Your cock is beautiful – 4

She held it out to demonstrate. She didn’t seem to care how I’d found out about her sex life.

“I never feel good with him…he’s never even made me cum…” she said.

She was staring at my dick again. It was bobbing slightly, in time with my heartbeat. She let out a little moan of desire.

“I’ve actually never…” she said.

“Never…?” I said.

She looked at me again.

“I don’t…think I’ve ever had an orgasm. Even alone I just get too…I don’t know, nervous.”

She went back to staring at my cock.

This was a revelation. Miss super-confident mega-bitch had never even had an orgasm before. I was going to give her her first orgasm. I vowed.

“Do you want to touch my cock, slut?” I asked.

Her face lit up.

“Yes, yes, please. I want to touch it.” she said.

“Sit over there.” I said, gesturing to the other end of the bed.

I moved back on the bed to give her space.

She eagerly jumped up and sat where my legs had been. Her body was incredible, and seeing her like this, I had to try hard to distract my thoughts so I didn’t get fully worked up.

“But, you do have a boyfriend, don’t you Mia?”

She looked at me, confused.

“Yeah, I do, but-“

“Now, what kind of a girl would even touch another man’s cock if she already has a boyfriend?” I asked.

“I don’t…I don’t know…I just want to touch it…”

She was staring at it again.

“Mia, you have a boyfriend.” I reminded her, “The only reason you should want to do this with me, would be if you were…a slut.”

She didn’t say anything.

“Are you a slut, Mia?”

She’d already accepted me calling her, but now she had to accept it for herself.

“I…” she hesitated.

“Because if you’re not a slut, then you should probably just stay faithful, and leave.”

“No!” she moaned.

She looked into my eyes.

“I am a…a…”, she swallowed heavily, struggling with the admission, “a slut. I am, I’m a slut.” she said.

Admitting it aloud seemed to have a strange effect on her. Her eyes went hazy, and a big, lazy smile spread across her face.

“I’m a slut.” she said again.

“Whose slut are you?” I prompted.

“I’m…I’m your slut.” she replied slowly, “I’ll be your slut…Just let me…please…”

“Touch it, slut.” I said calmly.

She reached out and grabbed it, letting out a moan of lust as soon as she did. It continued to grow in her hands until she was holding my full, thick erection. I enjoyed how it felt, her soft warm hands wrapped around my cock. She marveled at the girth of it, lightly gripping with one hand and running her other up and down the shaft. She bit her lip and let out another low moan. I lay back and enjoyed the sensation.

“It’s so… big.” she sighed, with obvious amazement.

She explored the base, gently cupping my large balls in her hands, before she moved upwards, exploring the head. I was so turned on that some pre cum began to leak out, and she started rubbing it around the tip with her thumbs. She started to slide the skin down, but stopped when I let out a small grunt of pleasure.

She looked up at me, as if surprised to see I was still there.

“Oh, do you like that?” she asked.

She looked like she really wanted me to feel good. At first I was confused that she didn’t know what I would enjoy, then I remembered the only other cock she’d had experience with. She could probably fit that whole thing in one hand with room to spare.

“Oh, of course,” I said, “You’ve never done this with a real cock, have you slut?”

She shook her head, then turned back to my dick.

“Well,” I said, “The head is the most sensitive part. What feels best for a guy is putting pressure around the top, then sliding the skin up and down.”

She did what I said, and was soon slowly masturbating me with both hands. I felt incredible, but I wanted more.

“Stop.” I said.

After a few seconds, she stopped her hands.

“No, I mean, let go.”

She slowly let go, and crossed her arms under her chest. She’d been squirming for a while now, trying to bring some friction to her wet pussy. I was pleased to see that she hadn’t tried to touch herself again, obeying my earlier command.

“You’re going to suck my cock now, slut.” I said.

Her eyes went wide with fear, and she sat back as I stood.

I got off the bed and finished undressing. She turned to face me, scooting closer so her feet were on the floor.

“I’m not sure about this.” she said.

I didn’t say anything.

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