Your cock is beautiful – 32

“Your cock is beautiful” Part-32

But I’d never been able to understand her.

The dark thought crossed my mind, and in seconds the feeling began to fade, replaced with that old familiar bitterness. I’d wished a thousand times that I understood her, that I knew why she’d always treated me like she had, but I still didn’t. This wasn’t a connection, it was just… a stupid feeling, a rush of endorphins after a good fuck.

I sighed and rolled away from her onto my back. Why couldn’t I just feel one thing for her? Just like her or hate her, or just stop caring altogether? I couldn’t hold onto any solid emotion when it came to her.

She put her arm across my chest and kissed my shoulder, still feeling that loving rush.

I sat up slowly, and got off the bed.

“Where are you going?” she asked.

“I’ll be right back.” I muttered, pulling on my jeans.

I left and walked downstairs. I turned off the TV, locked the front door, and turned off all the lights. I stood at the bottom of the stairs for a while, hating the creeping emptiness I felt in my chest. I sighed, not wanting to go back to the room. I didn’t want to feel close to her.

I went back up to the room, opened the door and stood in the doorway.

“Night.” I said.

“Wait, where are you going?” she asked.

“The guest room. I can’t sleep in here.” I said.

“Can’t you stay for a little while?” she asked sadly.

With my earlier mistakes, I’d learned that when a submissive is heavily dominated or punished, they might need “after care”, basically to be held and looked after, maybe given something to eat or drink. But right now she was fine; I hadn’t really dominated her tonight. As I saw it, I had no obligation to be here if I didn’t want to.

“The doors are locked and everything’s switched off downstairs.” I said, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Ok… goodnight!” she called as I closed the door.

I frowned and walked over to the guest room.

“I don’t have to be there.” I told myself aloud as I undressed.

The guest bed was comfortable and barely used, but it didn’t remind me of Stella.


The next morning the bedroom door was thrown open, waking me with a start.

“Morning little brother.” Mia said, leaning on the door frame.

Still half asleep, I barely mumbled in response.

“Come on,” she said, walking out. “Stella made breakfast.”

I got dressed and wandered downstairs to find that she had indeed made breakfast; bacon, eggs, and freshly made waffles. She set down a plate for Mia and I, but not for herself.

“Not hungry?” I asked.

“Oh, she doesn’t eat breakfast.” Mia said, “It makes her sick.”

I looked at Stella curiously.

“Yeah, I can’t really eat first thing in the morning.” she explained, “It always makes me nauseous unless I’ve been up for a few hours. This is all I need.”

She held up her coffee cup.

“Hm.” I said, picking up my fork.

“See, you guys are learning all kinds of stuff about each other.” said Mia.

I rolled my eyes at her, and she laughed.

I ate my breakfast quickly, trying not to feel Stella’s eyes on me. I kept thinking about the last time she’d cooked for me, and how happy it seemed to make her.

“So are we going home then?” I asked Mia.

“No, we’re staying today too.” she said. “If you want.” she added.

“Just the three of us?” I asked.

“Yep, parents are gone for the whole weekend. They’re both ‘on business trips’.” Stella answered, her voice dripping with disdain, “As if I don’t know what they’re really up to.”

I smiled at this. It was strangely comforting to hear that Bob and Alice were on some kind of romantic weekend together, which is what I assumed she meant.

But there was a sudden lull in the conversation, and Mia was looking at me strangely. She looked guilty.

“What are they really doing?” I asked her, seeing she was hiding something.

She just shrugged, and looked away. What a bad liar.

“They’re cheating on each other.” Stella said.

I thought she was joking until Mia looked up sharply. She already knew, but I could tell she was surprised Stella had told me.

“Are you serious?” I said, “No way.”

Bob and Alice had been a part of my life since I was a kid; they were closer to me than most of my own family. But Stella definitely wasn’t joking.

“Yeah,” Stella continued casually, “They think I don’t know, but it’s so obvious.”

I was stunned. I didn’t know how to respond.

“We’ve suspected it for a few years.” explained Mia, “They’re not even that subtle about it any more. I mean, what did you think Uncle Bob was up to while we were in Paris with Auntie Alice?”

I shook my head.

“Never really thought about it.” I said, keeping my expression neutral.

“Wow, you’re taking this a lot better than your sister did.” Stella said. “She cried when she thought they were going to get a divorce.”

“You think that’s where it’s going?” I asked her, meeting her eyes.

“I… I don’t think so.” she said. “They hardly fight any more. They used to get into huge arguments about it when I was a kid, but I think now they’ve just decided to lean into it. They cheat on each other, and then they’re happy when they’re together. It works.”

She shrugged, and went back to her food. My first instinct was to ask for some sort of proof, but I ignored it. Stella was smarter than me, and they were her parents. If she was certain that this was happening, what choice did I have but to believe her?

“Shit.” I said, still stunned. This was a lot to process.

Your cock is beautiful – 32 will continue on the next page

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