Your cock is beautiful – 41

“Your cock is beautiful” Part-41 Continues…..

Later that night, around 9, there was a knock on my door. For a brief moment I thought it would be Mia sneaking over for a Saturday night session, but she was too dedicated to her studies to waste two nights in a row like that.

After knocking Stella walked right in, not waiting for an answer. I appreciated that she’d knocked at all this time, and glad this time I was just sitting in bed reading, and not looking at pictures of her best friend tied naked to my bed.

“Hey, I want to talk to you.” she said, sitting down on my bed.

I closed my laptop, curious about her serious tone.

“I’m sorry about earlier… we were having a nice day and it sort of felt like I ruined it.” she said.

I shrugged, faking a smile.

“Don’t worry about it.” I said.

She smiled back, relieved.

“I mean… I said I’d stay out of it, and I will.” she continued, “I just wanted to say that.”

“Thanks, Stella.” I said, “I know this must be weird for you. But… I just kind of need my space with this, you know?”

“Yeah, I get it.” she said.

She smiled again, and nodded to herself.

“OK, well, now that that’s out of the way, let’s go get wasted!” she said, jumping up.

“Let’s… what sorry?” I asked.

“Come on, there’s a little get-together happening tonight. I was going to tell you about it earlier but I forgot. We’re meeting everyone there.”

She made to leave, not waiting for an answer.

“But I… I’m in my pajamas.” I said dumbly.

She turned around and laughed.

“Come on, try out one of those new outfits we got you.” she said, walking out and closing the door behind her.

I frowned, thinking about how my sister had yet again conveniently left out the part of the conversation where I made any sort of decision.

But I couldn’t help but smile. I missed this about her, her spontaneity balancing out my caution. She’d always been the fun one.

“I guess I’m going to a party.” I said to myself.


And so I was finally at a party. We were at Josh’s , a very cool looking senior from another school. Stella introduced me and he merely nodded, saying “Welcome.”, before walking off.

I’d been nervous about coming here, one of the reasons I’d been ignoring Stella’s invitations for so long, but I found that it was exactly the kind of relaxed atmosphere that she’d described. The music pumping through the house wasn’t too loud, no one was chugging from a beer bong, and no one was passing around a joint. The whole house had maybe 20 or 30 teenagers in it, just talking and laughing, everyone enjoying a few beers or those brightly colored, sugary alcopops.

Within a few minutes of entering, Stella and I spotted Becky and Frank talking closely on one of the couches in the huge lounge and joined them. The normally quiet Frank already had a bit of a buzz going when we got there, and he was a lot more talkative than usual. He turned to me and greeted me warmly, patting me on the back. I fell into their conversation easily, laughing along with them.

After that, it was pretty much the same as lunch at school, except I was drinking beer. I sipped my drink and enjoyed the music, looking around the huge house and the mingling horde of kids.

It was a lot more mellow than I’d feared. Or maybe I’d just been expecting something unrealistically crazy, given my total lack of experience.

I ignored the strange feeling of it, trying to ignore years of social isolation and awkwardness. These people were my friends now, right?

By the time Lissie showed up, I’d had two more beers and was feeling pretty relaxed.

“Hey new kid.” said Lissie, sitting down beside me. “Didn’t think I’d ever see you here.”

“I’m as surprised as you are.” I joked, “I never thought I’d be invited to a party this cool.”

“Oh please, you’re the coolest guy here.” she laughed.

“Yeah yeah, I know.” I said, “I figured I’d spend one night with the losers, see how the other half lives.”

She laughed and sipped her drink, brushing her hair behind her ear.

“So really. What’s the story? Just felt like a night on the town?” she asked.

“Stella didn’t really give me a say in it.” I said, “It was her decision to make, apparently.”

“Yeah, she does that.” Lissie agreed, “Just make decisions. It’s good though, otherwise we wouldn’t get anything done.”

“Yeah, it was the same when we were kids.” I laughed, “She always had fun plans, and I just tagged along.”

“I’ve been meaning to ask you about that.” she said, “If you two were so close as kids, why had we never met you until recently?”

“Oh, that’s… kind of a big question.” I said. “And a long story.”

“Mhmm, and I imagine you’re probably a little too sober to tell it?” she said.

“Yeah it’s definitely something I’d need a few more drinks to talk about.” I laughed.

“Deal.” she said, and handed me an open beer bottle that she’d set on the floor when she sat down.

“Hey, that… that was sneaky.” I said smiling, taking the bottle from her.

She just winked, and took another drink herself. She was about to speak again, but Stella called her name and she turned away.

“Hey, Steven, what do you think?” said Frank, suddenly grabbing my shoulder with one of his giant hands, “Who would win in a fight… Mia or Derek?”

I laughed, and pretended to think hard on the question.

“Mia, definitely.” I said after half a second.

“Right?” he said loudly.

Becky was talking to the girls, but Frank nudged her on the back with his elbow.

“Mia.” he said, pointing at me.

“Oh come on!” Becky said, “Derek does all that judo shit, he’d kick her ass!”

“We’re talking about the same Mia here?” I asked, “She’d rip his face off!”

“Exactly, girl’s get a lot of anger.” Frank agreed.

Your cock is beautiful – 41 will continue on the next page

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