the bra.

I slid the skirt off over her heels, and drank in her body.

She stared at me, biting her lip. Was that still the fear I saw? Or maybe that had already turned to lust…

I ran my hands down her smooth stomach to her thong, and slipped it off her as well. I let the thong drop down her calves where it hung off her ankle, and then I ran my hands back up her legs, wrapping them around her ass and pulling her close to me.

She pressed her pussy against the crotch of my jeans, no doubt feeling how hard I was already. She wrapped her legs around me and sat up, pressing her body to me. I looked at her bra strap in the mirror, suddenly realizing without the reflection I probably wouldn’t be able to get the thing off.

I smiled at myself, reaching up to inexpertly unclasp it. I didn’t exactly fumble with it, but it probably could have been smoother.

I leaned back, sliding the bra off with me. She was wrapped around me, and completely naked save for her heels. She was just staring at me, that same look of both fear and lust that I’d become so familiar with.

She leaned forward to kiss me, but I pulled back.

“Not yet, slut.” I said gently, stepping back.

She tensed her legs, not wanting to let me go, but eventually relented. I stepped back and again just admired her naked body, her absolute sexual perfection.

She glanced at the locked door just once, before meeting my eye again. She lay back and let herself be seen, her intense blush and shallow breathing exposing her nervousness.

She looked down at herself, then noticed her thong still draped around her ankle.

She slowly looked up at me, then raised one perfect leg up, pointing her toes at me.

“You forgot this.” she breathed.

I didn’t react, lost in the complete eroticism of the moment.

Eventually I stepped forward again and slid the soft piece of cloth off of her.

My cock throbbed in my jeans, but I ignored my urge to take her right there and then. I smiled to myself as I started to pack her clothes away into my backpack, where I’d stashed her hoody.

I thought about how much I had to resist when I was around, and how if I’d instead just relented every time I’d myself held back, I probably wouldn’t have even gotten around to trying to punish her yet.

I zipped up the backpack and turned to her. She was just staring at me, her body in the exact same position.

“Stand up.” I ordered.

She gently lowered herself, her heels meeting the smooth floor with little twin clicks.

“Turn.” I said.

She turned her back to me, and as I admired her naked ass, I regretted taking off the thong before I got to appreciate her in it.

I draped her new jacket around her shoulders, and helped her put it on. She turned, and I buttoned it up for her, again taking my time, and finishing by tightly tying the sash.

I stepped back. I was right, she looked exactly as she had before, the long hem of the jacket stopping short enough to be enticing, but long enough to hide whatever short skirt she was wearing under it. Or not wearing.

I held my hand out to her, and she gave me hers.

I stepped beside her, her hand tightly clasped in mine, and together we walked out into the night.


We walked in silence for the first few minutes, heading to the path I was planning on using. She was walking confidently alongside me, her stride even. The only sign everything wasn’t normal was the vice-like grip she had around my hand.

“You know what I just realized?” she said suddenly, breaking the silence. “This is the first time we’ve ever held hands.”

I smiled, realizing she was right.

“Well, I think we’re close enough now for it to be appropriate.” I said, “Unless you think we’re moving too fast…”

I relaxed my hand, and her grip increased.

I laughed at her reaction, and she couldn’t help but laugh too.

“How are you feeling?” I asked quietly.

“Terrified.” she answered quickly, “I have no idea what I’m doing out here. No fucking idea.”

“You’re just having a walk in the park.” I said.

“Yeah, just a walk in the park…” she repeated sarcastically. “Just a walk…”

“You sound nervous.”

“Yep.” she said.

I laughed again.

“Well, try to enjoy yourself.” I said, “I know I’m having a good time.”

“That doesn’t surprise me.” she said quickly.

I chuckled again.

We walked up a small flight of stone steps to a path. It was basically in the middle of the small wood the park was designed around. There were trees in every direction, and the whole place felt closed off and isolated. There was only one other way to reach this path, and it was by joining a dirt path on the other side that I’d never seen anyone use, and seemed to go nowhere important.

We actually had a choice of direction, left or right, but it didn’t matter as it was one big circle, with a clump of woods in the center. Like a doughnut shape carved into the forest.

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