Your cock is beautiful – 23

“And…this and this.” I said, pointing to the two bruises on my torso, which were mostly covered with her body.

“Oh.” she said, looking down. “Oh my God.”

She rolled off me, noticing my other injuries for the first time. In the low light, they were hard to notice, and I guess she didn’t really look anywhere except my face and crotch, I thought with a smile.

Anger exploded across her face so quickly, and her body tensed up.

“I’m going to kill him.” she growled.

“Mia…” I was warned.

“No!” she said angrily, “I’m going to rip his tiny cock right off. Who the fuck does he think he is? God, he thinks I was a bitch before? I’ll fucking kill him!”

“Mia!” I said firmly, my voice sounding deeper and more powerful.

Just like at the cafeteria, the sudden authority in my voice seemed to shock her.

“You’re not even going to look at him, do you understand? This is between me and him now.” I said.

She glared into my eyes, unwilling to back down.

“How do you know this isn’t going to happen again?” she asked.

“Because he knows he’ll have to do much, much worse than this if he ever wants to control me.” I said, matching her ferocity. “I laughed at him, Mia. I laughed in his face and told him he’d never be able to scare me into obeying him. And he was afraid of me.”

I thought back to his dumbfounded, terrified expression.

“You’re fuckin’ nuts!”

I smiled at the memory. My laughter had been pretty insane, as was my insistence that he’d have to kill me for me to obey him…but I thought I’d handled the whole thing pretty well.

“I don’t think I have to worry about him any more. And even if I do…I don’t need you to protect me.” I said harshly.

She seemed surprised at my answer but she still had her guard up, anger playing across her features.

“Tell me you won’t even admit that you know this happened.” I said. “Tell me you won’t try to get back at him.”

“If he hurts you again-” she started.

“Mia!” I shouted, cutting her off.

I grabbed her hair and yanked her towards me.

“This isn’t a debate!” I hissed. “Mike is none of your business any more. As far as you’re concerned, he’s just some asshole you used to fuck, got it?”

She whimpered with pain and struggled against me. I tightened my grip.

“Do you understand?” I asked again.

“Yes! I get it!” she whined.

I released her, and her head dropped to my chest. I took her softly by the chin and turned her face towards mine.

There were tears welling up in her eyes, and she still looked angry.

“Sweetheart…” I sighed, “I know you want to help me, but this isn’t something I need help with. I can handle Mike by myself, Ok? Trust me.”

Her expression softened, and she leaned towards me.

“I just don’t want him to hurt you again.” she said.

“He won’t.” I said firmly.

She stared into my eyes for another few seconds before nodding and looking away. It had been a long time since someone had been so protective of me. It felt good, and I couldn’t help but smile.

I felt like I had Mike under control, at least for now. Even if I didn’t, I wouldn’t have anyone else fighting my battles for me, especially not her of all people.

I pulled Mia close to me again.

“I don’t want you to get hurt.” she said again, pulling away and looking up at me.

Having someone care about me to this extent was really strange.

I kissed her, and she responded by taking my injured lip between hers and licking it softly. I laughed as she sucked on it, and she giggled in return.

She pulled back and slowly slid her body down mine, leaning in to kiss the bruise below the center of my chest a few times, letting her tongue sneak out and lick it softly. She was being so oddly tender, and it felt so intimate. Once she’d kissed every bit of the wide bruise, she slid down again, accidentally engulfing my cock in her boobs as she started to kiss the bruise on my ribs.

She felt my cock growing between her warm tits, and she smirked up at me. She slid lower, until her chest was resting against my legs and her face was behind my growing erection.

“Did he hurt you here, Sir?” she asked sweetly, taking my thick, half-hard cock in her soft hand and staring up at me. “Do you want me to kiss it better?”

It amazed me how quickly she could submit.

“Can I kiss it, Sir?” she asked quietly, “Can I suck you?”

She stared at my growing cock, biting her lip as she ran her hand along its length.

“Do it.” I said.

She quickly smiled up at me before planting a firm kiss on the head of my cock, pressing it hard against her lips. From there she started her usual warm up routine, planting firm kisses and licks all along my shaft.

“I can taste myself on you.” she said, stroking me, “I can taste my…my slutty pussy on your…big cock.”

