Your cock is beautiful – 30

My twin sister had a very strong personality. I smiled, wondering if she even knew how controlling she was being.


We took the short walk over to Stella’s, and made some sandwiches for lunch.

We watched TV and talked about nothing important for hours. Stella seemed a lot more relaxed now that she’d allowed herself a whole weekend away from her textbooks, and unlike Mia and I, she didn’t seem at all concerned about what the results of the tests would be. She’d ace every single one, as always.

Around five we ordered ourselves a huge pizza, and Stella brought in a bottle of beer for each of us that her dad had left. In all, it was a very enjoyable day.

“Well, this has been fun.” said Mia suddenly, after wolfing down her last slice.

“Are we leaving?” I asked as she stood up.

“Well I’m leaving.” she answered, “I’ve got plans. You know, things to do, people to see.”

“Wait… are you serious?” I asked, “You were so excited for this, and now you’re leaving?”

“Oh relax!” Mia said cheerfully, “You’ll have plenty of fun here with just the two of you, I’m sure.”

I was actually expecting something like this. I guessed she’d taken at least an hour to work up the courage to propose this to me. When I saw her hesitation about something, I thought that whatever she was going to say would be a big ask, and I’d assumed I was wrong. After all, being here instead of our place was no problem at all. Now I saw her real plan. She wanted to leave the two of us together.

As far as she knew, Stella and I had barely been in the same room together without her for more than a few minutes at a time. Of course, she didn’t know what we’d normally be planning for a Friday night.

“When are you coming back?” Stella asked.

“Not sure.” said Mia, putting her coat on, “Just hang out here… I’ll call you and let you know what’s happening.”

“Um, bye I guess,” said Stella.

“Have fun you two.” said Mia, leaving the room.

Stella and I sat in silence as we heard her leave the house, then she giggled nervously as we heard the car start up and drive away. Mia wouldn’t be coming back.

I sighed and stretched out along the couch. Mia’s sudden departure had left a somewhat awkward atmosphere. Stella was smiling at me.

Anticipation, happiness, excitement. Nothing fake about this smile.

“So… I guess it’s just the two of us.” she said.

I didn’t answer her. I just sighed again and found the remote, then flicked on the TV. It was already dark outside, and we hadn’t turned any lights on yet. Stella stood up and started cleaning around us, lifting the empty pizza box and beer bottles.

I was weirdly pissed off with Mia.

She wasn’t even trying to be subtle anymore; she was trying to force Stella and I to be friends by making us spend time alone. I smirked to myself at what she’d think about how we usually spent our alone time together. It was funny in an ironic kind of way, but Mia’s attitude still made me angry.

She didn’t even seem to care why things had changed between me and Stella. She didn’t ask me about it, or seem to want to know at all. She just went along with things, hoping that nothing would happen to shake it all up again. I could see it when the three of us were together, the way her eyes would dart between us, the way she’d try to fill the lulls and silences in our conversations. I ignored it, but there were all these little signs that she was still so nervous about us, even though it had been months since all this had started.

I frowned, trying to ignore the anger rising in my chest. Stella had bullied me for years, both openly and in private. Mia didn’t know half the things that had been done to me by her best friend, and she didn’t want to know. She stopped trying to comfort me or take my side some time around our 14th birthday, and now she was just clumsily and opportunistically trying to force a deeper relationship.

Stella finished cleaning up the pizza box and empty bottles and walked back into the living room. She flounced down beside me and smiled. There she was. My worst nightmare. My new best friend.

“So what do you wanna do, Sir?” she said seductively.

“I wanna watch TV.” I answered coldly.

“Oh… Ok.” she said, disappointed.

I surfed through the channels, ignoring her and not bothering to fill the silence. She didn’t say anything either, but she obviously wanted to. She kept turning to look at me for a few seconds before glancing back at the screen. There wasn’t anything good on, and I couldn’t shake my sour mood.

It had come out of nowhere, this feeling, but it wouldn’t fade. Did Mia really think this would be enough? Just get us more used to each other and forget it had all happened? Did she really not care about the truth?

“Do you still dream about me?” I asked suddenly.

“Do I… what?” she asked.

I turned to look at her, keeping emotion from my face.

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