Your cock is beautiful – 30

“You told me once that you had sex dreams about me. Does it still happen?” I asked.

“Uh… yeah, sometimes.”she said.

“Tell me about them.” I ordered.

“Um… really?” she said nervously.

I tilted my head, but didn’t reply.

She’d blurted out the stuff about the dreams before we’d even had sex, when I’d just given her a taste of the pleasure she was capable of then left her without it for a few weeks. I could tell she’d regretted it, but I wanted to hear more. I wanted to embarrass her again.

“Ok…” she said quietly after a few seconds of silence. “Well, the last one was a few weeks ago, when I was in Paris. I bought… you know, some underwear to wear for you and… and…”

She trailed off, looking away.

I kept looking at her, but turned the TV down. She was blushing.

“Go on.”

“When I went to sleep, I was thinking about what you’d think when you saw me in it. What you might… do to me.”

She met my eye again. She swallowed nervously and let out a heavy breath.

“I don’t remember much of the actual dream, but… when I woke up I was all…wet, and I… I missed you.”

“What did you think I’d do?” I asked.

She bit her lip and looked away again. This was turning her on, being forced to share her private, shameful thoughts with me. She tucked her legs under her and got onto her knees, curling up as if trying to hide.

“I thought you’d…”

She stopped.

“Thought I would do what?” I said sternly.

“Grab me, and… and kiss me. Bite… bite my lip.” she said, a seductive sigh in her voice.

She was already so wound up, so ready for me. Just a few seconds of conversation and she was willing and eager. What a beautiful slut, I thought. A slut that could scream obscenities at the top of her lungs while having sex, but blush just talking about it.

“Hm.” I answered, turning back to the TV. I turned it up and started to flick through the channels again.

She started to say something, then stopped. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her lean towards me. She tentatively put her hand on my chest, and leaned in to kiss me.

“Stop it.” I said, without looking at her.

She froze for a second, then quickly pulled away.

Again, I ignored her and stayed focused on the TV. She didn’t wait too long before breaking the silence.

“Are we going to…?” she asked quietly.

I sighed, but didn’t answer.

I could see her start to fidget nervously. She moved around on the couch, trying to get comfortable.

“I…” she said softly, but stopped herself again.

I slowly turned to look at her. She was up on her knees, facing me, with her hands folded in her lap. She looked sad. Sad and… lost.

“You want me to tell you what to do.” I realized aloud.

She nodded, her eyes wide.

Usually when it came to sex, Stella knew what she was doing at every point, because I told her. Leaving her like this was literally the opposite of what she’d confessed to liking about submitting to me, no instructions or commands, unsure of what she should do.

“Get me a drink.” I said, once again turning away from her.

She quickly got up off the couch and walked into the kitchen.

I didn’t watch her go.

She walked back in a few minutes later and handed me an open beer, which I took without looking at her.

She moved to sit down, but I stopped her.

“No.” I said calmly.

“What?” she asked.

“Sit on the floor.” I ordered.

I was in a shitty mood, and I wanted to exert some control over her.

“Yes Sir.” she purred.

I was sitting on the right side of the couch in front of the TV, and she knelt on my right, looking up at me.

I took a sip of beer and went back to channel surfing. I felt her slowly run her hand up my leg towards my knee.

“Stop it, we’re not doing anything.” I said.

“Uh, so why am I down here?” she asked.

“Because I want you to sit on the floor.” I said coldly.

“I… Are you serious?” she asked after a few seconds.

I ignored her.

“You seriously just want me to sit on the floor?” she asked.


“Why?” she asked, “This is stupid.”

“You said you would do what you’re told.” I said, keeping my voice calm.

“Well… yeah, I will.” she said.

“So do this.” I said, staring into her eyes.

She looked up at me for a few more seconds before pouting and turning away from me, towards the TV. She crossed her arms and angrily kicked her legs out from under her, choosing not to kneel. But this didn’t bother me. She was sitting at my feet in her own home. She was humiliated.

After a few minutes, she turned to me again.

“I’m not going to just sit here while we watch TV.” she said angrily.

Series Navigation<< Your cock is beautiful – 29Your cock is beautiful – 31 >>

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