Your cock is beautiful – 40

“So, Pauline.” said Stella, “We’re looking for a Valentine’s Day present.”

“Oh. You… took your girlfriend with you to get her gift?” Pauline asked me, smiling but confused.

“She’s my sister, actually.” I said.

There was a moment of confusion, and a hint of disgust crossed her face.

“The gift isn’t for her.” I said laughing.

“Oh!” she said, realizing her mistake. “Right, of course not.”

“It’s for his… not-really-girlfriend.” said Stella, “Like, apparently it’s just sex but she got him that watch, so…”

I frowned at her, annoyed at how casual she was with my private life.

Pauline glanced at the watch on my wrist, then at me and raised her eyebrows.

“Wow kid, I didn’t think you were the ‘just sex’ type.” she said, a strange hint of approval and amusement in her tone.

“God, I know right?” said Stella, “I don’t really get it because she’s seriously gorgeous, but apparently he wants to just keep it casual. So yeah, I’m thinking like a scarf or a shawl or something?”

“Well…” said Pauline, finally turning that amused expression away from me and looking at Stella, “It’s February, so a scarf would only be good for a little while longer. Actually it’s a little hot already so that might not do…”

“That’s a good point, the weather’s been heating up lately.” said Stella, “So, how about like a thin shawl, like a see-through sort of blah blah blah…”

I tuned them out and started looking absently around the store. I was grateful they both seemed so interested in helping me, but I honestly didn’t care about clothes. I’d had to learn about all these things when I worked here, but they still held no interest for me.

They chattered on, Pauline seeming to understand who was the expert of the two of us and not turning back to me for my opinion.

I left them to it and started to wander around, randomly picking up or stroking items of clothing, more acting interested than anything else. I did a few laps of the women’s section, occasionally looking over at the two girls. I shook my head and smiled when I noticed Pauline holding a t-shirt up against Stella to judge how it looked. Seemed they’d forgotten why we were here.

After another lap or two, I suddenly saw a mannequin I hadn’t noticed before. A female one, wearing a thin black jacket that came to about mid-way down the thigh.

For some reason, the position of the jacket inspired an image of Mia in my head wearing it. It was pretty cool looking, all silver buttons with a black sash around the waist. She would look good in it.

I smiled as I explored the image in my head. She would look good in this jacket.

I picked one off the rack next to the dummy and found Stella again. They turned to me as I approached, and I could tell from Stella’s slight surprise that she probably had forgotten that she wasn’t here for herself.

“What about this?” I said, offering it to her.

She took the jacket and held it up.

“Hmm…” she said appraisingly.

She put it on and buttoned it up, while Pauline quickly reached over to tie the sash. It seemed to fit her well.

“It looks good.” said Pauline, “It’s a new item, I personally really like it.”

Stella walked over to a full length mirror and studied herself. She posed a few different ways, her expression serious.

“She’s taller than me.” she said thoughtfully. “And bustier… and prettier in general I suppose…”

Pauline laughed.

“Well I can’t help with that last one, but it does come in a larger size.” she said.

“Let’s have a look.” she said.

They walked off together in the direction I just came from, and I followed silently.

Stella took off the jacket and replaced it with a different one from the same rack, and quickly put it on. This one didn’t fit her quite as well, reaching farther down the leg and seeming loose around her shoulders.

“This should be perfect.” she said, looking at me and smiling widely, “And it’s so something she would wear too, I could totally see her in this.”

“It’s a little strange though, isn’t it?” I asked, “A jacket… it’s not like a normal gift thing.”

“It’s clothes.” She said simply, “Girls like clothes.”

Pauline laughed, and Stella winked at her.

“This should be great, I think.” she said, taking the jacket off. “Great job little brother, looks like you didn’t need me after all.”

“If you’re sure it’s Okay…” I said, suddenly not very confident about my choice.

But then, I still wasn’t even sure it was right to get her something.

“Thanks for the help Pauline,” Stella said, throwing the jacket over her arm, “Now while we’re here, tell me more about that skirt from before.”

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