Your cock is beautiful – 22

I smiled and moved closer to her, pressing our bodies together and putting my arm around her. I leaned in to kiss her, but she pulled away from me.

“Wait.” she said, almost panicked, “I’m sorry, just wait a second, please. I just need to say this. I need to get this out.”

I was annoyed at being denied, but I tried not to show it. I started gently rubbing the nape of her neck, and pulled her closer. She’d been hit pretty hard earlier by the feelings of submission, and I could admit now that I cared too much for her to watch her break down like she’d done the night I lost my temper. If she needed to talk about this, then I was going to let her.

“Tell me what you want to tell me.” I said gently.

Now she looked relieved.

“Ok.” she breathed. “Ok.”

She closed her eyes for a few seconds as if preparing herself, before meeting my gaze with resolve.

“I just…I work really hard.” she said.

There was a beat of silence as I waited for her to continue.

“I work really hard at a lot of things.” she said, “I’m on course to be the valedictorian, you know. And I’m not really that smart. I have to study so much. That’s why I only come over here on Friday nights, every other day I have to study.”

I had no idea her grades were that good, but it actually wasn’t that surprising given what I’d learned about her. I didn’t believe for a second that her own intelligence didn’t have something to do with it, though. I’d hung out with people who worked just as hard as she did and barely stayed above average.

“And I work out. Stella and I have been jogging together three or four times a week for about two years now. Plus I’m the Editor-In-Chief for the school newspaper, which is its own whole messy thing. I’ve had to pretty much recreate it all single-handedly, and no one else who helps out really gives a shit about it.”

She sighed and lay back, looking up at the ceiling. I pulled my arm away from her and got more comfortable. I could tell this was going to be quite a speech.

“Apart from coming here and occasionally going to a party or something, I just work, in some way or other. And that used to be fine. I could relax and hang out with Stella, and that was enough. But just before last Summer…it just got hard. It was like…it’s like…”

She trailed off, trying to get her thoughts in order.

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