Your cock is beautiful – 24

“So we’re not going to see each other for a while.” she said suddenly, pulling me from my thoughts.

“What?” I blurted out.

“Christmas.” she said.

My mind was a little slow to interpret her meaning.

Christmas was less than a week away. A few days after that, everyone would leave for their winter vacation.

My mom and dad were going on a romantic get-away to God knows which sun-soaked island a million miles away. Basically they headed to wherever was hottest, as neither of them could handle the cold.

Mia’s mother Alice would be taking her and Stella somewhere together, and Mia’s father, Bob, would be heading out hunting or fishing or gambling; something typically masculine. He took his wife’s absence as a chance to spend some male bonding time with his buddies.

Everyone would be gone for at least two weeks, usually leaving a few days after Christmas.

And me? I was staying at home, alone.

It was something of a tradition. It started two years ago, when I was 16. I used to relish our family vacations, as they were the only time I got alone with Stella away from Mia. However that year Bob and Alice seemed to be having a bit of marital strife, and needed some time apart. We were always on first name terms with Mia’s parents, even as kids, but we weren’t trusted with the full details of why they were taking separate vacations that winter.

Anyway, Alice had the great idea to invite Stella along with her and Mia. This left me with the pretty dire situation of being alone with my parents for two weeks. The point of the vacations were usually for Stella and I to spend time together doing fun kid stuff while our parents did whatever they seemed to enjoy doing so much alone in the hotel room.

I wasn’t about to spend my whole New Year break being awkwardly kicked out on my own so my parents could fuck in private.

I may sound bitter, but once I got over the idea of being further separated from Stella, I actually jumped at the chance to spend some time alone. I got the house to myself, I could stay up as late as I wanted, eat what I wanted,

and pretty much just live free of Mia for two whole weeks. I convinced my dad to let me stay on my own by parroting back all the lessons he and Mom had been telling us for years about why independence and self-sufficiency were so important. They trusted me enough to know I wasn’t going to throw any wild parties or anything, which I would have appreciated if I’d had any friends to throw a wild party with.

It was an odd situation, but everyone had had so much fun that year, myself included, that we’d done it again the next year. And I knew it was going to happen again soon. I’d heard Stella talk about where she and Mia were going, even. But for some reason it just hadn’t occurred to me that I’d be away from Mia for that amount of time. Again, my procrastination-honed brain seemed to be adept at just ignoring facts that I didn’t like.

“Oh, yeah.” I said lightly, “Where are you guys going this year?”

“Paris, for two weeks.” she said, “For all that fun shopping we girls love to do so much.”

She sounded sarcastic, but I could tell she was excited.

“I’m gonna miss you.” she said. She tried to make it sound light-hearted, but again I noticed an edge of nerves in her voice.

“Yeah…” I said lightly, “Two whole weeks without me. Actually, Christmas Eve is next Friday, so I won’t be able to see you then. More like three weeks.”

“Oh, yeah…” she said.

She was tense, and a heavy silence followed.

“Do you think you’ll be able to last for three weeks, sweetheart?” I asked, still keeping my voice light. “I mean, do you remember what happened the last time you didn’t cum for that long?”

She didn’t answer.

“Three whole weeks without an orgasm.” I said, “That seems like too long for a slut like you, doesn’t it?”

Again, she stayed silent.

“Doesn’t it, Mia?” I asked again, my voice taking a darker tone.

“Yeah…” she said.

“Do you think you’ll be able to do it?” I asked. “Do you think you’ll be a good girl for me?”

“I…I don’t know.” she said honestly.

“Hmm…” I said, pretending to think, “Well, let’s make it fun, shall we? If you can last three whole weeks without an orgasm, I’ll give you a nice little reward.”

She perked up at that.

“What kind of reward?” she asked.

“A surprise.” I said.

“Ok.” she said excitedly, “I think I can do it.”

“But,” I said, pausing, “If you aren’t a good girl for me…you know, if you decide to touch that sensitive little pussy and cum without my permission…then you’ll get a punishment.”

I leaned close, and lowered my voice.

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