Your cock is beautiful – 23

“Sir I’m gonna cum.” she declared suddenly, “Sir, Sir, I’m close…”

I lifted my head up from her wonderful fleshy pillows and squeezed them hard.

“Cum for me, Mia.” I said gently, “Let me see you cum.”

I increased my pace, faster and faster, until our hips were slamming together. It wasn’t long before she went off, her face writhing in ecstasy beneath me and her hot pussy juices flowing down my balls. I dug my fingers in harder and went for gold, pumping in to her as fast and hard as I could. She let out another spirited wail, and I knew a second orgasm wasn’t far behind the first.

I’d been holding back for a while now, and I waited until I felt her tight pussy clench around my cock again so that I could release myself. My hands found her hair and throat as my sperm flowed into her. The aftershocks of her orgasm seemed to fuel my own and it was several long seconds before either of us moved, each of us just enjoying the pleasure of the other’s body.

I stared down at her pleasured features, and she seemed surprised to see me staring when she opened her eyes. She laughed lightly and bit her lip.

I kissed her slowly and tenderly, our tongues finding a sensual dance against one another. I pulled back slightly, and watched as her tongue tried to follow mine, wriggling outside her mouth. I smiled and she pouted up at me, and then I kissed her again. I put my hand against her forehead and gently pushed her down, again breaking the kiss before she was ready.

I kissed her closed lips, always pulling away just as she tried to kiss me back. She let out a whimper of frustration and tried feebly to push against me. I laughed, and continued the slow teasing as we got our breath back.

As deftly as I could, I tried to get on my back and simultaneously roll her on top of me. It didn’t quite go as planned, and she giggled as she wriggled around on top of me, trying to find her usual position. She found it, and her body relaxed.

I looked down at her, both of us panting and smiling.

“I love you.” she said, leaning in to kiss my neck and cheek. “I love you, Sir.”

“I know, sweetheart.” I said, trying to get my breath back.

“Yeah?” she said with a smile, meeting my eyes.

She may not have known everything about me, or what I was feeling, or what I thought of her, but I had no doubt now how she felt about this side of me.

“I guess…I didn’t really believe you. But…yeah.” I said.

Her smile grew, and she hugged me tightly.

“I do love you. But…you were kinda right…” she said quietly, “I do seriously love your cock, too.”

I laughed, and she giggled along with me. I kissed her forehead and pulled her close to me. She rolled over and looked up at me, her smooth legs resting between mine. I stroked her hair and gently massaged her scalp, thinking of how violently I’d been hurting her here just a little while ago.

She rolled off me and we both lay on our sides, facing each other. We didn’t speak, but just occasionally gave each other a few kisses on whatever exposed skin was available. She laughed gently as she kissed and nibbled on my jawline, and I responded by nibbling her ear lobe. This got a surprised little gasp of pleasure, which made us both laugh.

We rested and dozed lightly for almost an hour, just relaxing and moving with each other to get comfortable.

Embracing the lighter side of my feelings felt good. I could forget everything she’d been to me and just focus on what she was. And she was incredible.

After a time, we both seemed to perk up a little more, recovering from our earlier fun. I rolled onto my back and pulled her with me, and she laid her head on my shoulder again. She looked up at me with those adoring eyes, and I honestly wondered how I’d ever managed to get to this point. I didn’t think I would ever feel so close, so intimate with another person, least of all Mia.

A thought Stella unbidden in the back of my mind. I’d never told her I loved her, and she’d never asked about it. Did she not care? Did she just assume I did? Either way, my own feelings towards her were something I was still figuring out. Like I said, I’d felt what I thought was love before, and I felt similar things for Mia. But as much as I liked her, and cared about her, I wasn’t sure this would be called love.

And that’s without going into the darker feelings.

But I didn’t have to think about that now, I thought, sighing contentedly. We were both happy right then, and that was enough.

I opened my eyes to see that she was watching me intently. Her eyes were locked on to my lower lip, and she sighed.

“Are…are you going to tell me what happened?” she asked, breaking the long silence.

She reached towards my face, but then stopped herself. She was so worried for me. I smiled, and she looked confused.

“Fine.” I said, “You were right, it was Mike.”

“Oh, I knew it.” she said. “What happened? Why did he…does he know about us? Was it my fault?” she asked.

I laughed.

“Actually, I think he does suspect something. Or he was just being a dick because he could. It doesn’t matter, anyway. I took care of it.”

“But what happened?” she desperately asked again.

I sighed. She wasn’t going to give this up.

“He told me not to sit with you any more. Said you were still “his girl”, and that I had to stay away. At first…well, at first I didn’t know what to do. But eventually I got him to follow me into the bathroom, where I basically told him to go fuck himself. That’s when he did this.”

I gestured to my lip.

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