Your cock is beautiful – 19

We eventually headed outside of the building, and then sharply to the left. There were still a few other students milling about, knowing that most teachers wouldn’t care if they were only a few minutes late after the bell.

I shuffled alongside him until we ended up behind the cafeteria. The place was pretty much deserted, home only to the garbage cans.

“So.” he suddenly said, turning to face me. “Who are you?”

“Uh…I’m Stella’s brother.” I said, blurting out the first thing I could think of.

He laughed at my obvious discomfort.

“Ha ha, Ok then.” he said, “Ok, ‘Stella’s Brother’, I think you and I need to have a little talk.”

He wasn’t violent or aggressive at all but I could feel the menace in him, somehow. He barely invaded my personal space, maybe just enough to let me know that he could. He smiled when he spoke, but there was something behind it. Something dark behind that laugh.

This was obviously about Mia.

“This is about Mia,” he said.

Well, that hardly took a genius.

“Ok?” I said, raising my eyebrow as if in confusion.

There was no possible way he could know about the two of us, I told myself. He saw me sitting with them and…maybe just assumed?

“Look, ‘Stella’s Brother’, I don’t know who you are.” he said.

He seemed to like calling me that. He smiled when he said it, as if it was a great joke.

“But there’s something you should know. Mia is my girl. We’re going through…” he paused, sweeping his seemingly giant hand through his short blond hair, “Well, a bit of a rough patch right now. But she’s mine.”

I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t. I hated myself, but right then I was terrified. My heart was beginning to pound and I felt rooted to the spot. Why had I followed him here? I felt sick.

“And I don’t know who you are”, he repeated, “But I don’t like the way you look at her.”

This made me wrinkle my brow in genuine confusion this time. How do I look at her?

“Look, man, there’s nothing going on between me and Mia, Ok?” I said. I kept my tone light, hiding my nervousness, “I mean, we can seriously barely stand each other. I’m only at that table because Stella wants to…I don’t, get closer I guess. We don’t talk much any more, you know? And-“

“Yeah, Ok.” he said, cutting me off. “I don’t really give a shit about your life story. Here’s what’s going to happen. You’re going to stop sitting with Mia and the rest of that little…pretty people club.” he said, with a touch of venom in his voice.

“I…I really don’t care about Mia.” I protested.

Part of me felt cowardly for lying like that, but I’d wanted to keep us a secret anyway.

He raised his lip in a little snarl of anger.

“You’re not listening, kid.” he said, his voice getting tense. “I don’t care. All this didn’t start until you started sniffing around her, and I don’t like…whatever you’ve been saying to her about me. She used to be so sweet to me…”

I’d heard him say that before. But he was wrong, she’d dumped him weeks before I started sitting with them. Or maybe he just meant her attitude towards him? I didn’t know.

“So are we on the same page, little guy?” he asked.

I just nodded, hoping to hell he wouldn’t suddenly get violent.

“I…I guess?” I said.

“Great,” he said, flashing me a smile. “See you around, ‘Stella’s brother’.”

He slammed his giant hand down onto my shoulder in an exaggerated and overly aggressive pat before he walked away, turning the corner of the building and leaving me alone.

I took a few seconds to get my breath back and push what just happened out of my head. I made my way to class, panicking slightly the whole way. I slipped in, and the room stared up at me, causing my heart to beat even faster. I’d never been comfortable around large groups of people, and having the attention of the whole class on me was terrifying.

I turned to Ms Kallis and mumbled something about the bathroom before hurrying to my chair. Ms Kallis just nodded, but her pretty Asian features were held in a worried expression. I guess I looked about as freaked out as I felt. I glanced over to the far right corner of the room. Mike wasn’t in his seat.

I sank into my place and tried to focus on completing the exercises marked out on the board.

What the fuck just happened?

I sat slumped down in my chair, running my mind over and over my conversation with Mike. Why did he think I was a threat to him and Mia? She dumped him for Christ’s sake, and yeah, she did that for me but he had absolutely no way of knowing that.

I kept thinking about that pat on the shoulder. He was so strong. Just at the thought of him standing over me with his cold blue eyes I felt the fear twist itself up in my stomach again. What the fuck did I do now?


The next day, I decided to just do what he said.

What did it really matter if I didn’t sit with them all any more? I was with Mia before that, and I’d be with her after. What we did at lunch had nothing to do with it. As long as Mike didn’t find out, I didn’t have to worry. She was still mine.

Rather than face my sister, I spent my lunch in the library that day, mindlessly flicking through some psychology textbook I’d picked up. It actually turned out to be a pretty nice distraction, and relief flooded through me when the bell rang out. I was hungry, and still stressed out, but I was safe.

What was the harm, really? It wasn’t the first time I spent lunch at the library, although it had been a few years. It wasn’t that big of a deal.

When I got home, Stella asked me where I’d been. It was still rare for us to talk unless Mia was around on a Friday or Saturday, so I hadn’t been expecting it. I just told her I’d been at the library, and she immediately lost interest.


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