Your cock is beautiful – 42

“Your cock is beautiful” Part-42 Continues…..

“Uh… yeah.” she said.

“I might have something planned.” I said casually, shrugging.

“Really?” she said, then caught herself. “Oh… that’s good.”

Dad just winked at me.

One area they’d never really approached with me was romance, seeming to prefer the hands off approach all the way.

But I didn’t really have a plan for Valentine’s Day yet.

I was sure I could think of something fun.


Valentine’s Day.

Well, for another few hours it was, anyway.

I was sitting alone on a park bench, resisting the urge to check my phone. My car was parked in front of me and I was staring out at the otherwise empty parking lot of the small local park. Really just a clump of nature just outside the suburbs with a few paths and streetlights jammed into it. Ever since I’d bought Mia’s jacket on Saturday, I’d been searching for a place like this. It only took me Tuesday to find it, and I’d been researching it since then.

I was waiting for Mia.

I’d texted her to meet me here, and to dress nice. Wear something short.

But she was late.

I finally gave in and checked my phone, in case she’d texted to say something had happened. It had only been four minutes since I’d last checked it, which made her almost exactly five minutes late.

I couldn’t stop fidgeting, tapping my foot or rifling through my pockets. The night was strangely warm for February, something I appreciated as I was only wearing a light jacket.

Where the hell was she?

Six minutes late.

Finally, I saw headlights at the other end of the lot. The rumble of her engine broke up the otherwise still silence of the park, and I had to close my eyes as the light beamed into them.

She parked her car beside mine and got out. She looked amazing, and the view got better as she got closer. She was wearing heels, and a very short skirt that only came a few inches down her thigh. She also had on a pink t-shirt, which peaked out behind a bright red hoodie she had zipped half-way up.

“Hi.” she said happily, walking up to me and sitting down.

“Six minutes late.” I said, probably because my mind went blank when I saw how good she looked, and it had been the last thing I was thinking about.

“Right… sorry. Were you waiting long?” she asked nervously.

Only about two hours.

“No, not really.” I lied.

She smiled at me, then turned away, looking out over the now slightly less empty lot.

“You look good.” I said.

She spun her head back to look at me, grinning.

“Really?” she asked, “Thanks, I didn’t really know what you meant by ‘dress nice’, so I just put together this outfit.”

“Well… good job.” I said, returning her smile.

She turned away again, and though I couldn’t tell in the harsh glare of the streetlight, I would have bet that she was blushing.

“So… is this… like a date?” she asked quietly, not meeting my eye, “Like… a Valentine’s-“

“Stand up.” I interrupted.

She looked at me again, and quickly stood up off the bench.

“I got you something.” I said, reaching under the bench to pull out a backpack, “As thanks for the watch. To show you I appreciate it.”

“You didn’t have to do that.” she laughed, the excitement in her voice clear.

“I know.” I said, standing up.

I unzipped the bag and pulled out her present, folded neatly.

“Turn around.” I said.

She stared at the cloth in my hand, eager to see what it was, but after a few seconds quickly turned.

I dropped the bag and jacket on the bench and stepped behind her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her to me, kissing her on the back of her neck. I then reached up to take off her hoody, slowly sliding the zip down until it came free. I slid it off her shoulders, and felt her shiver slightly despite the warm night air.

I dropped her hoodie on the bench and picked up the jacket, gently unfolding it. I draped it over one arm, and she instinctively reached up to slide her arm into the sleeve. I dressed her, and took a step back.

She turned around, looking down at herself. She examined herself in it, excitedly taking in every detail.

“I love it!” she gushed, holding it out to look at it, “Oh my God, thank you so, so much.”

She bounced forward and wrapped her arms around my waist, leaning in to kiss me. I returned her passion, holding her against me.

“Thank you.” she said again when the kiss ended.

She pressed her head against my neck, kissing me softly.

It was just a jacket, but she seemed thrilled that I’d actually gotten her something.

“Thank you.” she said again, still kissing me.

“Alright, alright.” I said laughing, gently pushing her away, “I’m glad you like it.”

“I do, I love it.” she said.

Your cock is beautiful – 42 will continue on the next page

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