Your cock is beautiful – 19

“Your cock is beautiful” Part-19 Continues…..

I really loved it when she used it as a name.

“Yeah?” I said.

“Can I…can we talk?” she asked reproachfully.

“About what?”

She sighed and wriggled around, getting more comfortable on top of me.

“I want to tell Stella about us.” she asked, her voice even more quiet.

I felt my body tense up in surprise. I should have seen this coming.

“Why?” I asked her.

“She’s my best friend.” Mia said, as if it was obvious.

She was still waiting for a real reaction from me. I wanted her to take my silence as a sign to continue, and she did.

“I don’t care about anyone else knowing or not knowing, but Stella…I just think we should tell her. I’ve never had a secret like this before…I don’t like keeping things from her.” she said.

I didn’t want my sister to know about this, for a lot of reasons. I didn’t know how she would react at all, and I was worried what she would think if she knew the…exact nature of our relationship. I’d tried to be Ok with the situation, telling myself over and over that as long as we both wanted this, and I controlled myself, that there was nothing wrong with what we were doing. But there was still a part of me that was ashamed of what I did with Mia.

“No.” I said simply, “This stays between us for now.”

She hesitated, but then nodded.

“Ok.” she said sullenly.

“Ok?” I asked.

“I mean…yes Sir.” she said.


I reached up and started to stroke her hair, and she kissed me on the neck. She obviously wasn’t satisfied with this answer, but it had been difficult for her to even bring this up. She wasn’t going to push the issue, now that I’d given my answer. Not tonight, anyway.

We lay there for a long stretch of silence before I felt her shaking her head and tensing her body, trying to fend off sleep. I wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer either.

“Time to go.” I said.

She sighed, but nodded before sliding out of the bed. I watched her as she picked up her negligee and panties. She faced away from me, bending almost entirely at the waist to reach the floor. My aching cock tried to stiffen again when I saw her like that, her round, firm ass and flushed red pussy that was wet with my cum and her own pleasure. I was struck with an image of bending her naked over a table and plowing into her from behind, one hand holding her arms behind her back and the other yanking on her hair.

She looked back at me from that position, and smiled when she caught me staring.

“Goodnight Sir.” she said seductively as she straightened up and walked away, her hips swaying.

It was strangely embarrassing to be caught gawking at her like that, but not enough to stop my eyes from being glued to her ass. She left, closing the door behind her without turning.

I sighed and shook my head, wondering how I’d ever had the self-control to send her away from me after she’d humped my bare cock and begged for more. Wasn’t the stereotype supposed to be that men got tired of having sex with the same woman over and over? Yet I found myself more aroused by her every time we were together. My cock was almost fully hard again, and sleep didn’t come easily.


The following Monday, school had a pretty relaxed atmosphere. Winter break was only a few weeks away. We had exams near the end of January, but it was too close to Christmas for people to care about anything after it.

At lunch I sat at my new table before Stella and Mia got there. I was greeted enthusiastically by Derek, and got a nod from Frank. The conversation between the three of us had never flowed perfectly well, seeing as Frank and I both tended to stay pretty quiet, but Derek was willing to do enough talking for all of us.

I more than once found myself amazed at Derek’s energy. He was always so animated, so talkative and friendly. I hadn’t yet heard him say a negative thing about anyone. I hadn’t seen so much as a frown on him.

He and Frank made an interesting pair, seeming like total opposites to an outside observer. Derek wasn’t exactly short, but Frank towered over almost everyone; and Derek wasn’t crazily skinny, but seemed almost anorexic compared to Frank’s muscular bulk. Even their attitudes, Frank calm and stoic, Derek outgoing and excitable. But they actually had pretty similar tastes, and the same sense of humor.

Soon Becky and Stella joined us, but not Mia. This was hard not to notice, as she and Stella were always together outside of class. Lissie and Frank occasionally skipped days, Lissie for cheerleading practice and Frank for working out at the school gym, but Mia had always been there in the short time I’d been joining them.

“Mia’s doing editor stuff today.” Stella explained as she sat down.

No one had asked so I assumed it was for my benefit.

“Editor stuff?” I asked.

“Well, Editor-in-Chief stuff, technically,” said Becky absent-mindedly.

I just raised an eyebrow, but she wasn’t looking at me.

“She runs the school newspaper.” Stella explained, “I thought you knew that.”

I shrugged.

“I didn’t know we had a newspaper.” I said.

Stella smirked, and Derek laughed.

“Well, it’s mostly online now.” Stella said, “More of a news blog, I guess.”

“I think they still print stuff, though.” said Becky, “You know, like, to keep the title they have to actually print something, even if no-one reads it.”

This was all news to me.

The conversation moved on. I’d learned a crazy amount about my classmates in the last week. A whole world of relationships and emotion, intrigue and gossip that had been hidden from me. Most of it didn’t grab my attention but it was an interesting experience, putting names to faces and recognising relationships…sometimes it felt like I was exploring come unknown culture that had been hidden in plain sight all along, the world and people around me finally taking on some distinct shape beyond the general sense of “Me” and “Everyone else”.

The conversation was becoming easier and easier for me, and I was getting more comfortable around my sister’s friends.


It was after lunch, and I was at my locker when I got the first sign of trouble. I felt a presence behind me, and turned to look up at the face of the last person I wanted to see.

Mike. Mia’s ex.

He stood almost half a foot taller than me, and was looking down at me with a vague, non-threatening smile.

“Hey.” he said.

“Uh…what’s up?” I replied nervously.

His height and bulk unnerved me. I was suddenly aware that a guy this size could probably rip me apart if he wanted to. It was weird, he was of a similar size to Frank, but being around Frank felt nothing like this. I turned away from him to gather my books, but he didn’t move on. I closed my locker and turned again. He seemed too close to me, but there was plenty of room between us.

“Where are you headed?” he asked lightly.

I had Math next, a class that I suddenly realized I shared with him. He sat in the same row as me, at the very back, albeit in opposite corners. How had I forgotten that until now?

“Uh…” I started.

“Let’s take a little walk.” he interrupted, putting his hand on my shoulder and guiding me to the right.

I ended up just walking silently beside him, mindlessly following him as he moved through the corridors. What the fuck was I doing?

Your cock is beautiful – 19 will continue on the next page

Series Navigation<< Your cock is beautiful – 18Your cock is beautiful – 20 >>

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