I was surprised to hear her talk like that without being ordered. Her cheeks had a light blush to them. She’d told me herself that submitting to me made her feel “pathetic”. Disgusting, even. It humiliated her. She looked away from me as she sucked the head of my cock into her mouth and swirled her tongue around it.

I suppressed a groan, but immediately regretted it. I didn’t have to hide my pleasure from her. As the pressure in her mouth increased, I let out a pleasured sigh.

“Good girl.” I said.

She pulled back.

“Do you like that, Sir?” she asked, sounding surprised.

“Lick the base.” I ordered.

She immediately complied, and started feverishly licking the bottom of my shaft.

“Not like that.” I said.

I sat up and put one hand on the back of her head. With the other I pointed to where my shaft met my scrotum.

“Put your tongue here.” I ordered.

I moved my finger and her tongue took its place. She didn’t move, and for a second I enjoyed the feeling of her hot, quivering tongue on the sensitive spot.

“Now, keep your tongue flat and lick all the way to the top.” I said.

She slowly did what I ordered, using her other hand to push my shaft against her tongue as it glided up the underside of my cock. A shiver of pleasure rolled down my spine, and I sighed again as she reached the head. I loved it when she licked me like that. Without speaking I guided her forward, and she took me into her mouth. I lightly gripped her hair and led her up and down in a slow, steady rhythm.

Her eyes were closed, and she suddenly whimpered with lust. She liked being told exactly what to do, it seemed.

“Now, show me what you did all that practice for.” I said as I pushed her down.

She inhaled sharply through her nose and took me into her throat. She hesitated for a second as she relaxed.

“That’s it, sweetheart, all the way down.” I said gently.

She let out a few more mewling whimpers, and looked into my eyes as she took me all the way to the base. She held it there, waiting for more instruction.

I enjoyed the heat of her throat encasing my entire cock, and the look of lust and submission in her eyes. She didn’t make a sound except for the occasional pulse of her throat, not even able to breath around the girth of my shaft. After around 30 seconds of this intense pleasure, I slowly pulled her up. Couldn’t have her choking again, after all.

She inhaled as soon as my cock left her throat and resumed swirling her tongue. I pulled her up until my cock popped free from her lips, although it felt like she was trying to pull it along with her through the force of suction alone.

With my other hand, I grabbed the base of my cock. I pressed the head against her cheek, tapping it lightly a few times. She closed her eyes and whimpered again.

“Do you love this cock, slut?” I asked gently.

“Yes, Sir. I love your big cock.” she replied breathlessly.

I slid it along her soft cheek, covering her with her own spit and my pre-cum. Her blush deepened and she let out a fevered moan. This was humiliating for her, but that was part of the appeal. This kind of degradation went hand-in-hand with the submission for her. I looked over her head and saw that she was crossing her arms behind her back, in the same position I’d tied them in the first time.

“Do you want this big cock in your throat?” I asked.

She let out a whine of arousal.

“Please use my throat again.” she answered quickly.

Use? The word made my cock twitch and my heart pound.

“Use?” I repeated, smiling. “You want me to use you? Hm? Use your tight, slutty little throat?”

I could see her humiliation deepen and she let out a soft whimper. I pressed the head against her lips, but pulled her away as she opened her mouth to it.

“Answer me.” I said.

“Yes.” she said quietly.

“Mia. Come on.” I said condescendingly.

She closed her eyes and swallowed hard, preparing herself. She looked into my eyes, and I smirked down at her.

“Please use my throat, Sir. Please use your slut.” she begged. “Use my…my slutty little throat for your thick cock.”

“Good girl.” I said.

I fed her my cock and guided her down my shaft, grunting with lust as I met her throat again. But I pulled up, and let it rest in her mouth.

“Deep breath, sweetheart.” I said gently. .

She nodded and breathed deeply before I suddenly pushed down hard on the back of her head, forcing my cock hard into her. I pumped her up and down the bottom half of my length with both hands, and twisted her hair each time her chin pressed against my balls. She was letting out a constant, low hum, which was steadily interrupted by the sound of her throat being filled. She was still staring into my eyes, and I glared down at her as I fucked her face hard. She closed her eyes, and I did the same, echoing her moan.

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