Your cock is beautiful – 19

The next day, I did the same again. I found the same book and continued reading. I’d brought some snacks from home this time, so I wasn’t as hungry.

Barely anything had changed, really. I was alone before, and I was alone now. I could do it, I thought to myself. I just had to ignore Mia in school, and things would be fine. We could still have our Fridays together, although for some reason the thought of that now filled me with dread.

I kept thinking about the situation and hating myself slightly. I was running away from Mike. I was ignoring my own sister because some muscular asshole got it into his head that I’d turned his girlfriend against him.

And that was really the most irritating thing of all. How the fuck did he know?

Part of me thought it was just dumb luck, a bit of paranoia and anger that just so happened to find the right target. But he had no evidence that I was anything other than what I said I was; just the brother of someone else at the table. Was he really that perceptive? Was he picking up on some…what, like subconscious vibes or something? Or maybe he’d been watching Mia…and seen the way she was staring at me.

The end of the lunch bell shook me from these repeating thoughts.


After lunch, I had English. It wasn’t until after class and I saw her approach that I started to panic.

Becky. I spoke English with her. My only other connection to the group aside from Stella, and I’d completely forgotten.

“Hey.” she said brightly as she walked up to me, stopping me in the hall.

“Hey.” I said back, and tried to walk away.

She fell into pace beside me, and again I started to panic.

We hadn’t talked much, but I’d been unable to get Stella’s suggestion that we get together out of my head. She really was beautiful. She was around 5’5, with light brown skin and amber eyes. She had a very slender figure, her boobs looked like maybe B cups to my untrained eye and they sat perfectly on her frame. She didn’t show a lot of skin, unlike Mia and Lissie, but her jeans and t-shirt were tight, accentuating the perkiness of her boobs and the round firmness of her ass.

These weren’t observations I just made on the spot, by the way. They were just things that were hard not to notice while being around her for a while.

One thing I did notice in the few seconds we walked in silence was that when the light from the window hit her bright eyes, they seemed to shine like gold.

“So, where’ve you been hiding?” she asked.

I shook my head, trying to stop myself from thinking about her like that. It was bad enough that she was gorgeous, but now she was asking awkward questions. I had some half-truths to spin.

“Oh, you know, just the library.” I said, trying to hide my nervousness.

“Oh yeah? Are you actually trying to get some work done early for once?” she asked, smiling.

I laughed unexpectedly.

“God no, I’m not that desperate yet.” I said, returning her bright smile.

“Then what are you up to?” she asked.

I shrugged, and regretted painting myself into that corner.

“Actually, I just…” I paused. “I guess I just like to be alone sometimes, you know?”

She cocked her head slightly.

“What, do you not like us or something?” she asked.

She didn’t sound overly offended, but just curious.

“No, it’s nothing like that.” I said quickly, “I just…I don’t know…I value my solitude, I guess you could say.”

She seemed surprised to hear that, for some reason.

I pushed on. These were some thoughts that had been floating around anyway, may as well be honest about them.

“I mean, you guys are great, but there’s just something I like about sitting alone and just reading, or thinking, or whatever.” I said, “Like, I like hanging out with Stella and all you guys, but that doesn’t mean I need to do it all the time, you know? “

She furrowed her brow for a second, as if confused.

“That actually makes a lot of sense.” she said, “In fact, Frank’s said something like that before…about, like, ‘enjoying the silence’ or something. I thought he was just being weird, but you make it sound almost…mature. Sounds like something my dad would say.”

“Mature?” I asked, smiling, “Nah, I just like to get lost in my thoughts sometimes. I guess it is pretty weird…”

She didn’t respond, but just looked at me strangely, as if she was re-appraising her opinion of me. There was an odd feeling of approval from her. I held her gaze for a few seconds before she shrugged and smiled brightly.

“Well, as long as you’re having a good time, I guess.” she said, “Anyway, I’m heading in the wrong direction, so…”

She turned and started walking up the corridor we’d just walked down without saying another word. I let out a sigh of relief. I’d managed to keep Mike a secret, but really there was no reason why anyone should have suspected anything.

But I’d only bought myself limited time. I could keep going to the library, but eventually I was going to have to tell everyone that I just didn’t like them, which I was only now realizing wasn’t really true. I enjoyed my lunches with them, and it would suck to have to give them up. I honestly didn’t know what to do.


The next day, Thursday, things got a little stressful.

I’d decided to keep avoiding my new social group until I could think of something, but I forgot to bring something from home. I thought I could get some food quickly from the cafeteria and eat it before leaving, but Stella caught up to me in the line.

“Hey little brother.” she called out from behind me.

“Uh…hi.” I mumbled.

Before I knew it, Lissie and Becky were over, and the three roped me into a conversation about some band I barely knew. I kept resisting the urge to glance around me. I didn’t know if Mike was here, or if Mia was here, and I was just trying to keep my head down. I was feeling incredibly anxious, and I really regretted taking this risk.

They started heading over to the table, and I tried to distance myself.

“Actually, I…I’m going up to the library again today.” I said, trying to keep the nerves out of my voice.

All three stopped and looked at me oddly.

“You have a tray,” said Lissie.

I looked down to find I had indeed grabbed a tray and paid for the food without really paying attention. I hadn’t been thinking, but of course I couldn’t leave now. I tried to make another 

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