Your cock is beautiful – 40

“Your cock is beautiful” Part – 40 Continues…..

I owned her.

Mia. The strongest, craziest, most aggressive person I’d ever met.

I had her heart in the palm of my hand.

But all that stuff… that was ancient history. The stuff I’d tried to bury a long time ago. It had all stopped when we were around 15, when she… when she crossed the line. That’s when the manipulations had stopped, and she went back to the verbal stuff.

I sighed and shook my head of these dark memories, pushing them back into whatever gloomy corner of my mind they occupied. There was no point in dwelling on this stuff.

Ancient history.

Yet every single conversation with her, every kiss, every warm embrace was tempered by these memories. A countless collection of examples of her cruelty. How could I really care about her when our relationship was like this?

She could be my nice, normal, loving girlfriend for literally years, and the good memories still wouldn’t outweigh the bad. For every time she’d suck my cock, there’d be at least ten examples of times she’d made me cry with frustration and anger in the past. For every time she makes me feel good about myself, strokes my ego with her submission, there’s twenty memories of her casually stripping away my confidence with her snide remarks and vicious insults.

I sighed, and tried to get back to sleep.

Fucking Valentine’s Day.

Like things weren’t complicated enough.


The next day I decided to wear the watch. I needed one, and it was a very nice watch. It didn’t have to mean anything.

I ignored Mia’s wide smile when she noticed it on my wrist as I walked into the kitchen that morning.

“Nice watch.” said Stella, “Wow, it looks expensive.”

She obviously already knew where it came from, but I didn’t react.

“Thanks. It was a gift.” I said simply, sitting down to eat breakfast with them.

They shared a knowing look, and I ignored them. They didn’t bring it up again, nor did Stella pry further into our relationship. At least, not until Mia went home.

“So, are you getting her something back?” she asked the second Mia walked out the door.

“Yes.” I said, meeting her eye, “And I want your help to pick something out.”

She seemed surprised at my answer, but grinned widely.

I’d already gone over this decision alone. It was what you did; you get a gift, you give one back. And I couldn’t help but think there was an opportunity here too, although for what I didn’t know.

As strange as it felt, I was getting Mia a gift for Valentine’s day.

“Good.” Stella said.


We went to the mall after school on Monday, after Mia left to start studying again. Only a few weeks after our exams and she was already back at it. I had to respect the determination, even if it pissed me off a little. She made the rest of us look like lazy assholes by comparison. I mean, when it came to school work I definitely was a lazy asshole, but still.

I drove us to the mall in our car, and we started the search. Stella took me around the mall, bringing me to look at jewelry, perfumes, flowers, cards… all stuff I didn’t feel comfortable buying her. Too relationship-y. Too normal.

All the while she quizzed me about exactly what kind of gift I wanted, how I wanted to make her feel with this gift, why I was bothering if this really was “just sex”.

I avoided the questions mostly, but I couldn’t deny she had a point with that last one. What was the normal protocol here? I wanted to get her something, but she wasn’t my girlfriend. But it wasn’t just sex either, though I couldn’t tell Stella that. She belonged to me. She not only accepted this dynamic herself, but was now actively engaging in it, talking about what it meant and how it made her feel.

Was it normal for a Dom to buy gifts for a sub? Did I even have to return it, couldn’t I just accept the gift and give her nothing back, like she’d said?

But none of that really mattered, or at least I didn’t want it to. I wasn’t buying this because I had to.

Stella led me over to a fairly pricey clothing store that I recognized. In fact, I’d worked there for a few months one Summer.

Stella led me around the aisles, pointing out cute scarfs or adorable boots, but I wasn’t really paying attention. I was just waiting for inspiration, waiting for this decision to make sense to me.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see an attractive woman approach me. I smiled when I glanced up at her, and she smiled back. She was in her late twenties, and wearing the uniform of the store.

“Hey kid, it’s been a while.” she said.

“Yeah. How’ve you been?” I asked.

“Oh not too bad, you know…” she answered.

“Hi.” said Stella, appearing beside me.

Stella looked at me, questioning how I knew this woman.

“This is Stella.” I gestured to her, “Stella, this is Pauline, she was my manager when I worked here.”

“You worked here?” she asked, surprised.

“Yep.” I said, not bothering to elaborate.

“And you got an employee discount and everything?” she asked, obviously annoyed I hadn’t told her.

“Yeah.” I answered, smiling.

Clothes and fashion never really interested me but we got a great discount on them, so for a little while as a teenager I actually dressed in the latest style.

“Heh, you’re exactly the same, Steven.” Pauline said, “One word answers, whenever possible.”

“Yeah, that’s Steven.” Stella said, patting my shoulder.

I smiled. Pauline had been a pretty great boss to have, one of the better ones. She was pretty liberal with our breaks, and didn’t mind us taking things slow if there weren’t many customers. It had been maybe two or three years since I worked here. She’d never minded my shyness when working with customers, telling me that as long as they got help it didn’t matter whether I was “charming” or not.

Your cock is beautiful – 40 will continue on the next page

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